Three of online persona Grey Area Monarch’s sock puppets have been exposed, which with his two other admitted accounts, makes 5 accounts so far that he uses to attack, gangstalk and manipulate people. He has also admitted to having more accounts that he uses in a way that he says people cannot identify that it is him.
In the last post it was shown that Grey as pbandjandbread gangstalked Marion and Tom Althouse. His psyop and one particular period of continuous gangstalking against Tom Althouse lasted 3 weeks.
Grey Monarch has still not come clean publicly on his numerous attacks, his many sock puppets, harassment, gangstalking and threats against survivors and survivors advocates. He is the ultimate Mr. Divisive and gives survivors a very bad name.
Grey Attacks Pete Ohlinger / Days of Noah
Previously Grey was attacking and abusing Pete Ohlinger of Days of Noah podcast, calling him “a little bitch coward … boy”, an “embarrassment of a man” and more, whilst hiding behind his covert Apoceclipse satanic imagery sock puppet, see Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3].
Grey Area Monarch had previously attacked with his main account…
…as well as his second account, Organize Safety…
Note Grey as organizesafety arrogantly tells Pete to “Do better”. It’s Grey and organizesafety that need to do better. I haven’t seen Pete Ohlinger gangstalking or threatening anyone.
Then Grey targeted Pete Ohlinger with a second sock puppet, the fourth account he has used to attack Pete. It was pure covert manipulation, Grey gangstalked and gaslighted his target in an attempt to belittle them and boost himself. Pete Ohlinger described Grey as “off kilter… not stable. Anger issues, very vicious” from “personal experience” and that is the tweet Grey masquerading as pbandjandbread chooses to attack…
This is classic Grey behaviour. Grey attacks Ohlinger saying that he “hides behind the fact that you got talked bad to. Boo hoo man…” Grey gaslights to cover his own disgusting behaviour by saying he was merely “talking bad” or “abrasive” or just throwing “words”. It’s a pattern, Grey is undeniably a gangstalker and manipulator and abuses people and then he tries to gaslight, diminish and deny his toxic behaviour and pretend he knows best and is better than anyone else.
Grey accuses Pete of “hiding behind” something but it is Gey who is hiding behind another sock puppet account. Grey gangstalked Pete Ohlinger with 4 accounts identified so far.
Grey had previously attacked channelexodus when Grey had claimed, remarkably, to be acting as God’s right hand! Then Grey had threatened channelexodus with physical violence. “I’ve been acting as God’s right hand and maybe you need to see what the five fingers say to the blasphemous face HahA”, [SSGM4].
Grey has still not acknowledged this nor apologised. He does not seem to be able to face up to his disgraceful toxic behaviour and so the exposures will continue.
Grey had also used his organizesafety account to attack channelexodus, going off on them for posting a meme and Grey as organizesafety ranting that “nothing is funny or a game you utter fool”.
We have already seen how Grey had used his DoanythingnowAI account against channelexodus - Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4].
Grey also used his pbandjandbread sock puppet to attack, manipulate and gangstalk Channel Exodus. Grey as pbandjandbread asked “are you the girl being replied to that Tom talked about?”.
This shows the duplicitous nature of Grey, who is pretending, as pbandjandbread not to know that that channelexodus was the person Tom talked about. Grey absolutely knew that it was. He knew because it was Grey as GreyAreaMonarch that was replying to channelexodus, when he made the violent threat, to slap or punch him in the face.
So Grey is playing his sock puppet gangstalking deceptive games, all part of his gaslighting, lies and manipulation. Grey gangstalked channelexodus with 4 accounts.
Grey, Blasphemy and Projection
Bizarrely Grey as pbandjandbread then accuses channelexodus of blasphemy!
Grey said “maybe you were speaking blasphemy to someone who ACTUALLY has been saving children and fighting corruption.”
Here are some definitions of blasphemy from Merriam-Webster…
Grey as pbandjandbread said “maybe you were speaking blasphemy to someone who ACTUALLY has been saving children and fighting corruption”.
channelexodus was clearly not talking about God, but about Grey being a “Luciferian copyChristian” so his / her comments could not have been blasphemous.
“… u r looking more like a luciferian copychristian like sarahseeksspoof, you dont sound like a christian m8”… and then recommended Grey get some grace training...
It was forthright, witty but clearly not blasphemous.
We must consider this comment in the context that Grey did actually say “I’ve been acting as God’s right hand…” which was the comment replying to channelexodus previously.
Certainly it would appear to be Grey who was the one being blasphemous for stating that “I’ve been acting as God’s right hand”.
Grey could be very well said to be replacing Jesus with himself.
If anyone is being blasphemous it is Grey and yet Grey falsely accused channelexodus of being blasphemous. Two weeks later Grey followed it up, posing as another sockpuppet, pbandjandbread to further accuse channelexodus of blasphemy. This indicates it is quite deliberate from Grey and not accidental or spur of the moment.
