GreyAreaMonarch is a luciferian programmer and handler, see Grey Area Monarch Luciferian Programmer [SSGM16]. It has already been shown how he quite calculatingly and deliberately triggered a survivor and modified his behaviour [SSGM12]. Grey did that in public and then he boasted about it. Just imagine what Grey Area Monarch is prepared to do in private.
GreyAreaMonarch is also trained in handling, propaganda and psychological operations, Toxic Luciferian Predator - Grey Area Monarch [SSGM18].
For months and into years now GreyAreaMonarch has made all sorts of ad hominem comments about me, called me all sorts of names - predator, parasite and satanist, and loads more, I have not collated them all yet. He has libelled me and lied continuously. He has made desperate attempts to try to discredit me and my 11 years blogging about child abuse and slightly less on the illuminati.
Why has he done this? Because I refused GreyAreaMonarch’s demand that I take down a years worth of my blogs on Jessie Czebotar. It is that simple. If you do not jump when Grey Area Monarch demands that you do, then he will try all he can to make you comply and then take his revenge. I stood up to him and would not delete my blog posts. Why should I? Who is he to demand this? We saw how the luciferians controlled speech in the covid era. Why was he so worried about 3 year old blogs, when I had even stopped blogging about her? It smacked of obsessional control freakery for a nefarious purpose.
Only a supremely arrogant authoritarian bully would even try and coerce someone into taking down blog posts. Subsequently Grey Area Monarch stalked me and harassed me, under many different accounts on different platforms, as well as email. He then threatened me, in addition to his lies and libel.
It is very important for dark personalities like Grey Area Monarch to control people around someone when they have failed to control that person themselves. Hence Grey’s continual propaganda and psychological operation against me ever since. He has received luciferian training in both those fields. He wants to control people on social media’s view of me.
This is a useful guide, How Does a Narcissist React When They Can’t Control You? 15 Things to Expect [9]…
They try to control you with manipulation tactics.
They try to control what others think about you with smear campaigns.
Playing the victim
Projection - Narcissists project their own destructive behavior onto their victim. It’s another one of their twisted mind games.
Outright sabotage - If the narcissist can’t control you or your friends, they’ll resort to complete and utter destruction of your life as you know it. Anything that brings you joy and happiness is now up for grabs and being threatened. They’ll gossip and badmouth you to anyone who listens.
Stalking behavior
How Does a Narcissist React When They Can’t Control You? 15 Things to Expect [9].
I think this comes into play as well. "People who can't control themselves control the people around them” [11]. Grey cannot control himself. This is very topical after that it was exposed that Grey Area Monarch under another persona Grey Area Operator had 3 porn accounts. I have myself been harassed by at least two different Grey Area Operator accounts. The tactics above sum up pretty well what Grey Area Monarch has been doing to many people.
I have posted 3 blogs on his porn accounts and his reaction since.
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner [SSGM22]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 2 [SSGM23]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 3 [SSGM24]
Dr. Mitchell’s analysis on dark personalities all fitting under a Persistent Predatory Personality umbrella, is I believe closer to the truth, than the current split into different but overlapping categories like narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths. That division is confusing. Dr. Mitchell’s thesis is available here, Persistent Predatory Personalities [fb3ppp] and here foxblog3 Attributes and Tactics of Dark Personalities / Persistent Predatory Personalities, [8]. Grey Area Monarch’s method of operation was examined in this post, GreyAreaMonarch's MO [1], which covered some of his attributes and tactics.
It is not just me that Grey Area Monarch has stalked, harassed and threatened. There are many others. He stalks men and women, but most of his targets are women. He has even posed as multiple women sock puppet accounts in order to infiltrate and spy on a blogger who exposes the luciferian brotherhood, [SSGM5]. The blogger, Veronica was the first to publicly stand up to him and expose him.
Veronica exposed Grey’s bullying, abuse and attacks, only to face more attacks and bullying of her and her friends by Grey on more of Grey’s trumped up lies about being doxxed. Veronica also refused GreyAreaMonarch’s demands that she should take her blog posts down on Jessie Czebotar. They were even behind a paywall, due to previous harassment, but Grey’s authoritarian and dictatorial control freakery knows no bounds. Who does Grey Area Monarch think he is to demand that anyone take down posts about anything or anybody?
