Jessie saw a photo in a c. 2016 Jay Myers documentary about Chateau des Amerois and she thought the photograph was of her. She remembered a similar scenario of Cisco Wheeler taking a photo and being made to dress in old clothes in Laurie Cabot’s Chateau.
Jay Myers Documentaries Mothers of Darkness Castle. The Most Evil Place on Earth! Documentary [4]
However the Jay Myer’s documentary appears to have taken the photo from an old book and put in pentagrams in the circles to form pentacles. It turns out that Jessie was mistaken about it being her. I wrote about it here Jessie, Me and that Photo [SSJ1].
George Bailey’s Blog on Photo, Another Bailey Provably False Theory
Bailey took advantage of Jessie’s mistake and made a slew of false allegations and innuendoes against Jessie. He slapped together a blog which bears little resemblance to the facts or the truth.
Jessie saw the photo in the Jay Myers documentary and took it from there, and that is not remotely in doubt, Jessie, Me and that Photo [SSJ1]. Bailey however never mentioned that the photo was from the Jay Myers documentary. He gives the impression, deviously, that Jessie took the photo from the old book.
2021 Apr 22 [3a]
Bailey accuses Jessie of lying but then Bailey admits that he guesses… “I guess she thought the image was in such an obscure book from over a hundred years ago that nobody would find out”.
But Bailey’s guess was wrong. Bailey should apologise. Jessie did not find the photo in the book. Jessie never made any secret that she saw the photo in the Jay Myer’s documentary already complete with pentacles. Jessie did not know it was not an original photo or not the one that she thought it was.
The original video is down, I have uploaded it and the photo is at approx. 3min12s.
Jay Myers Documentaries Mothers of Darkness Castle. The Most Evil Place on Earth! Documentary [4]
Bailey must have known all this about the video, but still he deliberately sought to give the impression that Jessie took it from the book. If people were fooled by Bailey's disinformation then they would naturally think that Jessie had drawn in or photoshopped the pentagrams in to make pentacles.
Bailey, as he often does, then gives us the benefit of his opinion, extrapolated from the false premise, the strawman that he has created… “This actually does tell us a lot about Jessie Czebotar”
Bailey’s LARPy imagination runs wild as we have become used to. He accuses her of being “a person who thinks she is clever enough to pull off a hoax like this”.
No evidence backs up his opinion of course. Jessie did not find the photo in the book. What it does show us is what type of person Bailey is. Bailey is prepared to lie, then extrapolate from that lie and fabricate a narrative that is false, for the purposes of dissing Jessie, irrespective of the truth. He does this many times.
Bailey then goes on about “theater”. He has written about theatre before, during his proven fake Knock Knock accusations of a “controlled drama”. At the time of blogging his post about the photo, Bailey was already making some theatre, he was in the middle of running another LARP / psyop that Belenoff and Jessie’s website were owned by the same people, and that Jessie was using these websites as a controlled drama. This was 100% false but he ran this for months. Series ongoing here [SSBB9].
Yet again the theatre, the LARP and controlled drama comes from Bailey. Bailey knew full well that Jessie did not find a random photo from a very old book, and then photoshop it and pretend it was in Chateau des Amerois. Jessie took it from a documentary on Chateau des Amerois with a picture of one of her instructors Laurie Cabot Kent on the cover and she believed it was her, as she had been subjected to training there in a similar scenario.
At the same time, Jessie provided me with another photo, which appeared to me to show a resemblance.
Bailey’s deception did not end there.
Bailey Descends into Farce
Laurie Cabot
Bailey then tries to capitalise even further, and writes “Importantly, Laurie Cabot owns no castle”.
Bailey offers no proof, he rarely does, as usual it’s just his unevidenced opinion.
Bailey rarely sources claims of his. His posts often appear superficially believable, especially if you do not dig beneath the surface, but on checking, most are nonsense. The only possible source link Bailey gives for this information appears to be one at the end of the article, which is wikipedia.
Surely not?
So I checked.
Wikipedia Laurie Cabot [8]
Sure enough, practically word for word! George Bailey “research” is wikipedia. Genius. No wonder he does not make clear his sources in the text.
It is not certain that Bailey even knows which castle that Laurie Cabot was meant to own, as he does not name it. The castle being talked about was the old Mother of Darkness castle, Chateau des Amerois.