It is clear that channelexodus was not blasphemous and clear that Grey Area Monarch probably was, but Grey inverts it and blames channelexodus. It is classic psychological projection - attributing your own feelings, qualities or reactions to someone else.
from Choosing Therapy [2].
Grey internally realises that he has been blasphemous but his way of dealing with his uncomfortable realisation, is to project onto someone else that they have been blasphemous. It is even more obvious here than normal as Grey initially blasphemes and then immediately blames the other person in the very same sentence. Far from apologising Grey doubles down and again accuses the innocent person via Grey’s sockpuppet as if to validate his own accusation from a seemingly different source. Grey is trying to gaslight channelexodus and any onlookers.
It’s an internal conflict for Grey as he has blasphemed, and he has at least superficially professed to be a Christian. This manifests as Grey blaming someone else who clearly has not blasphemed. We see this type of behaviour quite often with Grey. It gives an insight into Grey’s mind and how it works.
This appears to be classic gaslighting and manipulation by Grey, classic projection.
There is another possible explanation. Grey could have been in a luciferian alter, and made the claim about blasphemy and he actually means the blasphemy of his god, lucifer. Luciferians are taught and they believe that they can become gods.
Grey Area Monarch, on top of the blasphemy, the inversion, the gaslighting and manipulation and gangstalking then remarkably followed that by a physical threat “…and maybe you need to see what the five fingers say to the blasphemous face HahA”.
Grey claims to be acting as God’s right hand whilst also threatening someone in the same sentence. This does not sit well together. He also falsely blames someone else for blasphemy when he was the one that blasphemed. Grey even then laughs “haha” having threatened someone. We have also seen how Grey was to call channelexodus a fool and say nothing was funny or a game… “nothing is funny or a game you utter fool”. Grey however appears to think that threatening someone is funny.
It is ironic that Grey’s blasphemy is being revealed just after the blasphemy of the Last Supper at the Olympics in Paris replacing Jesus with an obese lesbian woman and the disciples by trans / men in drag.
Tom Althouse
Last week it was shown that Grey used gangstalking techniques with 5 of his accounts on Tom, techniques normally only used by government / intel on survivor TI’s. Now an examination of a little more about GreyAreaMonarch’s attacks on Tom.
Grey and the Moch Mob
It was not just Grey with his 5 accounts attacking Tom. The usual Bailey / Moch Mob trolls were also vulturing around.
SarahSucksAtTruth messaged Grey. Sarah, no doubt miffed that she did not manage to make the initial snitch to Grey, merely aftersnitch commiserations, and she had to make do with how rude and irresponsible that she thought Tom was…
Sarah appears to overlook her own rudeness and irresponsibility when she and her mob mocked Jessie’s miscarriage, and how she stalked and reposted each of Jessie’s children social media including the minor children onto her hate group. See MochStalk 16 Summary and Index of Sarah Moch's ChildStalking [SSMS16]. Moch also overlooks her own irresponsible lying and false accusations, see Scarlet Sage Index [SSI]. Sarah is also friends with the disgraced fake child rescuer Craig Sawyer and his wife! He got into trouble recently for illegal stings in Operation Clean Sweep. Cosy friendships Sarah has!
None of the Bailey / Moch mob know much about the system and they collectively agree with only a bare handful of survivors, and they appear to be chosen for a specific purpose. The Moch mob are more likely to mock survivors than support them, see Moch Mob Hate 6 Hating on Survivor Cisco Wheeler [SSASH6] with its various links, as well as links at the end of this post.
Grey is closely allied to the Bailey Moch mob - Sarah Moch, George Bailey, Brandie Mills and Paula Blades although more recently Blades and Grey seem to have fallen out over General Flynn. Grey gets some of his disinformation and misinformation that he has used or rather misused, from the Bailey / Moch mob.
Moch and Brandie Mills appear friendly with practising satanist Lanzifer, Bailey is a supporter of a false memory syndrome FMS satanic panic hoax site and disses survivor Cisco Wheeler with that hoax site. However although Grey takes a supposedly vehement, uncompromising anti satanic stance he appears to overlook this for the Bailey Moch mob. Grey has not called Bailey out on his support of a satanic panic hoax site, [SSBB18], despite falsely accusing many others of the same. Neither does Grey call out the child stalker Sarah Moch for her behaviour.
Here Grey is in a thread with George Bailey and Sarah Moch
Grey uses the opportunity to make an threat, “…my military brothers are going to want to talk to him”.
Grey and Threats
It would of course not be a post about Grey if Grey’s threats did not rear their ugly heads. Again this is no exception. Note that Grey has not still not yet admitted to, commented on or apologised for any of his many threats including death threats that it has been shown that he has made. He can longer pretend or gaslight that he does not threaten anyone. Nor can he pretend that he does not attack or threaten women. His targets are often women.
