Great catch. I had previously watched the video you mentioned on this post after I saw someone talk about it on Twitter a while ago. I did not l notice the gesture at the time
I’m not sure if it’s only me, but when I try to hold my fingers that way it’s very hard and unnatural . So it doesn’t seem to be something that will just happen unless someone actively tries to hold their fingers that way.
I also want to mention that I love the thumbnails and funny collages you include in the post , they crack me up every time!
Yes Its very hard and unnatural for me as well. Some of the signs you can maybe say that it might be just the way their hand is resting, but this seems so deliberate that there is no other explanation.
Yes collages is a better word than memes that I have used up until now. I had never even thought of doing one, until i was stuck for a picture for an early post. It is essential to haev a different picture for each post otherwise people get confused. I thought I would just try and represent what was in the post with a meme plus a bit of humour. They are very quick and rough, but I have received some good comments from readers and some bad whingy ones from the people who are featured. As I only write about those who have lied about me, I do not worry about those people.
Great catch. I had previously watched the video you mentioned on this post after I saw someone talk about it on Twitter a while ago. I did not l notice the gesture at the time
I’m not sure if it’s only me, but when I try to hold my fingers that way it’s very hard and unnatural . So it doesn’t seem to be something that will just happen unless someone actively tries to hold their fingers that way.
I also want to mention that I love the thumbnails and funny collages you include in the post , they crack me up every time!
Yes Its very hard and unnatural for me as well. Some of the signs you can maybe say that it might be just the way their hand is resting, but this seems so deliberate that there is no other explanation.
Yes collages is a better word than memes that I have used up until now. I had never even thought of doing one, until i was stuck for a picture for an early post. It is essential to haev a different picture for each post otherwise people get confused. I thought I would just try and represent what was in the post with a meme plus a bit of humour. They are very quick and rough, but I have received some good comments from readers and some bad whingy ones from the people who are featured. As I only write about those who have lied about me, I do not worry about those people.