“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
Bailey showed his true colours by calling Marion a terrorist…
The common widely understood definition of terrorist is along the lines of “someone who uses violent action or threats of violent action, for political purposes” Cambridge Dictionary, or Collins
“ a terrorist is a person who uses violence, especially murder and bombing, in order to achieve political aims”
Bailey knows Marion is not a terrorist by any commonly understood definition. It’s a disgusting accusation to make. However Bailey doubles down and even tries to justify his aberrant abusive behaviour and choice of word.
“To be clear, I called Marion a terrorist, because she terrorizes people online calling them every awful name imaginable. Such terms as bitch, POS, filth etc.”
Bailey’s reasoning for calling Marion a terrorist was because she has said shit and bitch. Does Bailey not see that falsely him calling people a hugely emotional packed word like terrorist is much much worse? Is Bailey intent on triggering Marion? The deliberate triggering of people on social media happens, and should be condemned.
Several points here…
I don’t agree with Marion’s use of that language, but when Bailey’s friends have mercilessly gang stalked and targeted a victim of abuse and trauma over a sustained period of time, with insults, ad hominem attacks, many many gifs and memes as well as threats of physical violence, then it is no surprise that people will be triggered and respond using bad words.
Terrorist is a term that Bailey appears to deliberately and cynically use to trigger a reaction
Bailey’s trolly friends have used far far worse language, far more often, and subjected several people to actual violent threats. Why does Bailey use a double standard?
This type of behaviour is quite typical of Bailey and fits outwith normal behaviour but well within the parameters of the psyops that he runs. Bailey has used abuse, lies, propaganda, gaslighting, deception and more, in his blogs and psyops.
Bailey stooped deep into the sewer to dredge an emotively charged insult that is not true, and wholly unjustified. He publicly accuses someone, using the word terrorist because they have said shit and bitch. Zero justification.
Bailey appears to think using the words shit and bitch is worse than the actions of making fun of someone’s miscarriage, MochStalk 11 Jessie's Dead Baby was not a Giant Rat or Troll Doll [SSMS11] and stalking every single one of Jessie’s children or constant social media harassment, MochStalk 16 Summary and Index of Sarah Moch's ChildStalking [SSMS16]. It’s interesting what some people can justify to themselves when they run a psyop.
“When I use the word terrorist” Humpty Dumpty Numpty Georgty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means they used the words shit and bitch. I don’t care about the truth, I have a psyop to run.”
George always has to resort to ad hominem attacks because he cannot argue on the facts. Poor George.
Bailey and Grey Area Operator - Mutually Cooperating Psyops?
Bailey is a friend of Grey Area Monarch who has issued several threats of physical violence, [SSGM3] and many many “cuss words”. Bailey has not called Grey Area Operator out on those real threats nor his choice of words. Nor has Bailey called Grey Area Monarch on his constant use of the word bitch, just one example here…
Grey says “Look for yourself, stop trying to be dramatic. You’re a fucking coward bitch”
Grey also recently beat the world record on the number of “coward bitch” ad hominem comments made during one recent twitter space. His behaviour was an embarrassing display that is not representative of survivors and gives survivors a bad name.
Grey also calls people filth…
Why does George not call out Grey Area Operator for making violent threats? Why does Bailey not call out Grey as a terrorist, according to Bailey’s own Humpty Dumpty definition of using cuss words? Why the double standard?
Poor George always resorts to ad hominem attacks. He doesnt argue on the facts because he cannot.
The Grey Operator
Similarly, in an act of mutual backscratching, Grey Area Operator also does NOT call out his psyop running friend George Bailey who attacked a survivor by quoting a “satanic panic hoax” site which promotes False Memory Syndrome FMS. The survivor was Cisco Wheeler and it was on Bailey’s Outright Turds blog.
Grey Operator aggressively calls out people who he slurs by saying that they support the idea of False Memory Syndrome FMS, yet he does not call out Bailey who demonstrably supports the use of an FMS site to attack a survivor, see BaiLie uses "Satanic Panic" hoax site to attack Cisco Wheeler [SSBB17].
Perversely the Grey Operator has falsely attacked Veronica, Jessie, Marion and myself and probably many others for supporting FMS yet none of us have supported the idea of FMS nor the FMSF. Lies and slurs are a trademark of the Grey Operator.