These are traits of controlling people…
They Can't Understand Why Anyone Sees Things Differently Than They Do
They Get Angry When You Don't Follow Their Advice
They Don't See Themselves as Controlling.
Five Habits of Controlling People [3a].
Anyone can read all my posts showing how I learned about child abuse and how widespread it was. I have tried for more than ten years to do my best to bring attention to child abuse, foxblog1 old wordpress blog [fb1]. All my links are at the bottom of this post.
This dark personality Grey Area Monarch wants to stop me doing that. He is so obsessed in his determination to destroy me, that he has made a plethora of false accusations against me. This post and this series punctures some more of his lies.
Background to GreyAreaMonarch’s Programming and Handling of A Vulnerable Survivor
Situational Difficulties
About a year ago Grey Area Monarch controlled and manipulated a vulnerable survivor, who I had helped as much as I could for months. I will give her a pseudonym VS (Vulnerable Survivor). I am still very limited in what I can say on this, because unfortunately as far as I know she may still be under the toxic control of the predatory programmer Grey Area Monarch.
This has made it virtually impossible to defend myself against Grey Area Monarch’s false allegations against me. He knows that. He also knows that I will not invade her privacy and divulge her DM’s. This is despite the fact that he has released some of her DM’s with him, and some of both hers and mine with her. He gives no indication from her that he has had any permission from her to do so. He did not have my permission.
There are many things I cannot reveal or say, as there is a distinct possibility that Grey would take revenge against her. It is therefore wise not to say much, so that GreyAreaMonarch does not harm her further. A predator having a vulnerable prisoner is not conducive to being able to talk openly about the whole situation.
However now over the past few months I have exposed enough about Grey Area Monarch to be able to attempt to show how he works and to start to show how he has manipulated her.
Grey Doxxed the Survivor
Grey has maliciously doxxed the survivor’s name on twitter, for no possible reason whatsoever that could benefit her. It benefits him, in that it further limits my ability to explain the situation. I cannot even show where and when he doxxed her as it is still up on twitter and if I show this it will just spread the doxxing of her, which obviously I do not want to do. GreyAreaMonarch should immediately delete the doxxing, but I doubt that he will, as that will enable me to show his tweet redacted, as proof that he has doxxed her. It does however demonstrate that he clearly has no care or concern for this survivor whatsoever. GreyAreaMonarch has no shame as is apparent time after time.
Grey took control of this vulnerable survivor, and manipulated her so that he could use her for his own purposes. One of these purposes was to try to use her against me. It may have been the sole purpose.
Grey Released DM Conversations
A few months ago, GreyAreaMonarch released some of the conversation that he puts forward as the conversation with VS, the Vulnerable Survivor, from about 12 months ago.
Previously Grey has released other peoples DM’s before without permission, including my own, [SSGM13], whilst simultaneously refusing permission to release his to those good enough to ask him. A dual standard there, again, another characteristic of the man behind GreyAreaMonarch.
GreyAreaMonarch does not indicate that he had permission to release her DM’s, nor has he provided any evidence of that permission. Even if she had given permission, the survivor could not have given informed consent as he has comprehensively lied to her, in order to control and manipulate her and modify her behaviour. Any “permission” would have been given under Grey Area Monarch’s manipulation and coercion, at the very least and therefore void.
I knew that this conversation between them was about to happen. She had blocked him some time before, after 3 people, her, another survivor and myself were verbally attacked by him, under a sock puppet account, in my Telegram group.
Knowing how Grey Area Monarch operates, I knew that unblocking him would be a disaster for the mental health of the survivor. He did not care about her, he cared only about targeting me, through her. This was in a time period that he was harassing me under a number of different accounts on a number of different platforms, as well as different emails.
The conversation released however is actually damning of Grey Area Monarch as it proves that he controlled and manipulated her. I knew how much the survivor disliked drama due to her PTSD, and I knew that GreyAreaMonarch would not only lie, but deliberately instigate drama, especially if he knew that she did not like drama. I did not realise however that his fixation with me, would lead this to being the very his first action he took with her. His first actions were not to help her but to manipulate her about me. That shows his priorities.
GreyAreaMonarch’s Harassment of Me
GreyAreaMonarch was at the time was towards the latter part of a period of several weeks harassment of me via many of his accounts, as mentioned previously. This was after I had asked him to stop harassing me via twitter, which he refused to do. This example was about the third time that I had asked him to stop harassing me on twitter DM’s.
“…please stop harassing me, No DM’s.”
