MochStalk 2 She Stalked Them All - Child A
Sarah Moch complains about someone bringing her children into their arguments…
Moch’s morals disappear however when it comes to stalking Jessie’s children social media and then reposting their posts on Moch’s anti-survivor, hate group.
Note that Sarah actually has chosen to follow one of Jessie’s children on this platform, she then goes on to post his profile onto her group…
When Sarah stalks and harasses Jessie, (see this post for definitions MochStalk, She Stalked Them All 1 - Introduction [SSMS1]), and then chooses to stalk, follow and then repost Jessie’s child’s posts, then that is pretty creepy, and totally unnecessary.
Moch pretends to be torn about posting them onto her group…
I hesitate these photos because they could mean absolutely nothing, but given the circumstances they could also mean something. Many people use all the various filters these days so these pics could be just another case of young people taking pics with whatever filters they feel make them look good.
But Moch posts them anyway, unredacted, onto her hate group, the redacting is mine. Both Jessie’s child and his girlfriend are posted.
Moch’s rambling reasoning and self justification for reposting Jessie’s child to her group was supposedly to question why God loving baptist children would choose the devils horns filter! Moch felt that was enough to share “something that made me go Hmm…” onto her anti-survivor, hate group.
It is not hard to see why a mother would not want her children stalked by Moch and then their posts reposted onto her dubious group. In my view that was why Sarah Moch posted them, to intimidate and harass Jessie, with no thought whatsoever about using Jessie’s children to make her twisted points.
Previous Post in the MochStalk series
MochStalk, She Stalked Them All 1 - Introduction [SSMS1]
Previous Posts on the Moch mob
Scarlet Sage Index [SSI]
Sarah Moch's anti Survivor Hate Group [SSASH1]
Sarah Moch’s Anti Survivor Hate Group 2 - Hating on Survivor Svali [SSASH2]
Sarah Moch Part 1 – Spiteful, Yes Spiteful! [SSSM1]
Sarah Moch 2 – Toxic Ostrich [SSSM2]
Sarah Moch's Stalk and Snitch 1 - Is it Safe or Effective? [SSSS1]
MochStalk, She Stalked Them All 1 - Introduction [SSMS1]
Moch’s Myths- Sarah's Antichrist Election Idiocy [SSMM1]
George B. Bailey Part 1 [SSBB1]
George B Bailey 2 Tags and Tantrums [SSBB2]