This is some information about abuse, intimidation and threats from Grey Area Monarch’s messages to me. He subsequently stalked and harassed me on several other platforms, but this is just some from twitter DM’s.
GreyAreaMonarch’s first interaction with me, was Apr 1 2023, and he wanted me to contact him privately. I was responding to some of Sarah Moch’s attacks on twitter, when he joined in the conversation and asked me to DM him. His first contact was this.
However after DM’ing him, it was soon clear that his main objective was not to ”show things to me” but to badmouth Jessie and to try to intimidate me into removing my blog posts from 3 years earlier about Jessie.
Conversing with the man behind the persona Grey Area Monarch is like nothing I have experienced before. He was abusive, threatening, controlling and manipulating whilst swapping occasionally to “supportive”. He twisted what was said often and throughout there was an undercurrent of coercion.
He had sent me his story and expected me to help tell it, but it never worked out that way due to his behaviour. Here is some.
He would start moaning and dissing Jessie, so I asked him on this occasion whether he was telling his story or trying to debunk other survivors.
“Are you telling your story or trying to debunk someone elses? I suggest you stick to telling yours”
He replied with a physical threat…
I’d rather send someone to debunk them in person.”
Here is the context. My comments are in dark blue, Grey Area Monarch’s comments in light blue.
“I’d rather send someone to debunk them in person”
“Remove Jessie” Intimidation and Threat
Despite having told GreyAreaMonarch from the start that I was not interested in talking about Jessie with him, he persisted. Here is some of his intimidation. He told me that “Not caring and promoting Jessie’s garbage is DANGEROUS”.
Dangerous was capitalised for dramatic effect / shouting and he mixed in an accusation of “not caring”. If you do not agree with GreyAreaMonarch, then he often uses this technique that you do “not care” or similar emotional accusation, despite the fact that it is just his opinion. Rarely is any “evidence” produced for his opinion, and nothing of course in this case to back up any allegation of “not caring”.
It is a technique he uses, to accuse a person of not caring, to try to push people towards his view, which he will portray as “caring”.
He said that others would not waste “their time online fighting with people over this” but that he “figured I would try, before other men do what has to be done past that”.
Grey had chosen the words “online fighting” and then there was the strong implication that if I did not accept his proposal, then others would take that fight to a physical level.
He hyped it up that he was not holding back any more as it was “a DANGER” - capitalised for effect.
In fact he did not write “would never waste their time” but actually wrote “would never wake their time”, perhaps a mistake, perhaps a Freudian slip, perhaps NLP type stuff.
Grey went on about “therapy” quite a bit. He never once came up with an example of what therapy “they” were supposedly messing with. This is common for Grey who talks in accusing generalities which suit his purposes. Facts and details do not suit him, as they can be disputed.
But back to the intimidation and threats. He emphasised that it was “serious” and that he did not know if he could “stop the guys at this point”.
“I don’t know I can stop the guys at this point”.
So GreyAreaMonarch emphasised that there are people that might do worse things than himself. He indicated that he might have some control over them, but that he did not know at this point. Grey implied that his “talk” would be a better outcome than if it was left to “the guys” and that he might be able to stop them if he was appeased.
He intimidated and threatened me, but the option to go along with Grey was supposed to be the better one than the option of his friends who would do worse to me. It was yet more intimidation from the persona GreyAreaMonarch, who was trying to get me to accept what he said, as the alternative he outlined would be worse.
“Scrub my Shit”
All GreyAreaMonarch’s behaviour was designed to intimidate me to take down 3 year old blog posts about Jessie. In the following screenshot, he diminished my ten years of blogging by [falsely] stating that it “leads no where and does nothing”. He contrasted that with “saving people” which he implied that he did. Many people thank me for what I do. I have zero doubt that it is useful to many people. They tell me, often. Besides who is GreyAreaMonarch to pass judgement upon what I do.
