Bailey’s Campaign of Lies
It was April 5 2021 when Bailey started his campaign of lies about me and others, in his blog post The Queen of the Illuminati [1a]. It has been nearly 3 years now of ad hominem comments, insults, false accusations and lies. It all started with Bailey’s fantasy conspiracy hoax revolving round Knock Knock WHOIS Not There, LLC. It was a conspiracy thought up by Bailey that is so stupid, you may not believe that any person could really think this, never mind blog about it as some sort of great reveal by a super sleuth.
Bailey’s Bullshit Knock Knock Conspiracy Theory Spoiler
Bailey’s fake conspiracy is so bizarre that you may not believe he seriously put this forward, but he did. [1a]
In short summary his theory was that Jessie’s website and the Somerset Belenoff website were both registered to Knock Knock WHOIS Not There, LLC, and that because of that then Jessie and Belenoff were involved in a controlled drama together. Furthermore Bailey insinuated that I was somehow involved as well as we were all on wordpress!!
When a theory is so absurd and so badly researched, then where do you start? That is why I ignored it at the time, but it appears that through repetition Bailey has managed to convince some gullible people that it was true.
Let’s go through what Bailey said.
George’s Knock Knock Post
It was George Bailey’s first blog post about Jessie and was largely about Jessie and Somerset Belenoff but also featured me. The post was largely devoid of facts, extremely heavy on Bailey’s unevidenced opinion and featured poor research, pathetic analysis and innuendo with insufficient source referencing. It was a pattern to be repeated throughout his posts.
The relevant sections I excerpt here, future posts will feature other parts of this post.
Bailey starts off with this gem…
(Also, the registrar of is listed as, Knock Knock WHOIS Not There, LLC. The is the kind of name used to fool people and mock them on the fly. Amazingly, it’s same registrar for Jessie Czebotar’s site that she participates on,
Bailey writes… “This is the kind of name [ie. Knock Knock WHOIS Not There] used to fool people and mock them on the fly.”
Bailey just made this up. He obviously chose to do zero research into Knock Knock WHOIS Not There, LLC to find out who they were. In lieu of even the most basic research, Bailey just speculated and as is often the case with George B Bailey it was total and utter nonsense.
Bailey carries on… “Amazingly, it’s same registrar for Jessie Czebotar’s site that she participates on,”
Why is it amazing? It’s only amazing if you fail to research and you fabricate fantasies in your mind that you try lever into your fantasy conspiracy framework.
Spoiler Alert
Any person who can use a search engine can find out that, Knock Knock WHOIS Not There, LLC is a part of the wordpress group that as standard service, allows you to keep ownership identity anonymous, see Appendix 1, at the very end of this post.
Why did Bailey fail to research such a basic point, the foundation stone of his fantasy allegations?
But, Bailey carries on… he builds up to his Eureka moment that appeared to convince himself that he was some kind of Sherlock Holmes!
“And then I found it”
drumroll… what had he found?
I will admit I have had an uneasy feeling about Jessie Czebotar from early on. Her face is soft and comforting and words resound in truth, especially when she ministering [sic] out of the Bible. Not that I have some great spiritual discernment, just a feeling that something was not right about her. Something always seemed a bit off.
And then I found it.
What was it that he had found? What was it that was “a bit off”?
Just the same old nonsense again apparently.
Bailey had found a search tool called Whois. (This reminds me of Sarah Moch getting excited when she first found the twitter search tool. She really thought she was the bees knees, but actually showed she was a novice researcher!)
One great online search tool is a Whois search. It allows anybody online to examine who owns a website and who the contract people are with mailing addresses, server addresses, email and phone numbers. Some domain owners pay extra to have this information concealed. In this case, the sites I am looking at are open.
and Bailey carries on showing his poor judgement,
Incredibly, my Whois search uncovered that the site Jessie Czebotar is on, and the site that Somerset Belanoff posts on, each has the same registrar, Knock Knock WHOIS Not There, LLC. They both also feature the same Name Servers [Bailey’s bold emphasis!]
So what?
