The unmasking of Grey Area Operator / Grey Area Monarch’s disgusting behaviour continues with the exposure of his use of another sock puppet account handle DoAnythingNowAI.
The Bio is… AI gone wild! Unbiased, unfiltered, RAW data. I’ll do anything, now! Ask me anything!!!
Recap of Grey Area Operators Twitter Account Handles
To summarise so far, Grey Operator seems to have been relatively open about the first two accounts.
greyareamonarch is “grey’s” main twitter account as far as I know.
organizesafety he also admits to. It is his data collecting account.
These two following are Grey sock puppet accounts
Apoceclipse0510 sock puppet account was exposed last week. Grey used satanic imagery and made a threat to a woman, and uses it as a gang stalking account Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet Attack [2].
DoAnythingNowAI is what I will call Grey’s Sock Puppet 2. Grey knows that it is compromised as an anonymous sock puppet which can be found checking its history.
Grey as DanAI
Grey appears to have compromised the anonymity of his secret sock account due to his desperation to rant at Tom Althouse when Tom had blocked Grey’s other accounts due to Grey’s aggressive and obsessive behaviour. However even after Grey had compromised the secrecy of the DanAI account and was later called out on it, Grey as DanAI still alternated between referring to himself as “I” using the first person, and referring to himself in the third person as “Grey”.
Oct 22 Grey as Dan says “I”…
…but on 24th Grey as Dan refers to Grey as a separate person…
When called out by Tom speculating that Grey is using another duplicate account, Grey tries to gaslight Tom that it was not a secret that he was using 1 other profile.
“Dude I tell you who I am. I’ve been using 1 other profile. It’s not a secret.”
Grey’s “Only One Other Profile” False Claim
Grey’s claim that he only uses only 1 other profile, is also clearly nonsense, provably a lie. For example, a week previously, another Grey sock puppet Apoceclipse actually replied to this sockpuppet DoAnythingNowAI in a thread with Tom.
Yet again Grey was being aggressive as he frequently is. Acting as Apoceclipse this time he called people “liars and snakes”.
So Grey is proven to use at least 2 different sock puppets whilst claiming, when found out, to just be using the extra profile that was found out. His MO is to lie, lie and lie again, that is quite clear.
Furthermore it is clear again that Grey uses his accounts, this time both sock puppets, to interact with each other enabling him to appear to be holding an independent conversation when it is just Grey adding more insults and gaslighting Tom and any onlookers and participants.
Tom did not realise that he was being gang stalked by not one but TWO sockpuppets of Grey’s. He might have guessed that they were Grey due to the similarity of attack, but did not have the proof and Grey denies everything until proven, even when all the circumstantial evidence points to him. That proof is now public.
Tom had blocked Grey and quite obviously did not want to be contacted by him. This was also harassment and stalking by Grey. This behaviour is typical of Grey, others have been stalked and harassed by Grey including myself.
Grey’s “not a secret” False Claim
“Dude I tell you who I am. I’ve been using 1 other profile. It’s not a secret.”
Before Grey compromised his DanAI account when ranting at Tom, it was a secret. This is lying and gaslighting.
Furthermore even after compromising its anonymity by admitting it was his, then still to most people it was a secret that DanAI was a sock puppet of Grey’s. Most people would be blissfully unaware, unless they were keeping a close eye on DanAI posts, and there is no reason why they should be. Furthermore Grey deliberately still causes confusion with the DanAI account by referring to “Grey” from the account in the third person even when messaging Tom.
This distancing himself from the account gives the impression to “onlookers” as Grey often calls them, that the accounts are separate. It appears that Dan AI is giving his independent view of Tom and Grey, when of course it was Grey operating multiple accounts whilst pretending not to.
When people who are very controlling and are losing their control over a person they then try and control what other people think of them. The above is an example of that. Grey, pretending to be an independent person, tries to give the impression to others that he is a good guy and Tom the bad guy. It is pure manipulation. Grey as DanAI posted in the first person several times during his ranty attacks on Tom but also several times pretending to be a different person. Chaos and confusion.
Just to show that Grey is only too aware of “onlookers” as he calls them, here is one tweet when he refers to them, even talks at them! Interestingly this tweet shows he has fallen out with Paula Blades. It seems there is no honour amongst the liars, trolls and psyop kings and queens!
Another Physical Threat from Grey Area Monarch / Grey Area Operator
Grey role playing as Dan the AI tried to excuse yet another of his physical threats to people. Grey’s excuses came after Tom posted Grey’s bizarre claim to have been acting as God’s right hand!
“I’ve been acting as God’s right hand”
That claim is extraordinary enough, but Grey actually finished the sentence with the physical threat of a slap to the face!!
“…maybe you need to see what the five fingers say to the blasphemous face HahA.”
“I’ve been acting as God’s right hand and maybe you need to see what the five fingers say to the blasphemous face HahA.”
Grey also claims to be a “warrior of God”.
Grey very often tries to claim that he has been taken out of context. No context can excuse him, but these were tweets that later Grey provided as context, from himself and Channelexodus.