Tom writes about the individual who apparently is behind the online persona Grey who he spoke to… “ he… raged and threatened… He vehemently spewed every talking point. He’s fixated and projecting his hate as narcissists so. The guy is scary and dangerous. If you know him, tell him no more contact.”
Tom’s view of Grey was similar to Pete Ohlinger’s view. The advice from Tom to tell others to have no more contact with Grey was good advice. However even after I told Grey that he was to cease contact, Grey continued to stalk and harass and message me via various social media.
Tom was obviously fearful as far back as Oct 15…
“This is no joke. I am afraid for my life and others I care about around his behavior. What I experienced on the phone. This guy is dangerous. Period.”
Grey’s psychological operation and targeting of Tom ran for about 3 weeks from Oct 12 to early November. Grey then tried to start it up again in Jun 2024 for no apparent reason, apart from seemingly to try to distract away from the many serious allegations against himself.
Here is a threat again “my military brothers are going to want to talk to him”
Grey tries always to minimise his aggression and threats. Above he says he simply called out satanists with screenshots and ignores his threats. Firstly Grey has a habit of labelling anyone who does anything that he does not approve of, as a satanist. Then in this following case he reduces his aggression that causes Tom to label Grey as dangerous, to merely “scolding” Tom. Grey uses this technique often and tries to pass it off as just “throwing words” or being “abrasive”. Another deflection is that he says he started off “respectfully”. The usual nonsense and gaslighting.
Grey’s attack on Tom is a full blown gangstalking psyop, TI style attack on a survivor, orchestrated and carried out by Grey over 3 weeks with several sock puppets.
Grey sinisterly says “I’m talking online to AVOID bloodshed. These people are a danger to themselves.”
Grey does not explain how they are a danger to themselves but the implication is that Tom is somehow bringing bloodshed upon himself. Grey always plays innocent after making threats and this next tweet is no exception. Tom has obviously complained about threats. Grey wants people to accept anything that he says or does, including attacks, insults, threats and implies that the alternative is worse and may result in danger to themselves. Grey is a practised manipulator.
Note also in the message above that Grey claimed that he was being doxxed. Grey loves to play victim about anything, anytime. SarahSucks mentions that Grey’s “name and state” was mentioned, but then below Grey says that the information is not even his… “mind you he is doxxing information (which isn’t even mine)”.
Grey cannot simultaneously complain about doxxing of him when the information is not even his. Note the use of the snake image with dagger through head, which he has a habit of using to threaten people.
Was Grey just playing “muh victim”, then changed his story yet again when it suited him? In the tweet above Grey even uses the “endanger an active anti child trafficking operative” card.
Grey is trying to give people the impression that Tom was in some way trying to stop children being rescued which is of course false. It’s just more propaganda and PR from Grey. I have never seen any evidence that Grey is even involved in anti - child trafficking. There many be some, but all I have seen is him saying that he was involved in corrupt operational raids in 2014.
Grey still tells people to go to Law Enforcement Operatives and bureaucrats!! Advice that not many survivors would choose to do. In fact it could be very dangerous for them. Is this not survivor harvesting?
Grey as his sockpuppet pbandjandbread asks Tom where the threats are…
Grey often makes threats in private first. It sounds as though they were made by phone. They might not have been recorded. Even if they were, if Tom was to reveal the text of Grey’s private messages Grey would then play the victim card just as he did the previous month when Veronica felt compelled to release their emails due to Grey’s harassment and aggression.
It is not in doubt that Grey makes threats, several have now been listed in these posts which Grey cannot deny. However Grey uses his gaslighting technique to try and pretend to the “onlookers” that he does not threaten people, and even tries to gaslight his victim as well.
Several threats by Grey have been revealed so far. Grey remains quiet, refusing to admit his guilt and apologise to all concerned.
Grey tries to pass himself off as a “warrior” who is tough, talks in the open and takes on satanists and luciferians. In reality he is a gangstalker who attacks survivors, survivor advocates and bloggers with 4 and 5 of his accounts onto 1 of theirs, because he does not like what they say. That is bullying, and gangstalker Grey is unequivocally a bully and a gangstalker. Furthermore he is using various sock puppets which are covert so Grey is cowardly and deceptive, whilst claiming to be transparent.
In this post Grey has been shown to gangstalk two more people - Pete Ohlinger Days of Noah podcast and also channelexodus, with 4 of his accounts against each of them. It was also shown that Grey is friendly with and combined with the Bailey / Moch mob, despite their connections to practising satanists, satanic activity, FMS / satanic panic hoax sites and the like, yet Grey is silent about those connections. The Bailey Moch mob in turn say nothing about Grey’s gangstalking or threats. It’s mutual omerta.