GreyAreaMonarch clearly refused to stop harassing me. He gave an expletive indicating that he would not stop.
“Fuck you. I’ll send a message if I want. Legally you are complicit”
My message is in dark blue…
Twitter DM mine in dark blue, GreyAreaMonarch light blue
At first I had thought blocking him would inflame him, so did not, but in the end I had to block him. Then Grey used many accounts on every platform he could to stalk and harass and threaten me via DM’s and comments. Thus I wanted ZERO contact with Grey either directly or indirectly.
Legal Threat
Note GreyAreaMonarch’s use of a legal threat “legally you are complicit.” I have seen him use similar phrase several times. Here he pronounced that Veronica has been determined guilty with accompanying sinister veiled thread.
It is another fear tactic he uses to make people think that he will involve you in legal action, which he also often threatens.
He may well try and involve me in legal action, which he says will come via the opaque data collection organisation, “Organize Safety”. Who knows? If he does then all my blog posts and much more, will be submitted to that court, so that the court will know exactly what type of person and dark luciferian personality that Grey Area Monarch really is, rather than his own “apple pie” BS version of himself. If Grey threatens similar court action to others, then my posts are available for you to use to defend yourselves.
It is a known tactic of Persistent Predatory Personalities (PPPs) that they weaponise the justice system.
There are no limits to the vengeance of a Persistent Predatory Personality (PPP) like Grey Area Monarch. Dr Mitchell likens it to bringing an atomic bomb to a gunfight…
Essentially then GreyAreaMonarch the dark personality is in the middle of trying to get his revenge on me, for refusing to delete my blog posts, for standing up to him and blocking him. He wanted to get a third person in the middle to get at me.
GreyAreaMonarch’s Programming and Handling of A Vulnerable Survivor
Having now given all that background to aid understanding I will look at some extracts of the conversations that Grey released. They will also have been chosen for maximum propaganda against me, but what they actually reveal is cast iron evidence of GreyAreaMonarch’s manipulation and control of the survivor.
Vulnerable Survivor Wanted No Drama due to PTSD
VS, [pseudonym], the vulnerable survivor knew that GreyAreaMonarch was obsessed about Jessie. As she wanted no drama, she wanted to make sure that this possible point of conflict with Grey Area Monarch was removed straight away. She started off by saying that she had blocked Jessie and she naively told Grey about her PTSD, and that she “did not like drama whatsoever”.
VS revealed not only that she had succumbed to his distorted views on Jessie and blocked her, but she revealed her own vulnerability about her PTSD. She was doing her best to reduce conflict.
VS was naive and trusting and this made it so easy for Grey to manipulate her. No doubt GreyAreaMonarch’s eyes lit up. He knew exactly what to do. Dark personalities such as GreyAreaMonarch like nothing better than a vulnerable target to manipulate. Of course he set to it straight away.
She has PTSD, so if he makes drama, increases her PTSD and fear and then she will be putty in his programming hands. Then he can turn her against me.
Vulnerable Survivor Tried to Set Her Boundaries
VS valiantly attempted to set her boundaries with GreyAreaMonarch and she wrote…
As far as Cathy is concerned I value her as a journalist. I value her work that she has been doing with survivors for a very long time. I respect her because she has been extremely kind to me and has been giving me resources to help heal. I will not get involved in any drama that goes on between you and Cathy because I respect her very much. I have no reason not to. She has been extremely supporting and loving to me from the first day that I ever met her. So I have no problems with everything else. I just really don’t want to mix you and I with Cathy at all. Does that seem fair to you?
(For the record, and to the ignorant critic who chose to attack me on this, who of course was a consumer of GreyAreaMonarch’s propaganda, I do not call myself a journalist but others have and do. I have no control over that. Research properly, it just reflects badly upon you.)
VS made it clear that she did not want to mix GreyAreaMonarch and me as she knew that there were issues between us. “I just really don’t want to mix you and I with Cathy at all.
The survivor was very complimentary about me to GreyAreaMonarch, and she said that I had been
“extremely kind to me”
“giving me resources to help me heal”
“extremely supporting and loving”
She said twice that she respected me.
I had worked very hard with Survivor VS to try to help her for 6 months. Helping survivors like this is extremely hard and time consuming work as one wrong step could set them back a long way.
VS’s honesty and vulnerability was met with ruthless manipulation by an experienced programmer and handler both of which Grey has admitted that he is. It was like leading a lamb to slaughter.