He built it up the pressure, by saying the situation was “escalating”, though no evidence was given as to what was supposedly escalating. Then he warned that any promotion of Jessie was damaging to “the community”.
As far as I am aware he has never produced any evidence that he has saved a single person, ever. It is part of the myth he builds around himself with zero evidence.
GreyAreaMonarch often uses this trick of playing the mouthpiece of “the community” or “the survivor community” or of “RAMCOA survivors”. He has no official capacity to speak on behalf of anyone but himself. He tries to give himself a measure of self importance that he does not have, and by that he hides behind other survivors and drags them into his often controversial, opinionated and ill informed views and bullying. He uses survivors understandable frustration and anger with what has happened to them and he manipulates that onto his target of the day. Many are afraid to speak up or stand up to him, due to his history of aggression and attacks on people, and their own PTSD.
My posts on Jessie were 3 years old. Due to a personal disagreement with her, I was not even reposting any of her content on any platforms, so it appeared extra suspicious that one survivor was attacking another survivor in this way for old content. Then he revealed the objective of his performance.
“I’d scrub my shit and have before when I was wrong.”
He talked down my blogs as “leading nowhere and doing nothing”. He suggested that all my blogs on Jessie were wrong, without him providing proof that anything was wrong, then he was blatantly trying to get me to remove all my blogs about her by means of threats, veiled threats and bullying, control and manipulation.
He carried on…
Part of the Problem
I told him again that he was on a path of division and destruction and that I would not help him do that to survivors.
Survivors by the nature of what they have endured are often volatile and fall out. There are very few survivors that go out to deliberately attack others in a sustained manner. When they do it causes division, taking of sides, lowering of vibration, more anxiousness, arguments, triggering of PTSD etc. I am well aware of this, I have been blogging survivors stories for 12 years.
The best way, in my opinion, is for survivors to all be allowed to tell their stories in whatever way they see fit, and let the chips fall where they may. People can believe them or not. The way forward is definitely not to let the biggest bully determine what bloggers should not be allowed to post, or who they post about, or what posts should be allowed to stay up. Who does he think he is?
GreyAreaMonarch made sustained public attacks and private attacks on Jessie. He also tried to bully both Veronica Swift and myself into taking down all the content we had written about. Veronica’s blogs were behind a paywall due to harassment of her, but this did not stop his bullying. He wanted them removed completely. All these posts were not just Jessie’s testimony, but about the luciferian brotherhood system that she had exposed. Jessie has exposed way, way more than Grey Area Monarch, who prefers whinging at others.
Grey’s control freakery is wild even if he had proof of something amiss, but his lack of proof and the paucity of evidence made his demands and manipulation even more extraordinary. He told me that he was done talking, implying he was about to take some sort of action against me, and told me to take the the shit down.
“I just said I am done talking and take the shit down”
GreyAreaMonarch was clearly trying to intimidate me into taking down my posts on Jessie. Who does this guy think he is? Chairman Mao? Is GreyAreaMonarch a book burner as well? He clearly has an over inflated sense of self importance and a control freak tendency.
He told me I was part of the problem “Your [sic] part of the problem”. He tried to make out that I was part of the problem, when the actual problem was his bullying, manipulation and control freakery. Bullies are often cowards who will keep bullying unless stopped, so I responded that he was the problem. This obviously incensed him.
He started ranting and in his absurd hyperbole he claimed that he had saved more lives than I could count to, “You dumbest I’ve saved lives you can’t count to”
This could tend to indicate that he is making much of what he says up if he is prepared to exaggerate like this. He said that “We were raiding ritual sites a decade ago” , “having politicians step down” and “taking out others”,
It seems they let GreyAreaMonarch live, even after raiding ritual sites ten years ago and “taking out” people. He even boasts about it on twitter.
So it’s quite amazing that he has not been silenced, if he really did these things.