Bailey does not show any positive proof that Laurie Cabot does not own any castle. Bailey appears to work on a “theory of Wikipedia omission”. As Wikipedia does not state that Laurie Cabot owns the chateau, then Bailey apparently deems it acceptable to state that Laurie Cabot does not own a castle!
Wikipedia is only fit for some purposes in what they do say, but to take what they omit as proof of anything is one of the most wacky things that Bailey has done. No mention of a castle in Laurie Cabot’s wikipedia profile appears to translate in the Bailey brain as that it is acceptable for him to state that she does not own one.
Bailey does not appear to understand, that “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”. Furthermore it does not appear to cross Bailey’s mind that esoteric information is generally not found in Wikipedia, or even that Wikipedia might be wrong. If esoteric information is in Wikipedia, it becomes exoteric and the intent might well be to mislead!
Presumably as yet again he gives no source, Bailey used the same source to state that Laurie Cabot is not a Kent! No long and complex genealogical investigations for George. If Wikipedia does not mention it then that becomes BaileyFact!! Oh dear. BaileyFacts are not worth the reading time. Strangely Bailey does not venture an opinion as to why Laurie Cabot calls one of her witchy organisations the Cabot Kent Hermetic Temple [10]. If information not in wikipedia, it doesn’t exist in Baileyworld. Oh George…
Cisco Wheeler
Bailey the research fiend then moves on to Cisco Wheeler…
Bailey states that Jessie said the photo was taken by Cisco Wheeler, which he states cannot be true as it was over 100 years old. Yes George, that was part of the same mistake. If it wasn’t the photo that Jessie thought it was that Cisco took, then Cisco did not take it, no research required, part of the same mistake.
Bailey further deceives “3 lies and one picture to prove it”
Bailey tries to take one mistake and make out that it is 3 different “lies”. He even states “one picture to prove it”. How does the picture prove anything about the castle or whether Laurie Cabot is a Kent? Of course it doesn’t prove anything but Bailey is on a roll, and practised at deceit.
As a simple example, someone says, “I took a bus on the 11 November and I was wearing a red jacket”, but a mistake was made and it wasn’t the 11th Nov but it was the 12th. Then someone over keen to criticise who desperately wants to create a bad impression of the person who said this, working on Bailey logic might say “You lied and you lied 3 times. It was not the 11th it was the 12th, and you also lied that you took a bus on the 11th and that you lied that you wore a red jacket on the 11th”.
These are the tactics of someone desperate to deceive. In reality it is one mistake. The photo find in the book, which incidentally was nothing to do with Bailey, would only indicate that Cisco did not take that photo in the book. It does not prove that Cisco did not take a picture in Laurie Cabot Kent’s chateau, or that Jessie did not draw on a blackboard in her training or that Jessie was made to dress in Victorian clothes, it just indicates that it was not the photo that Jessie thought it was of that occasion.
Bailey started deceiving with his very first post on Jessie, Belenoff and me and his now notorious schoolboy error / Knock Knock lie / psyop, [SSBB9]. That lie / psyop was still outstanding when he wrote these lies about the photo. The more I study Bailey’s blog the more Bailey appears to be an organised LARP / psyop against Jessie and those who wrote about her. There is no way Bailey could make so many major mistakes by accident.
Does Chateau des Amerois exist?
Bizarrely, apparently intoxicated with his own lies, then blurts out that the castle does not even exist!
2021 May 22 [6]
Bailey now claims that the castle that he says Jessie mentions, Chateau des Amerois does not even exist! Of course Bailey offers no proof or even a possible source link. Classic BS Bailey! Even wikipedia has a page on Chateau des Amerois [9]. Perhaps Bailey cannot even research wikipedia now?
On twitter, Bailey repeats his lies about the castle…
If Bailey says a castle does not exist, that does in reality exist to everyone except Bailey, you can imagine what the rest of his content is like! George BaiLIE. Fantasy Georgie.
Jessie did not lie, she made a mistake. Something that Bailey appears to do with such abundant frequency that it appears to be a pattern of deliberate disinformation, a LARP, a hoax, a psyop.
Bailey came out of the blue in Apr 2021 and started lying about Jessie and myself and then others associated with Jessie. He invented a bizarre, totally false story about us in conspiracy to justify this, see [SSBB9]. Bailey became paranoid that Knock Knock WHOIS Not There was a “fishy” company and the type of name made up to fool him and mock him on the fly. It wasn’t, it is a legitimate wordpress company but he made a fool of himself entirely of his own accord. He then went on, as he does, extrapolated from this error, that as he thought that Knock Knock owned both Belenoff and Jessie’s website, then Jessie was running a controlled drama about the Belenoffs!