GreyAreaMonarch Started the Drama with the Survivor, Attacked Me
GreyAreaMonarch started the drama immediately, despite the fact that this is exactly what VS did not want. He started by attacking me, so it is clear that was Grey’s primary purpose in even interacting with the survivor. GreyAreaMonarch raised questions about my sex, something he has repeated probably hundreds of times over the past year on twitter. It’s ad hominem doxx or lie issue designed to turn attention to me and to deflect from the issues and from his own behaviour. It is designed to try to get me to defend myself, and give more information about myself. GreyAreaMonarch has already made various threats about people coming round to visit me. It also gives him an opportunity to call me a predator, even though of course there was zero predation.
GreyAreaMonarch straight away set about ramping up the vulnerable survivor’s fear levels. GreyAreaMonarch skilfully negates all the good things that VS has said about me by framing me as someone who is part of a group “they” , who “play the long game”. In this manner he created uncertainty and fear and doubt about what I could possibly have done in the future. He primed her, leading her to believe I was a satanist.
The “they” that he painted me as part of, is clearly meant to be satanists, as he lies that I excused “satanic collusion”. Grey also repeated the “these people play the long game” phrase at the end of this short section.
He painted me as part of the satanists, as he knew this would trigger the survivors fears due to the her past history of abuse, and knowing that she had PTSD.
He knew that the survivor had told him that I had been “extremely kind”, “giving me resources to help me heal”, “extremely supporting and loving” and she had only good things to say about me. He thus set out to circumvent this and trigger her satanic fears by mentioning a vague catchall phrase, “satanic collusion”. Grey knew that she would identify on the side of the “survivor therapists” as she was a survivor. Again Grey had no evidence, it was all fabricated false allegations, but very effective in creating fear.
GreyAreaMonarch then added in the childish “I caught Cathy doing bad things” comment to reinforce this. Another lie. GreyAreaMonarch both starts and finishes this section with the sinister “they/these people play the long game”. Repetition being the first rule of propaganda, and “these people” and therefore me are the ones that are supposed to play the long game. He indicated that there was something nefarious that would have happened in the future. It’s nonsense, but effective scare tactics. Vulnerable Survivor was in the hands of a manipulative monster who was only just getting started on his lies and manipulation.
A couple more points to bring out on this section.
GreyAreaMonarch Arguing
“I didn’t want to argue with Cathy” but Cathy excused satanic collusion against survivor therapists and I caught Cathy doing bad things”
”I’m sorry but I feel obligated to say that when you’ve said that when you’ve said how much you trust Cathy. It worries me.
These people play the long game.
Be Safe. Take care. “
Virtually every word is a lie, starting with “I didn’t want to argue with Cathy”. Grey loves arguing with people. Sometimes it looks as though he exists to argue. He argues with multiple people a day, every day on twitter and he goes out of his way to argue.
This would come under “publicly and privately provokes” as one of the attributes of a dark personality PPP. The majority of his tweets come under that category, targeting people for something or other.
Anyone who knows him at all, even superficially can tell he is lying. They can see him arguing all the time, he thrives on it. He is Mr. Divisive.
Then he actually excuses his haranguing of me by blaming me for him “arguing”. “… but Cathy excused satanic collusion against survivor therapists”. Then absurdly, “and I caught Cathy doing bad things”.
He carries on by pretending that he was in some way noble, and just had to tell her…” I’m sorry but I feel obligated to say that when you’ve said that when you’ve said how much you trust Cathy. It worries me.”
Then he ends with “Be Safe. Take care”, cynically designed to make sure she is subconsciously worried about her safety and that she needs to take care over it. You have got to hand it to the evil mind that is Grey Area Monarch. The luciferians taught him effectively.
Grey Area Monarch Ramps Up the Survivor’s Fear with More Lies
He carried on with the manipulation, twice more he mentions safety…
Sorry to have mentioned that but it’s about safety.”
Grey apologises, to pretend that he didn’t want to say anything about it, but that he needs to because he is worried about “safety”.
Then the hook. He is confident that she will ask for more. He thinks he has scared her enough, and wants her agreement to be involved in more fabricated salacious gossip and lies “I won’t mention anything unless you ask.”
Grey then carries on “The last thing I was in drama, but I am serious about safety and can’t stand people preying on survivors or vulnerable people.”