Grey Area Monarch carried on with his ad hominem attacks, eg. “Bitch” one of his most frequent attacks to people. To the British ear this is a very effeminate attack, one that gay men would use but rarely a heterosexual man. Incidentally his most common ad hominem attack seems to be “coward bitch”, which again to the British ear sounds very odd.
Organize Safety
Anyway I digress, he then told me that I was the problem again “Problem is what you are”. Repetition is the first rule of propaganda.
Remember this is all because I would not take down my blog posts on Jessie when he demanded that I do. How controlling, how authoritarian, how dictatorial. The guy cannot even converse in a respectful manner. He then pushed his data collection dogma.
He told me that “Nationwide real therapists are solutions” but added “Although plenty fakes there rlk”’
He thus seemed to imply that there are therapists involved with Organize Safety which is his data collection organisation. He also said that they were nationwide, ie. in a nationwide organisation. He admitted that many therapists were fakes, presumably meaning compromised.
He carried on…
“That’s the solution. Funny you aren’t interested. You fake piece of shit.”
He told me that it was the solution, and without waiting for my reply, he told me that I was not interested. Then he doled out some more ad hominem abuse.
That attitude from Grey was not uncommon. He often assumes someone’s opinion or thoughts and berates them from his assumption.
He then posted more screenshots of his data collection organisation.
Then he tells me that this was the solution.
But not only that, he told me that I was lying to myself if I said otherwise.
“That’s the solution and you’re lying to yourself if you say otherwise”.
So he was not remotely interested in hearing anyone else’s viewpoint. He had already decided that if I were to give an opinion and venture a possible misgiving then he had already decreed to himself and me, that I must be lying to myself.
This type of thinking is really bizarre. Even if I genuinely thought something, he had already dismissed it as me lying to myself. He is not prepared, in his mind, to allow anyone to dissent from his view that this was the solution. It’s almost comedic if it was not so sad as it reveals much about Grey Area Monarch’s dark character.
Only he matters. He lies and bullies and anyone’s else opinion is regarded as worthless to him. I have ten years of blogging on child abuse, few people have more and if he is able to dismiss that level of experience, he will be easily able to dismiss anyone with less. But that is the point. He was targeting me and Veronica, precisely as we were experienced bloggers.
He goes on that he “fucking pioneered the system over a decade ago” and accused me of “promoting a fraud”, by which he means Jessie. I am always interested in new information about anyone. Grey produced zero information about Jessie that was new to me, and by “promoting” he meant leaving my posts up. He tried to bully me into deleting, not only a survivor’s testimony, and information about the luciferian brotherhood but he was trying to bully me into deleting what is historical record, that both sides of the Jessie debate use to make their points. That again indicates the extreme level of his control freakery and authoritarianism. Book burner much?
It is also egotism gone wild. What he says, even if it is utter nonsense and lies, he tries to bully others into jumping to and implementing what he wants, irrespective of the lack evidence.
When prompted about his aggression, he apologises if “I thought that was aggressive” That is a non apology apology. He is not sorry for being aggressive, just if I thought it was. He then indicates laughter, “hehe”, showing the insincerity of the faux apology.
He constantly claims that he is about “doing something”, about “actually saving people” but never provided evidence of saving anyone.
He accused me “not contributing to a real cause” unless I “promote something that HELPS”. His bottom line appeared to be that I support him and write about him or he would continue attacking me. Ironic as that was my intention at first, until I found out what kind of person he was - an aggressive, lying bully and control freak.
I found it unsettling that he said “I’m a professional, I just type this”. I have no idea what he actually meant. He seemed to be disassociating himself from any responsibility for what he wrote, from his aggression and his attacks. He was only typing it. It almost seems like he was saying he was just following orders, just doing his job. Quite what he meant by professional is unclear- he earns money? Is this his job?
“…organize safety… it should be immediately obvious that THIS is something that can help.”
He tried to blame me for his appalling behaviour. If I did not in his words “promote or defend bullshit” then he could be very nice.