At the time Bailey posted about the photo, he was in the middle of his Knock Knock LARP, which lasted for months. Does Bailey not understand that all his disinformation and LARP’s have consequences, or is that why exactly why he does it?
Disinformation Has Consequences
Unfortunately recently Gabbi Choong reposted Bailey’s disinformation post. I have listened to a couple of Gabbi’s videos and she appears knowledgeable about the New Age psyop. Posting Bailey’s lies tends to discredit her and I hope she digs beneath the surface of just posting a link. It appears that Gabbi does not yet understand that George Bailey, Sarah Moch, Paula Blades and AW lie and spread disinformation on a regular basis. That is all proven in this Scarlet Sage blog, unlike Bailey’s spurious guesses and claims, based on his paranoia and fantasies.
Previous Post on George W Bailey
George B. Bailey Part 1 [SSBB1]
George B Bailey 2 Tags and Tantrums [SSBB2]
George Bailey 3 - The Moch Mob DO Attack Survivors and Whistleblowers [SSBB3]
Bailey's Knock Knock Conspiracy Hoax Part 1 [SSBB4]
Bailey's Knock Knock 2 - He’s Caught Again [SSBB5]
Bailey's Knock Knock 3 - Red Flags [SSBB6]
Bailey's Knock Knock 4 - The Tweet Does Not Lie [SSBB7]
Bailey’s Knock Knock 5 - Away with the Fairies [SSBB8]
Bailey's Knock Knock 6 - Knock Out [SSBB9]
For other posts on the Moch mob, their propaganda, their disinformation, their lies see Scarlet Sage Index [SSI]
[3a] 2021 Apr 22 She’s Caught Again
[4] date ? Jay Myers Documentaries Mothers of Darkness Castle_The Most Evil Place on Earth! Documentary!-Documentary-BnV0p8RSY3k:1
[6] 2021 May 22 Outright Turds The Picture Does Not Lie
[8] Wikipedia Laurie Cabot
[9] Wikipedia Chateau des Amerois.
[10] Cabot Kent Hermetic Temple
[SSBB9] Bailey's Knock Knock 6 - Knock Out
[SSJ1] 2024 Feb 24 Scarlet Sage Jessie, Me and that Photo #jessieczebotar #photo #chateaudesamerois #jessie
I have been attacked by various members of the Bailey / Moch mob for nearly 3 years. I did not respond. That appears to have allowed or encouraged them to think that they can get away with their false attacks, lies, libels and innuendo. Sarah Moch was asked to apologise and correct her lies in early 2023. She chose not to do so, and she continued her lies and still continues spreading her hateful lies.
The Moch mob’s lies have resulted in me and others being intimidated, harassed, stalked and threatened. Sarah Moch gave those lies and disinformation to others, which has given them a false sense of what is true and what is lies. They have used that disinformation to threaten people. That is serious. If anything happens to me, or the others that have been threatened, then Sarah Moch, Paula Blades and George Bailey need to be investigated. So too needing investigating, if anything happens to me, is the “warrior” Grey Area Monarch (various sock puppet accounts) who demands that I take my blog down. He then threatens, stalks, threatens and lies. There are also those who deliberately covered up his threats. I am now in the process of correcting this whole mobs lies. When are they going to correct their lies and apologise?
Their ad hominem attacks, insults, disinformation, misinformation and lies have created a toxic atmosphere in which it is impossible to reasonably discuss issues around Jessie and the system. The Moch mob’s certainty that Jessie is not from bloodline or brought up in the system is in inverse proportion to their knowledge of the brotherhood, the illuminati, the occult, the symbolism, ritual abuse, survivors stories, magik or anything to do with the system. They claim to have researched her family tree. If Jessie is not bloodline nor from the system they need to publish that information to prove their claims or apologise.
This blog is not about defending Jessie, it is about correcting the lies and libels from the Moch mob. Many of those lies are about Jessie, and provably false. I blogged about Jessie’s story in 2020 and plainly still know more about aspects of her story than Moch’s kindergarten level knowledge. Other Moch mob lies are about me and others who write or talk genuinely about the system.
The toxic atmosphere that they have created in attacking not just Jessie but other survivors is obviously damaging to survivors coming forward and telling their experiences. Do they not care, or is this their real intention?
Any corrections, or information on the Moch mob email