After being caught with three porn accounts GreyAreaMonarch is not forthcoming on talking about the issues surrounding this revelation. Indeed he does not even seem to have mentioned the word porn since.
It is therefore necessary to look at GreyAreaMonarch’s view on porn prior to his 3 porn accounts being exposed. It is quite interesting. It’s from March 2024, during the time he had his 3 porn accounts.
Porn - “It affects the populace / culture over time in ways that may not be visible unless you broaden and heighten your perspective. I don’t judge, it’s just an unbiased analysis. It has wreaked havoc and is only getting worse.”
The persona Grey Area Monarch adopted a lecturing and superior attitude to porn. It is very much in the persona GreyAreaMonarch’s style - trying to appear superior, lecturing the other person that they need to “broaden and heighten your perspective”. GreyAreaMonarch claimed not to judge, yet contrarily he talked down to the other individual in a condescending, supercilious manner.
GreyAreaMonarch also said that he was “unbiased”, presumably to distance himself from being thought to be a watcher of porn. However with 3 of his porn accounts now having been revealed, it can be seen that GreyAreaMonarch aka GreyAreaOperator was far from unbiased. He was a consumer of porn, therefore not only not “unbiased”, but obviously biased and yet pretending not to be. He was not only hypocritical but a duplicitous liar.
GreyAreaMonarch said that porn had “wreaked havoc and is only getting worse “ but had pretended not to have anything to do with it. Yet he supports the industry with 3 porn accounts. He was one of those contributing to the wreaking of havoc and the situation getting worse.
The GreyAreaMonarch persona is a sham, it is all a facade. The person behind it tried to appear superior and talked down condescendingly to a person who gave their view on porn. GreyAreaMonarch pretended that he was giving an “unbiased” opinion but when the truth is known, the man behind the personas was, in reality, a closet consumer of porn on 3 accounts. Meanwhile his fake cover persona GreyAreaMonarch lectured others that porn created havoc, but that the person would not be able to see it until they looked from his broadened and heightened perspective. What buffoonish behaviour it looks now the truth is out.
The individual behind the fake persona is a contributor to the very “havoc” that porn wreaks, yet he pretended that he was “unbiased”. He is a disinformation specialist, and trained in luciferian propaganda and psyops Toxic Luciferian Predator - Grey Area Monarch, [SSGM18].
The GreyAreaMonarch persona’s lecturing style from what he tries pass off as a more highly informed and morally superior position fits well into the Persistent Predatory Personality profile, see number 2. Self view of superior and special, entitled.
Attributes and Tactics of Dark Personalities / Persistent Predatory Personalities [1]
It has been shown that Grey demands that others take responsibility for his interpretation of their behaviour. He continues to shy away from taking responsibility for the disparity between his own words and his own actions. He continues to shy away from taking responsibility for his part in porn wreaking havoc. Whilst his GreyAreaMonarch persona was crafting propaganda that he campaigns against human trafficking, the man behind the persona was helping promote human trafficking.
The man behind the personas runs away from taking responsibility not only for his multiple sock puppet accounts, his gangstalking with those accounts, his use of multiple female sock puppets to infiltrate a survivor advocate against the luciferian brotherhood, his harassment, his triggering and programming of survivors, his false accusations, his lies, his libels, his threats, his propaganda and psyops and also now his porn exploits.
This man behind the fake personas is a clear and present danger to survivors.
The man behind GreyAreaMonarch also gives survivors a very bad name with his continued aggression, arguments and confrontational attitude which unnecessarily alienates people from survivors as well as causes division within survivors,
Previous Posts about Grey Area Monarch and Porn
Grey Area Monarch's Luciferian Hand Signal - The Masonic M [SSGM21]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner [SSGM22]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 2 [SSGM23]
Previous Posts about Grey Area Monarch in 2024
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Satanic Harassment Symbolism - Full of Bull [SSGM1]
Grey Area Monarch - Tilting at Windmills [SSGM2]
Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Humpty Dumpty Numpty Georgty and the Fake Terrorist Slur [SSBB18]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
The Gangstalker Grey Area Monarch [SSGM6]
Grey the Gangstalker Stalks Some More... [SSGM7]
Is Grey Area Monarch using AI to Gangstalk? [SSGM8]
Gangstalker Grey Stalks Again [SSGM9]
Gangstalker Grey Uses AI to Bully and Gangstalk Survivors [SSGM10]
Grey Area Monarch's Fake Slurs about Mental Health [SSGM11]
Grey Area Monarch Calculatingly Triggered and Manipulated a Survivor [SSGM12]
Grey Area Monarch Released Private Message in Mental Health Slur [SSGM13]
Grey Area Monarch Doxxed a Survivor [SSGM14]
Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities [SSGM15]
Grey Area Monarch Luciferian Programmer [SSGM16]
ButterfingerBBZ - Another Grey Area Monarch Gangstalking Sock Puppet Exposed [SSGM17]
Toxic Luciferian Predator - Grey Area Monarch [SSGM18]
GreyAreaMonarch Gangstalking Ally [SSGM19]
GreyAreaMonarch's MO [SSGM20]
Grey Area Monarch's Luciferian Hand Signal - The Masonic M [SSGM21]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner [SSGM22]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 2 [SSGM23]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 3 [SSGM24]
GreyAreaMonarch Controlled and Manipulated a Vulnerable Survivor [SSGM25]
[1] 2024 Dec 30 foxblog3 Attributes and Tactics of Dark Personalities / Persistent Predatory Personalities #PersistentPredatoryPersonalities #PPPs #DarkPersonalities #attributes #tactics
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Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
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Short Background
George Bailey and then the Moch mob attacked me, lied and libelled me for for 3 years. I started this blog after Grey Area Monarch, who used their lies, harassed me, stalked me and then threatened me. This Scarlet Sage blog is a response to being threatened by Grey Area Monarch and attacked by these obsessed and fixated individuals, when I have given ten years of my life to helping survivors and revealing information and perpetrators. No wonder these trolls, psyop, propaganda and intel puppets do not like my posts. All the people that are blogged about on Scarlet Sage about have attacked me first, often many times before I correct their lies.