“I have no problems with anyone unless they promote or defend bullshit I’m actually very nice’”
He is judge and jury and executioner.
Even after all the attacks and bullying, he still wanted me to help him!!
“I’m running out of patience for anything but help”.
I replied that he had told me that I promoted bullshit, that he had a problem with me, that he attacked me and I asked him why I should even listen to him.
He diminished what I do which is to inform and educate people on child abuse, mind control and the luciferian brotherhood. Because I did not physically save children directly, then what I did was not important to him, or at least that is what he was trying to gaslight me. Quite apart from the ludicrousness that not everyone can directly save children, I have chronic fatigue and spend 14 hours a day lying down. He knew about this, he knew I could not physically save children. However there is absolutely no evidence from Grey Area Monarch that he has ever saved any children ever. It appears that it was just a scenario to yet again cast himself as a hero figure and to try to diminish me and manipulate me.
This post gives people some idea of what the Grey Area Monarch persona is like. Interaction with Grey Area Monarch is overwhelmingly a negative experience. He diminishes other people, he is not interested in any other opinion that his own, he is controlling, manipulative and gaslighting. On top of this he is rude, abusive, aggressive, unreasonable and bullying.
Grey Area Monarch has already caused masses of division and argument on twitter. He spends much time on there attacking other people. He criticises everyone and anyone apart from his core of flying monkeys who defend him blindly. Often he is negative, attacking and aggressive whilst he casts himself as always right and the hero.
Grey Area Monarch has never taken responsibility for his numerous proven nefarious activities. Among his numerous negatives are his use of many sock puppet accounts, his gangstalking with the sockpuppets, his use of one click AI on twitter to coordinate his gangstalking, his gaslighting, his targeting of individuals who stand up to him, his aggression, his stalking, his harassment, his hypocrisy, his use of porn accounts, his behavioural modification of survivors, his deliberate triggering of survivors, his doxxing of survivors and others, his lies, his libels, his defamation, his false accusations, his constant arguing, his attacks on survivors, survivor advocates and others, his use of masonic hand signs, his use of mental health slurs, his deliberate use of fear tactics, his false accusations, his bullying, his psyops and his use of propaganda.
That was in no particular order, off the top of my head, all evidence is in my blog posts
Persistent Predatory Personality
Attributes - GreyAreaMonarch has many of the attributes of a Persistent Predatory Personality.
eg. Drive for power and control, self view of superior and entitles, vengeful, predatory, dishonest, devious and manipulative, unwillingness to take responsibility, unremorseful, self interested, brazen, callous.
Tactics - GreyAreaMonarch uses many of the tactics of a Persistent Predatory Personality eg. He intimidates to create fear, he uses reverse attribution, avoids transparency, evades and deflects, diminishes and degrades others, creates chaos, publicly and privately provokes, dismisses denies and minimises, forces, coerces and bullies.
Grey Area Monarch is clearly a predator within this genre, and this post adds to the others which show this behaviour, see list at the end. He is not a safe person for survivors to be around nor to give their data to.
Organize Safety
Recently Grey has appeared desperate to push his data collection organisation, about which there are many valid concerns.
It is said to be end to end encrypted, which really means nothing. Other precautions would have to be taken to truly prevent authorities finding out what was said. There are very limited reasons to be using the Organize Safety url and that will automatically put you under suspicion. If the authorities want to find out, what you have said the chances are they will, by keystrokes and other means.
Another huge concern obviously is Grey Area Monarch himself. He is untrustworthy and duplicitous individual. He lies constantly, he has doxxed survivors, he has deliberately triggered them, he cannot be trusted with other peoples information.
Another concern is who else has access to the information? Who does Grey allow access to the information? He will not say. Who else is in Organize Safety? He will not say.