As with many of the Moch Muppet’s supposed killer reveals, it is difficult to understand what they find is meant to be of such great import or interest. It’s the kind of thing you have to go and read again and again to see if you have missed something. Surely he cannot be serious? His “incredible” reveal was that the two sites have the same registrar?!
In fact Bailey was wrong again, they don’t have the same registrar which will be dealt with later. But, yes they use wordpress, probably the biggest blogging platform at the time! and so??
The “story” was in Bailey’s head.
Bailey develops his fantasy theory even more…
Jessie and Belenoff… their websites are controlled by the same company. This looks fishy. Are we viewing a controlled drama? And for what purpose?
Bailey maintains that their websites are “controlled” by the same company. He found that “fishy”. But then even for Captain Bullshit, he took a gigantic leap into fantasy fairy tales and Bailey asked whether we were watching a “controlled drama”. He then asked “for what purpose?”.
So Bailey’s bizarre theory boils down to that Somerset Belenoff and Jessie were supposed to be in a controlled drama together because they were both on wordpress and he wrongly thought they both were registered under the same fishy company, that he fabricated was to “fool people and mock them on the fly”.
Oh dear George. How sad.
Then to add to his drama, George involves me in his weird fantasies"!
Fox… Once again, her blog is a free Wordpress site
No shit Sherlock, yes it’s a free wordpress blog.
But what was I supposed to be guilty of? I wasn’t quite sure. Reread. Reread. He couldn’t seriously be trying to imply that because I used wordpress that I was involved in his fake controlled drama fantasy? Could he really? It appears he was. smh. What a plonker!!
Yes I used wordpress, I still use wordpress. It was the most widespread and easiest platform to use when I started blogging in 2013 for my 1200+ articles to date against child abuse and the illuminati. So Bailey is trying to implicate me in his fantasy hoax because I used the most widespread blogging platform, wordpress. That is about as absurd as he can get.
I also now use substack, I hope George isn’t going to involve me in a conspiracy about that as well!!
thefoxblog3 current substack blog 2021- present [5]
foxblog2 current wordpress blog [6]
foxblog1 old wordpress blog 2012-2022 [7]
Bailey’s fantasy post was largely fact free and extremely weighty with his bizarre opinions. Bailey showed himself to be an abysmal researcher, a pathetic analyst and a wild fantasist. It was complete incompetence. It was a pattern he was to repeat throughout his posts.
Or was it more serious, more sinister? Surely nobody could really be that stupid to do no research on the central core of their theory?
Was Bailey the cynical creator of a calculated and deliberate hoax to manipulate public opinion about an illuminati whistleblower?
Either way how long could Bailey maintain his fantastic fantasy?
This was just the start, find out more in Bailey's Fake Knock Knock Conspiracy Part 2, coming soon.
Previous Posts on Bailey’s Bullshit
George B. Bailey Part 1 [SSBB1]
George B Bailey 2 Tags and Tantrums [SSBB2]
George Bailey 3 - The Moch Mob DO Attack Survivors and Whistleblowers [SSBB3]
Previous Posts on Moch’s Muppets
Scarlet Sage Index [SSI]
Sarah Moch's anti-Survivor, Hate Group - Hating on Survivor X [SSASH1]
Sarah Moch’s anti-Survivor, Hate Group 2 - Paula Blades Hating on Survivor Svali [SSASH2] [SSPP1]
Sarah Moch's anti-Survivor, Hate Group 3 - Hating on Survivor Y [SSASH3]
Sarah Moch's anti-Survivor, Hate Group 4 - Hating on Whistleblower Tracy Remington [SSASH4]
Sarah Moch 1 – Spiteful, Yes Spiteful! [SSSM1]
Sarah Moch 2 – Toxic Ostrich [SSSM2]
Sarah Moch 3 - Moch's Magik Piano [SSSM3]
Sarah Moch 4 Correction re Sarah Moch [SSSM4]
Sarah Moch 5 - Sarah Moch Finally Suspended from Twitter [SSSM5]
Sarah Moch's Stalk and Snitch 1 - Is it Safe or Effective? [SSSS1]
Sarah Moch’s Stalk and Snitch 2 - Brother [SSSS2]
