Sarah Moch stalked Child F
Sarah Moch stalked every one of Jessie’s children. Child F is the last one. [The redaction is mine, Sarah again does not redact.]
Sarah Criticizes Jessie for doing a radio show a week after the funeral
Sarah even feels that she can comment on whether Jessie should have given a speech at her son’s funeral, and criticised how she reacted in the days after the funeral, when Jessie did a radio programme about a week after Josiah’s death.
When you read whatever Sarah says always remember Sarah’s limitations and technique.
Sarah is not the sharpest pencil in the box. This is not an insult, just the reality, seen for example when she has to ask how to do her simple children’s homework on twitter.
Sarah hardly reads around the subject of the occult and therefore does not even understand basic facts about it.
Sarah twists everything to her anti-Jessie narrative.
Do not accept as true Sarah’s initial premises, statements or narrative of the situation. They are often wrong due to Sarah’s incorrect understanding based on ignorance, and from there her biased analysis and deductions veer further up rectum.
What is clear is that Sarah Moch attacks people’s behaviour at one of the lowest points in their life, and pontificates publicly, believing that she, Sarah Moch knows best how another person should behave after the loss of their child. [2024 Jan 15 update, sentence deleted see Correction [SSSM4]]
Sarah’s behaviour was shown to be heartless and a disgrace, when she and her group openly mocked Jessie’s miscarriage Mochs Myths 2 - Jessie's Dead Baby was not a Giant Rat or Troll Doll [SSMM2]. It seems that Sarah cannot behave appropriately even when someone loses a baby, yet she has the audacity to comment on how others should grieve at the loss of their own child.
Furthermore Moch, due to her ignorance of the system, does not even begin to understand illuminati trained and engrained “posture” behaviour in public. Not maintaining posture when in the cult would have incurred severe punishment either to her, or as is often the MO of the cult, to punish other children and those you love. Furthermore showing weakness is always punished in the system and habits become engrained though neural pathways. A good book to read would be The Magical Child by Joseph Chilton Pearce if Moch actually wanted to learn, but it is abundantly apparent that she is not interested in learning, just scapegoating.
Moch’s judgmental behaviour is overtly unChristian yet she claims that she is a Christian, despite the lack of Christian behaviour and especially her disturbing episode with her magik piano. Sarah Moch 3 - Moch's Magik Piano [SSSM3].
Sarah Moch’s hypocrisy knows no bounds and her standards of behaviour get lower and lower.
Sarah has one rule for Sarah, Another Rule for Everyone Else
Why Bring My Children Into it? - So Wrong
Sarah Moch’s view in Aug 2022 when someone involved her own children in some argument was “Say what you want about me, but why bring my children into it. So wrong…”
She continued “My husband does NOT like Deb because she continues to bring up our children in her attempts to insult me”
Sarah Stalked and Reposted Information on all 6 of Jessie’s Children
Sarah has stalked every one of Jessie’s children. Then after stalking, and some sham and shameful reasoning Moch reposted all their photographs and some social media account details onto her hate group, for everyone to do as they chose with that information.
There is little doubt in my mind that the result of this could be the targeting of Jessie’s children. In my opinion Sarah did this to deliberately make Jessie fearful for her children and was a deliberate tactic of intimidation of Jessie by Sarah Moch.
We have seen just how obsessed and fixated the Moch mob are, in repeatedly harassing and stalking Jessie particular day after day - targeting with hashtags, spamming hashtags, hurling insults and ad hominem abuse, with no regard for Jessie or her children.
Sarah rightly was indignant when her children were brought into an argument in a very limited way by someone. Yet true to form Sarah went on to stalk every single one of Jessie’s children. Compared to that incident with her own children, what Sarah herself has done to Jessie’s children is much much worse, probably ongoing and their information is still up on Sarah Moch’s group.
Why the double standard from Sarah Moch?
Why the hypocrisy?
If Moch had a conscience she should delete all Jessie’s children’s photographs and information from her group and apologise profusely.
If as Sarah has said that her husband Dontay does not like the person who brought up Sarah and Dontay’s children in an attempt to insult her, what does Dontay Moch think of his wife Sarah who quite deliberately stalked and posted each one of Jessie’s children onto her hate group?
The hate group is where survivors, child trafficking whistle blowers and survivor advocates are routinely mocked, insulted, subject to ad hominem attacks, false accusations and just plain hate. This is based on the groups abysmal research, inaccurate determination and reading of the facts, faulty logic and pathetic analysis.
Sarah does not seem to live by a moral code of “Do as you would be done by”. Does Dontay not think Sarah is inevitably increasing any risk of similar actions being taken against their own children in misplaced retaliation or revenge for her own incredibly crass actions? Sarah’s actions are a recipe for misplaced similar reaction.
Do neither Dontay not care about Sarah’s stalking of children? Does he know? Surely if he did then he would stop Sarah’s harassment and stalking. These are the real possible risks when Sarah starts a race to the bottom and proves she has no morals. However I would advise anyone to not stoop to Sarah’s level in anything.
MochStalk 1, She Stalked Them All - Introduction [SSMS1]
MochStalk 2 She Stalked Them All - Child A [SSMS2]
Mochstalk 3 She Stalked Them All - Child B [SSMS3]
MochStalk 4 She Stalked Them All - Child C [SSMS4]
MockStalk 5 She Stalked Them All - Child D [SSMS5]
MockStalk 6 She Stalked Them All - Child E [SSMS6]
Previous Posts on Moch’s mob
Scarlet Sage Index [SSI]
Sarah Moch's anti-Survivor, Hate Group - Hating on Survivor X [SSASH1]
Sarah Moch’s anti-Survivor, Hate Group 2 - Paula Blades Hating on Survivor Svali [SSASH2] [SSPP1]
Sarah Moch's anti-Survivor, Hate Group 3 - Hating on Survivor Y [SSASH3]
Sarah Moch's anti-Survivor, Hate Group 4 - Hating on Whistleblower Tracy Remington [SSASH4]
Sarah Moch 1 – Spiteful, Yes Spiteful! [SSSM1]
Sarah Moch 2 – Toxic Ostrich [SSSM2]
Sarah Moch 3 - Moch's Magik Piano [SSSM3]
Sarah Moch's Stalk and Snitch 1 - Is it Safe or Effective? [SSSS1]
Sarah Moch’s Stalk and Snitch 2 - Brother [SSSS2]
MochStalk 1, She Stalked Them All - Introduction [SSMS1]
MochStalk 2 She Stalked Them All - Child A [SSMS2]
Mochstalk 3 She Stalked Them All - Child B [SSMS3]
MochStalk 4 She Stalked Them All - Child C [SSMS4]
MockStalk 5 She Stalked Them All - Child D [SSMS5]
MockStalk 6 She Stalked Them All - Child E [SSMS6]
Moch’s Myths 1 - Sarah's Antichrist Election Idiocy [SSMM1]
Mochs Myths 2 - Jessie's Dead Baby was not a Giant Rat or Troll Doll [SSMM2]
Propaganda Paula 2 - Svali Plagiarism Lies [SSPP2]
George B. Bailey Part 1 [SSBB1]
George B Bailey 2 Tags and Tantrums [SSBB2]
If there is anything to correct please email
[SSSM4] 2024 Jan 15 Scarlet Sage Sarah Moch 4 Correction re Sarah Moch #SarahMoch #miscarriage #correction #mocking