What kind of legal entity or organisation is Organize Safety. He has not said. Is it registered anywhere? It does not seem to be registered in Tennessee [2]. What are the aims and objectives of Organize Safety? GreyAreaMonarch has said they will take court actions against people. It cannot do this presumably without being registered somewhere. Why is he not transparent about an organisation that wants information from survivors and that he is constant pushing?
Although Grey Area Monarch claimed to have left Organize Safety v1 for operational reasons, it is presumably still active. An objective thus appears to be illegal targeting of named perpetrators. What standard of proof is required? Grey has labelled many people as Satanists when they are not, it is his “go to” gaslighting and propaganda term. Is the same lack of evidence applied to targets targeted by Organize Safety?
Grey appeared to imply that there are nationwide therapists involved with Organize Safety. He also admitted that many therapists are compromised. How does he know which are compromised and which are not? Even if a therapist is not compromised, then their bosses may be compromised and have access to records.
Many survivors do not trust therapists for a variety of good reasons, - some therapists do not know enough about mind control or ritual abuse, some are survivors themselves and still dissociative, some are still under the control of the luciferian system directly or indirectly. Some do not offer appropriate remedies or solutions appropriate for a particular survivor, eg. some offer no spiritual element to get rid of demonic attachments or possession.
I suspect that GreyAreaMonarch is in league with therapists from the ISSTD, who are the only major group of nationwide therapists. The ISSTD has a checkered history. I have so far written 7 posts on the ISSTD, links at the end.
Organize Safety has many of hallmarks of a luciferian survivor round up operation. Both his friend of 13 years David Shurter, and Stephen Kelley from Occupy the Getty have warned that Grey Area Monarch is involved in survivor round up operations. He appears to be the sweeper behind the main controlled opposition. Grey Area Monarch creates and whips up fear and division within survivors. He criticises the main controlled opposition and then tries to round survivors up towards his database, with him posing as a whistleblower, recycling already known information. He acts as a chaos agent, with information provided to him by intelligence sources and those who use his database.
My advice is to not trust Grey Area Monarch as there is more than enough evidence of his untrustworthiness. My advice is to not trust Organize Safety as no evidence has been provided of its provenance, who is involved, who will have access to the data or what the data will be used for.
Furthermore Grey Area Monarch does not target the head of the snake as he pretends, he targets the people educating and exposing the existence, structure and workings of the luciferian brotherhood. He also creates fear, divides survivors and causes chaos. Grey Area Monarch does a good job of talking up what he does, but has been extremely limited on actual actions to help bring down the luciferian system. He seems to be protecting it.
Previous Posts
Grey Area Monarch MO and Analysis
GreyAreaMonarch's MO [SSGM20]
GreyAreaMonarch Controlled and Manipulated a Vulnerable Survivor [SSGM25]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 4, His Views on Porn [SSGM26]
The GrEyPorner 5 - SuperPornMan's Response to His Porn Accounts Exposure [SSGM27]
Information on Persistent Predatory Personalities eg narcissists, pychopaths etc
Persistent Predatory Personalities PPPs [19]
Attributes and Tactics of Dark Personalities / Persistent Predatory Personalities [fb324]
Posts on ISSTD
ISSTD 1 - Introduction to ISSTD [fb32406]
ISSTD 2 - The Search for Satan (1995) [fb32408]
ISSTD 3 - Fiona Barnett on ISSTD's Michael Salter [fb32409]
ISSTD 4 - DID Treatment Guidelines [fb32410]
ISSTD 5 - Key and Sun Symbolism [fb32411]
ISSTD 6 - Trauma Industry Symbolism [fb32414]
ISSTD 7 - Dissociation and Trauma Deprogramming - Laura Worley [fb32416]
[2] Tennessee
Any corrections, or information on the Moch mob email
foxblog3 substack [fb3]
foxblog4 current wordpress blog [fb4]
foxblog1 old wordpress, some great posts [fb1]
Posts are posted here first Scarlet Sage Telegram Group
Twitterx threads
Thread on Grey Area Monarch [GAMThread]