He mentioned safety yet again to worry her and then linked it to people “preying on survivors or vulnerable people”. I had only been helping her, the one preying on her was Grey Area Monarch, but she would have identified with him talking about survivors and vulnerability. He knew that very well. He was cynically pushing her buttons.
He increased the fear factor and pretended he cared, when it was really all about his manipulation of her. Then another sinister sign off “Be well.“
Grey Was in Drama
Just examine that again. Grey wrote “The last thing I was in drama, but I am serious about safety and can’t stand people preying on survivors or vulnerable people.”
Grey appears to say that that the last thing he wants is drama. He actually created the very drama that she did not want. But look again at what he actually said.
Did you notice what Grey actually said “the last thing I was in drama”.
“was” not “want”.
He would like us to read what he said as “the last thing I want is drama” but he did not say that. He wrote “…I was in drama…”, and he probably was in drama. In his videos he wears an absurd Voldemort mask and a demonic voice changer and says his use of masks was being “strategically theatrical”.
He knows very well that he wants drama, he wants drama so that the survivor is traumatised and easy to manipulate. That is what he gave her. What he actually wrote and what it looks like and even sounds like are very similar. However they mean totally different things. He bypasses the conscious and speaks to the subconscious.
If you think I am being absurd just watch this video, where Darren Brown brainwashes a shopping centre using just such similar sounding words. I won’t spoil it for you. But listen carefully to the wording, especially as the sound is not great. It’s only 2 minutes long.
Derren Brown Brainwashes an Entire Shopping Mall
Derren Brown Brainwashes an Entire Shopping Mall [2]
Derren tapped into the power of subliminal suggestion to manipulate the behaviour of a crowd in a shopping centre.
Words matter very much and Grey knows this. He is trained in luciferian mind control programming, handling, psyops and propaganda and this would have included NLP.
It is also worth studying about “priming”. There is a twitter thread on priming. It is instructive on how easily we are primed to think one thing or another, by things that appear totally unrelated. Thread on Priming [4]. For those who do not use twitter I have screenshotted some posts, but there are also videos in the thread, not reproduced here.
Priming is the idea that subtle clues - words, images or the environment can influence your thoughts, emotions and actions, and you do not even realise that it is happening.
If you hear French music you are more likely to buy French wine. If someone talks about food, then you are more likely to think of a food word to complete a puzzle, than a cleaning word.
In one study, people were exposed to words about old age, then when they left the test they walked slower than the other group which the words were not about old age.
Holding a pencil horizontally in your mouth, mimics a smile, and when shown cartoons they rated them as funnier than those who were not primed with a forced smile.
Small cues change outcomes, and the businessmen took note.
Helping people understand about priming protects you from being influenced.
There was one example that people judged people as warm personality if the person was drinking hot coffee, than iced coffee.
Knowing information like this, survivors can protect themselves more from dark personalities and people trying to manipulate them, like GreyAreaMonarch.
Furthermore also watch out for the person who first creates the narrative. People tend to believe that, as it is the first thing that they heard and are resistant to contrary narratives. Propaganda The Primacy Effect – or the Power of the First Story [6]
Grey skilfully created fear, primed the vulnerable survivor that I was part of a group, which he later introduced as satanists, and that I “excused satanic collusion”. This is not only a lie but so vague as to not mean anything and of course he produced no evidence of anything. He lied that I had done bad stuff and that I was playing the long game.
Grey knew that making a survivor fearful and suggesting anything “satanic” would trigger her and when fearful then he could manipulate her even more easily. Please understand the techniques he uses and warn other survivors. Most accusations he makes are reverse attributions. He accuses others of precisely what he does. He is a manipulator, controller and programmer and dangerous to survivors. He has no morals about controlling them for his own nefarious reasons.
Grey always demands that everyone else take responsibility for their actions but he never does. He had used multiple sockpuppets to gangstalk survivors and advocates. He controls them by the use of AI. Grey has even used multiple female sockpuppets to maliciously infiltrate a survivor advocate. He has promulgated a series of lies, libels, false accusations and psyops against a variety of people. He creates fear and division, he has controlled and manipulated survivors. He even has three porn accounts, laying bear his lying claims about protecting women and survivors. When is Grey going to take responsibility for his nefarious actions and the damage he is doing and continues to do to survivors?