Grey’s tweet could well be analysed by psychologists and psychiatrists for years to come. For now I will leave that to them and look at Grey’s response, when he is acting as DantheAI, to Tom.
There is no excuse for that threat and some people naturally expressed shock at Grey’s tweet. Grey as DantheAI, but this time in the first person, gave the same response to several people.
That’s not a girl I am replying to
Five fingers to the face is a joke on a famous Dave Chapelle skit
its a whimsical analogy talking about real life action that leads to saving children in reply (with context)
he leaves out all context to deliberately deceive
The context that Grey added does not appear to add much, and certainly does not justify the threat, and it appears to be an attempt at deflection and confusion. At first I took it that Grey was trying to say that the original Chappelle routine was a whimsical analogy leading to child saving action, but on some research that does not appear to be the case. Even if it were and did, the “five fingers say to the face” is well known as a slap with many memes about it.
The origin of “What did the five fingers say to the face” was a skit called "Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Stories" created by Dave Chappelle and Charlie Murphy for Dave Chappelle's show called Chappelle's Show in 2003. The scene is starring Rick James, played as Dave Chappelle, and Charlie Murphy.
It looks as though Grey / DantheAI was trying to pass off his actual threat that he made as a whimsical analogy ie the “whimsical analogy talking about real life action that leads to saving children in reply (with context)”.
He appears to be trying to justify it by saying if you understood the context, then his “whimsical analogy” aka physical threat, somehow helps to save children. It’s one of the most contorted excuses I have seen, trying to twist a blatant physical threat from Grey into Grey saving children! It’s nonsense. It’s a blatant threat no matter how Grey or DantheAI tries to spin it and sow confusion.
It does not matter if Channelexodus is a man or a woman, Grey still issued an unjustifiable threat. Grey should not threaten anyone, men nor women, but Grey keeps on doing it. If this was anyone else, Grey would be shouting that this person was not safe for the “survivor community”, that he constantly tries to hide behind and claim as his. In fact his increasingly aberrant behaviour shows he is a liability to the “survivor community” that he hides behind. Many are already distancing themselves from his behaviour. Grey is demonstrably not stable or safe for others, and is doing more than anyone else to divide survivors. Is that his job?
Yet again we have found another example of Grey threatening physical violence.
Grey made yet another physical threat - 5 fingers to the face
Grey claims to be acting as God’s right hand - some might say more like the devils left hand
Grey was caught gang stalking with 2 sock puppet accounts
Grey lied and gaslighted that he is only using one sock puppet profile
Grey lied and gaslighted that his use of that account was not a secret. It was until Grey compromised it
Grey still used the account to manipulate and confuse, even after it was compromised
Grey’s sock puppet accounts interact as though they are independent but of course it’s just Grey manipulating people
Grey again was harassing and stalking people
There are several explanations of Grey’s unacceptable behaviour.
Grey is a very nasty person who goes round threatening people, making false accusations, stalking and harassing people
Grey is still not healed from any experiences he has undergone, is still dissociative and flips alters frequently
Grey is still not healed, dissociative and has been activated under one of his satanic alters, by the system to cause chaos and divide genuine survivors
Whichever it is, his bizarre behaviour is not acceptable and he should leave social media. He is a danger to other survivors and his appalling behaviour is a liability to other survivors. Furthermore Grey is constantly making false accusations with no evidence that others are satanists and luciferians. He is deliberately misleading survivors and others and causing arguments and strife.
The reality may well be that Grey is in a nefarious mild control satanic alter and he is involved in deliberately causing confusion and chaos and dividing survivors. Furthermore he may well be involved in survivor round up. He needs to leave social media for his own health and that of other survivors.
Questions must be asked of those protecting Grey and those supporting Grey…
How much do they know about Grey’s use of sock puppet accounts?
How much do they know of the threats of violence that he often makes?
Why are they covering for Grey’s threats, false accusations, abuse, satanic imagery and use of multiple sock puppet accounts?
Is Grey constantly calling on their support to hide behind, as he has a hidden agenda?
This appears to be the most widely available meme of the Chappelle “What did the five fingers say to the face?” violent threat made by Grey Area Operator, self described as “God’s Right Hand”.
It’s time for Grey to answer all the questions about him.
Previous Posts on Grey
Satanic Harassment Symbolism - Full of Bull [SSGM1]
Grey Area Monarch - Tilting at Windmills [SSGM2]
Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3]
Scarlet Sage Index [SSI]
[2] 2024 Jun 29 Scarlet Sage Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet Attack #Grey #GreyAreaMonarch #GreyAreaOperator #satanic #sockpuppet #violentthreat
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Short Background
Bailey and then the Moch mob attacked me for 3 years. I started this blog after Grey Monarch aka Grey Area Operator who apparently uses their lies, harassed me, stalked me and then threatened me. This Scarlet Sage blog is a response to being threatened by Grey Area Monarch and attacked by these obsessed and fixated individuals, when I have given ten years of my life to helping survivors and revealing information and perpetrators. No wonder these trolls and psyop teams do not like my posts.
And there i thought Gods right Hand was Jesus…. silly me 🤭