The Grey Area Monarch persona is supposed to be an anti human trafficking campaigner. He has still not admitted or addressed the issues arising after the exposure of his 3 porn accounts.
One time he did touch obliquely on the issue, he did not refer to porn or explain his owning porn accounts, nor the issues surrounding it. Bizarrely he attacked and accused others for being the predators. It was clear that GreyAreaMonarch had been caught as the predator. Inversion technique in action, reverse attribution.
The other time GreyAreaMonarch obliquely alluded to this incident, he also attacked others. He tried to characterise people as “worried about ‘gotchas’ versus the actual issues”.
But GreyAreaMonarch himself still has not mentioned the issues, despite attacking others for what he tried to characterise as a gotcha, and claimed that they were not interested in the issues. It looks like another inversion, reverse attribution. Grey is the one that is not interested in discussion of the issues. Many are waiting for him to discuss the issues, as there are many issues raised.
Anti Trafficking Campaigner Issue
The GreyAreaMonarch persona relies heavily on him claiming that he is an anti human trafficking operative
Here are some examples…
Grey had been claiming he was being doxxed by a IP number being accidentally left in a post. However he later had to admit it was a forwarding IP, not a real one. Such duplicity. He also claimed that he was an anti trafficking operator.
No evidence has been produced for the claim that he is an anti trafficking operator, like the majority of his claims.
Grey claims to be combating child trafficking.
No evidence was produced for this claim.
Grey claims “anti human trafficking activity”
No evidence was produced for this claim.
Grey Area Monarch is often witnessed telling other people what to do. He instructs others to make sure they are “going for the head of the serpent” otherwise people often “feed into it”. He rails about snakes who run corrupted anti trafficking organisations.
There is no evidence that GreyAreaMonarch is going for the head of the snake. Is his warning about corrupted anti trafficking organisations another inversion?
He has
attacked Christians
abused and threatened bloggers exposing the luciferian system
threatened survivors and others
deliberately triggered and overloaded survivors to modify their behaviour
gangstalked survivors and others with up to 6 sock puppet accounts
made numerous false accusations, defamatory statements and libels
bullied people
moaned that large twitter accounts are controlled opposition and mouthed on twitter about them
He has exhibited much other nefarious and aberrant behaviour.
When is Grey Area Monarch going to take responsibility for his 3 porn accounts exposed and address the issues?
Hiding Behind Woman Flying Monkey
It is now early two months since it was revealed that GreyAreaMonarch had 3 porn accounts under the name GreyAreaOperator.
He still has not come clean about it, and a female flying monkey lied for him, in some of the fallout.
Grey hid behind this woman, and still, two months later has not addressed the issues. He has a strange attitude to women, often diminishing them, then pretending that he does not want to argue with them, but then also abusing, harassing and attacking them. He hid behind this woman protecting him falsely for his porn accounts.
Not Taking Responsibility
Grey has demanded, in no uncertain terms that others should take responsibility for their actions, for behaviour far less serious than he has exhibited, yet he still has not provided any accountability, apology or explanation for any of his behavioural issues.
Why does GreyAreaMonarch act as though he does not have to take responsibility for having 3 porn accounts?
Porn is Human Trafficking
His wife Emma has said…
Porn = getting off to women being abused and exploited. This would be like getting off to a chick being raped in front of you. That’s what you are watching. Many of those women ARE being raped - you just don’t know it. Have some respect for women and for yourself, bro. Porn is human trafficking. Stand against it. Stand up for and protect women.
As both their reputations rely on being anti trafficking, then it is even more important that GreyAreaMonarch comes clean and discusses the very issues that he falsely accused others of not caring about.
With his 3 porn accounts GreyAreaMonarch has supported human trafficking, “watching chicks being raped” and not cared that “porn is human trafficking”
Why is GreyAreaMonarch not protecting women? Why has GreyAreaMonarch not stood up against porn which is human trafficking?
Grey’s Hypocitical Previous Statements
Why has he not addressed the fact that before he was caught out with porn accounts, he pretended that he was not a porn watcher and took a condescending tone to those that were?
Porn - “It affects the populace / culture over time in ways that may not be visible unless you broaden and heighten your perspective. I don’t judge, it’s just an unbiased analysis. It has wreaked havoc and is only getting worse.”
Porn has wreaked havoc he states. He still had 3 porn accounts whilst pretending he did not. That is an issue that needs addressing.
GreyAreaMonarch calls others “evil cowards” for “attacking” him, when they have exposed his hypocrisy and his helping of human trafficking. GreyAreaMonarch attacks those who exposing him for helping perpetrate human trafficking, yet he claims to be against human trafficking.
Whilst accountability and being asked to take responsibility for his actions and behaviour may feel like an attack to GreyAreaMonarch, it does not make it so.
Why does GreyAreaOperator get off “to a chick being raped in front of him?” as his wife has characterised porn.
He had 3 porn accounts, he was clearly not just a casual user.
More Issues
GreyAreaMonarch and his wife’s reputation rely to a large extent upon their stance against human trafficking, yet Grey Area Monarch supports human trafficking by owning 3 porn accounts. That fact undermines both their reputations and diminishes any integrity.
GreyAreaMonarch watching porn has meant that he has brought a spotlight upon his own personal relationship. Many might think that a happy and successful marriage does not involve porn. Some have already said that it is not a real marriage.
Grey Area Monarch’s behaviour has also put his wife in a difficult position as many think that she is obliged to make a statement about the porn situation. It appears hypocritical if she campaigns against human trafficking, yet has a husband who aids and abets it, undermining her own work.
Grey Area Monarch tries to push survivors to input information into his Organize Safety database yet he actively helps human trafficking. Many survivors would not feel safe with this being the case.
Grey Area Monarch castigating others for not being interested in the issues surrounding his porn account owning, only further intensifies the spotlight upon himself to talk about the issues. It appears that he is trying to slink away from the issues rather than dealing with them. This demonstrates further that he cannot be trusted.
He talks the talk but does not walk the walk. He acts in different ways to that that he portrays. Yet again we see that no-one is safe near this predator, hypocrite and liar whose persona at present is GreyAreaMonarch.
This is all on top of his predator’s behaviour of using sock puppet accounts, gangstalking, attacking people, defaming, lying, libelling, false accusations, threats, using his luciferian programming training to modify the behaviour of survivors, his psyops, his propaganda, stalking and harassment.
GreyAreaMonarch can not be trusted.
All I have said is evidenced in previous posts via the index.
Previous Posts
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Grey Area Monarch and Porn
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 1 [SSGM22]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 2 [SSGM23]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 3 [SSGM24]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 4, His Views on Porn [SSGM26]
The GrEyPorner 5 - SuperPornMan's Response to His Porn Accounts Exposure [SSGM27]
Scarlet Sage Index [SSI]
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