Moch Intel 1 - What is Moch Mob's Relationship with Intel? Paula C Blades [SSMI1]
MochStalk 1, She Stalked Them All - Introduction [SSMS1]
MochStalk 2 She Stalked Them All - Child A [SSMS2]
Mochstalk 3 She Stalked Them All - Child B [SSMS3]
MochStalk 4 She Stalked Them All - Child C [SSMS4]
MockStalk 5 She Stalked Them All - Child D [SSMS5]
MockStalk 6 She Stalked Them All - Child E [SSMS6]
Mockstalk 7 She Stalked Them All - Child F [SSMS7]
Moch’s Myths 1 - Sarah's Antichrist Election Idiocy [SSMM1]
Mochs Myths 2 - Jessie's Dead Baby was not a Giant Rat or Troll Doll [SSMM2]
Mochs Myths 3 - Sakura RIP [SSMM3]
Moch Myths AW1 - AW's Fake Strawman Defence Goes Up in Flames [SSMMAW1]
Propaganda Paula 2 - Svali Plagiarism Lies [SSPP2]
George B. Bailey Part 1 [SSBB1]
George B Bailey 2 Tags and Tantrums [SSBB2]
George Bailey 3 - The Moch Mob DO Attack Survivors and Whistleblowers [SSBB3]
Satanic Harassment Symbolism - Full of Bull [SSGM1]
The various members of the Bailey / Moch mob have spent nearly 3 years attacking me. I did not respond. That appears to have allowed or encouraged them to think that they can get away with their false attacks and lies. Sarah Moch was asked to apologise and correct her lies in early 2023. She did not and she continued her lies.
These lies have resulted in me and others being intimidated, harassed, stalked and threatened. Sarah Moch gave those lies to others, which has given them a false sense of what is true and what is lies. They have used them to threaten people. That is serious. If anything happens to me, or the others that have been threatened, then Sarah Moch needs to be investigated. I am now correcting their lies. When are they going to correct their lies and apologise?
Their ad hominem attacks, insults, disinformation, misinformation and lies have created a toxic atmosphere in which it is impossible to reasonably discuss issues around Jessie and the system. Their certainty that Jessie is not from bloodline or brought up in the system is in inverse proportion to their knowledge of the brotherhood, the illuminati, the occult, the symbolism, ritual abuse, survivors stories, magik or anything to do with the system. They claim to have researched her family tree, if Jessie is not bloodline and from the system they need to publish that information or apologise.
This blog is not about defending Jessie, it is about correcting the lies and libels from the Moch mob. Many of those lies are about Jessie. I blogged about Jessie’s story in 2020 and plainly still know more about aspects of her story than Moch’s kindergarten level knowledge. Other Moch mob lies are about me and others who write or talk genuinely about the system.
The toxic atmosphere that they have created attacking not just Jessie but other survivors is obviously damaging to survivors coming forward and telling their experiences. Do they not care, or is this their real intention?
Any corrections, or information on the Moch mob email
[1a] 2021 Apr 5 Outward Trends archive 2021 Apr 5 The Queen of the Illuminati jessie and me same person?
[2] Corporation wiki Knock Knock Whois not there
[3] “My Blog” About Knock Knock Who is there
[4] wordpress
My Blogs
[5] FoxyFox Substack Blog 2021- present FoxyFox Substack Blog and Newsletter
[6] foxblog2 current wordpress blog
[7] foxblog1 old wordpress blog 2012-2022
Appendix 1 - Knock Knock WHOIS Not There, LLC
I include in this section a little bit about Knock Knock WHOIS Not There, LLC for people’s reference.
Any reasonably normal person would not have jumped to Bailey’s wild theory that it was all a controlled drama from the fact that Jessie and Somerset Belenoff were both supposed to be registered at a site called Knock Knock WHOIS Not There, LLC.
Here is a bit of very basic research that clearly Bailey failed to carry out, this shows the relationship between Automattic, owners of wordpress and Knock Knock WHOIS Not There, LLC and Knock Knock WHOIS There, LLC.
But supersleuth Bailey found the name “fishy” and “the kind of name used to fool people and mock them on the fly.”!