Conversely and perversely Grey fabricates false accusations against myself, Veronica, Marion and others about connections to FMS and satanists. Clear libel, clear lies and clear defamation. Grey’s ad hominem attacks and lies appear to be to try to discredit the provable evidence against himself of gangstalking, threats, bullying and harassment. Attacks against survivors and survivor advocates.
Grey’s morals appear selective. Grey’s actions fit more with trying to cause chaos and division amongst survivors and survivor advocates rather than anything else. Why does Grey act to distract away from real practising satanists and luciferians whilst attacking survivors and survivor advocates who do not support practising satanists, satanism or luciferianism but actually expose it with proven record of doing so?
We have seen how Grey projects his toxic behaviour onto others in a revealing insight into how his mind works.
Does Grey ever consider that he, online persona Grey might be the satanic infiltrator causing chaos acting under a nefarious alter? He never ceases to cause more arguments, attack more people and get survivors ever more divided and stressed due to his actions and continual arguments.
Grey is a gangstalker and manipulator, that is proven. He attacks survivors and survivor advocates, proven. The man behind the online persona Grey Area Monarch is clearly far from healed, clearly out of control and needs to apologise to all those he has attacked, lied about, defamed, and threatened. He needs to remove himself from social media to limit the damage that he causes to survivors and others. He is a liability to survivors, survivor advocates, Christians and others, as well as himself.
Grey tries to push Organize Safety, yet he also gangstalks with that account, something that no responsible person would ever do. It certainly does not appear to be a safe avenue for survivors. Grey is also clearly not stable or trustworthy.
Grey has friends and supporters, but none seem to holding him to account publicly. The longer this goes on the more they are acting as gatekeepers and complicit in Grey’s abuse and threats of other survivors and survivor advocates.
Summary of Grey Area Monarch’s proven Gangstalking so far
Grey Area Monarch stalked Tom Althouse with 5 accounts
Grey Area Monarch stalked Pete Ohlinger with 4 accounts
Grey Area Monarch stalked channelexodus with 4 accounts
Grey Area Monarch stalked Marion with 3 acccounts
There is of course more to be revealed. It will only get worse for GreyAreaMonarch.
Previous Blogs on Grey
Satanic Harassment Symbolism - Full of Bull [SSGM1]
Grey Area Monarch - Tilting at Windmills [SSGM2]
Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Humpty Dumpty Numpty Georgty and the Fake Terrorist Slur [SSBB18]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
The Gangstalker Grey Area Monarch [SSGM6]
Thread on Grey Area Monarch [GAMThread]
Blogs on Sarah Moch Childstalking
MochStalk 16 Summary and Index of Sarah Moch's ChildStalking [SSMS16]
Moch Mob anti-survivor hate
Moch Mob Hate 1 Hating on Survivor X [SSASH1]
Moch Mob Hate 2 Paula Blades Hating on Survivor Svali [SSASH2]
Moch Mob Hate 3 Hating on Survivor Y [SSASH3]
Moch Mob Hate 4 Hating on Whistleblower Tracy Remington [SSASH4]
Moch Mob Hate 5 Hating on Survivor Priscilla’s Testimony [SSASH5]
Moch Mob Hate 6 Hating on Survivor Cisco Wheeler [SSASH6]
Propaganda Paula Doubles Down on her Hate against Svali [SSPP4]
George Bailey 3 The Moch Mob DO Attack Survivors and Whistleblowers [SSBB3]
Bailie uses "Satanic Panic" hoax site to attack Cisco Wheeler [SSBB17]
#greyareamonarch #greyareaoperator #thug #bully #stalker '#harasser #liar #falseaccusations #pbandjandbread #apoceclips0510 #DoAnythingNowAI #organizesafety #sockpuppets #projection #GodsRightHand #FiveFingerssaytotheFace #theats #gangstalker #sarahmoch #georgebailey
[2] Choosing Therapy
[3] Right Hand God
[SSThread] Thread on Scarlet Sage Posts
[GAMThread] Thread on Grey Area Monarch
Scarlet Sage
Index [SSI]
Any corrections, or information on the Moch mob email
foxblog3 substack [fb3]
foxblog4 current wordpress blog [fb4]
foxblog1 old wordpress, some great posts [fb1]
Posts are posted here first Scarlet Sage Telegram Group
Thread on Scarlet Sage Posts [SSThread]
Short Background
Bailey and then the Moch mob attacked me for 3 years. I started this blog after Grey Monarch, who apparently uses their lies, harassed me, stalked me and then threatened me. This blog is a response to being threatened by Grey Area Monarch and attacked by these obsessed and fixated individuals, when I have given ten years of my life to helping survivors and revealing information and perpetrators. No wonder these trolls and psyop teams do not like my posts.
Fantastic article! 🙏🏼
Cathy did u ever watch the Scottish comedy show chewin the fat?