Grey Operator markets himself narcissistically as the whistleblowers whistleblower! His major manipulative technique appears to be inducing and spreading fear amongst survivors. Grey plays up that he is always in an enoooormous amounts of danger due to whatever his latest fear story is, and he perpetually claims to be about to be doxxed, being doxxed or has been doxxed or some twisted interpretation of an action or sentence.
Grey is in no more danger than any other survivor, probably less. The satanic system knows who he is. The scary mask is just a prop for Grey’s public performances. Grey actually claims to work with bureaucrats and LEO (Law Enforcement Officers?). Does Grey think they are independent of the satanic system? Is he actually protected by them?
Using manipulative techniques ie. creating continuing threats, an outside enemy, using fear and a “with us or against us” attitude Grey manipulates his audience, mainly survivors that he is in danger. Then he calls on survivors to support him. He fools many to buy into it and he keeps the Grey Operator soap opera going by constantly initiating attacks on others and when they respond he claims to be being attacked.
The Grey Operator plays the UberVictim.
He is a bully. If you stand up to him, or even disagree with him in a thread, you are likely to be labelled a satanist and Luciferian. He has produced not one iota of evidence for his false accusations. These false accusations appear just part of the range of Grey’s manipulative techniques.
I produce evidence of
… so Grey gets really mad. All he can do is make ad hominem comments and fabricate slurs against me and then repeat them. Repetition is the first rule of propaganda.
Why is Grey Operator not addressing his use of satanic imagery, his use of sock puppet accounts, his threats including death threats, his lies, his false accusations, his harassment and his stalking?
The Grey Operator has become a liability for other survivors and gives them a bad name.
Bailey and Grey Area Monarch keep lying in the face of the truth and do not call each other out. They appear to have complementary psyops.
Bailey used a satanic panic hoax sites to attack a survivor and runs a blog that runs psyops and is full of lies. Bailey has told so many lies that his psyop is clear to see. He thought he was getting away with it and is becoming antsy now he is being exposed. Bailey has also become a liability for the system.
What a pair of drama queens.
For more on Grey Area Monarch and George Bailey see the following links…
Scarlet Sage Index [SSI]
Previous Articles Relevant to this Post
BaiLie uses "Satanic Panic" hoax site to attack Cisco Wheeler [SSBB17]
MochStalk 11 Jessie's Dead Baby was not a Giant Rat or Troll Doll [SSMS11]
Previous Articles on Grey Area Monarch / Grey Area Operator
Satanic Harassment Symbolism - Full of Bull [SSGM1]
Grey Area Monarch - Tilting at Windmills [SSGM2]
Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Some Previous Bailey Moch Mob Propaganda, Psyops and Intel Links
Bailey Knock Knock Psyop 7 The Controlled Drama Queen's Deceptive "Correction" [SSBB12]
Bailey's Psyop 2 - Photo Propaganda [SSBB10]
Bailey's Photo Psyop Part 2 - The Wrap up Smear [SSBB16]
Bailey Can't Face the Truth about His Psyops [SSBB11]
Bailey Psyop 3 - Fantastic Fiction Fiona Barnett Psyop [SSBB13]
Bailie uses "Satanic Panic" hoax site to attack Cisco Wheeler [SSBB17]
MochProp 1 - Sarah Moch's Propaganda Edit on Jessie's Human Hunting Stories [SSMP1]
MockStalk 14 AW's Fake Strawman Defence Goes Up in Flames [SSMS14]
Moch Intel 1 - What is Moch Mob's Relationship with Intel? Paula C Blades [SSMI1]
Moch Intel 2 - Moch Mob Intel Coven... [SSMI2]
Moch Intel 3 Operation Able Danger [SSMI3]
Moch Intel 4 - Don't Tread On Me [SSMI4]
Any corrections, or information on the Moch mob email scarletsagegorwss101@proton.me
foxblog3 substack [fb3]
foxblog4 current wordpress blog [fb4]
foxblog1 old wordpress, some great posts [fb1]
Posts are posted here first Scarlet Sage Telegram Group
Short Background
Bailey and then the Moch mob attacked me for 3 years. I started this blog after Grey Monarch, who apparently uses their lies, harassed me, stalked me and then threatened me. This blog is a response to being threatened by Grey Area Monarch and attacked by these obsessed and fixated individuals, when I have given ten years of my life to helping survivors and revealing information and perpetrators. No wonder these trolls and psyop teams do not like my posts.