I have no hard feelings against the vulnerable survivor. I knew from the moment that she said that she was going to unblock Grey that it was a recipe for disaster. She was put in a situation with a predator with no conscience, and it was a no win situation for her. She wanted no drama but Grey gave her an overdose of drama. Grey deliberately controlled and manipulated her. She will have done the best that she could to survive in an impossible no win situation. My heart goes out to her. Many people have heard of fight or flight. Some will have heard of freeze, but less of fawn. Fawning is when a person courts favour by doing what they think the controller wants. The survivor will have been under control by fear and other means, but also she will have done what she needed to to survive as best she can in the face of a ruthless predator. GreyAreaMonarch lies at will and controls and manipulates survivors for his own ends.
Previous foxblog Posts on Similar Topics
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Romeo Spies 2 - Human Intelligence Operatives Techniques [12]
Romeo Spies 3 Sexpionage [13]
Romeo Spies 4 The Spy Who Loved Me Video [14]
AI Tweet Generators and AI Social Media Posts [15]
Romeo Spy 5 [16]
Dark Psychology and Manipulation [17]
BITE Model of Authoritarian Control [18]
Persistent Predatory Personalities PPPs [19]
Previous Posts On Grey Area Monarch
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Grey Area Monarch All
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Satanic Harassment Symbolism - Full of Bull [SSGM1]
Grey Area Monarch - Tilting at Windmills [SSGM2]
Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Humpty Dumpty Numpty Georgty and the Fake Terrorist Slur [SSBB18]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
The Gangstalker Grey Area Monarch [SSGM6]
Grey the Gangstalker Stalks Some More... [SSGM7]
Is Grey Area Monarch using AI to Gangstalk? [SSGM8]
Gangstalker Grey Stalks Again [SSGM9]
Gangstalker Grey Uses AI to Bully and Gangstalk Survivors [SSGM10]
Grey Area Monarch's Fake Slurs about Mental Health [SSGM11]
Grey Area Monarch Calculatingly Triggered and Manipulated a Survivor [SSGM12]
Grey Area Monarch Released Private Message in Mental Health Slur [SSGM13]
Grey Area Monarch Doxxed a Survivor [SSGM14]
Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities [SSGM15]
Grey Area Monarch Luciferian Programmer [SSGM16]
ButterfingerBBZ - Another Grey Area Monarch Gangstalking Sock Puppet Exposed [SSGM17]
Toxic Luciferian Predator - Grey Area Monarch [SSGM18]
GreyAreaMonarch Gangstalking Ally [SSGM19]
GreyAreaMonarch's MO [SSGM20]
Grey Area Monarch's Luciferian Hand Signal - The Masonic M [SSGM21]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner [SSGM22]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 2 [SSGM23]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 3 [SSGM24]
Grey Monarch Sockpuppets and Gangstalking
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
The Gangstalker Grey Area Monarch [SSGM6]
Grey the Gangstalker Stalks Some More... [SSGM7]
Is Grey Area Monarch using AI to Gangstalk? [SSGM8]
Gangstalker Grey Stalks Again [SSGM9]
Gangstalker Grey Uses AI to Bully and Gangstalk Survivors [SSGM10]
Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities [SSGM15]
ButterfingerBBZ - Another Grey Area Monarch Gangstalking Sock Puppet Exposed [SSGM17]
Some posts on Grey’s gaslighting…
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
Grey Area Monarch Calculatingly Triggered and Manipulated a Survivor [SSGM12].
Grey Area Monarch Luciferian Programmer [SSGM16]
ButterfingerBBZ - Another Grey Area Monarch Gangstalking Sock Puppet Exposed [SSGM17]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
[1] 2011 Crucible Institute People who can’t control themselves control the people around them "People who can't control themselves control the people around them.
[2] Derren Brown Brainwashes an Entire Shopping Mall #darrenbrown #shoppingcentre
[3] Locals Veronica Swift Grey Area Monarch
[4] Thread on Priming
[5] 2024 Sept 28 foxblog3 Persistent Predatory Personalities PPPs #psychopaths #PersistentPredatoryPersonalities #PPP #survivors #DrMitchell #karenmitchell
[6] Propaganda The Primacy Effect – or the Power of the First Story #propaganda
[7] Helpful Professor
[8] 2024 Dec 30 foxblog3 Attributes and Tactics of Dark Personalities / Persistent Predatory Personalities #PersistentPredatoryPersonalities #PPPs #DarkPersonalities #attributes #tactics
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