Grey Area Monarch’s Female Sock Puppets
Grey Area Monarch posed as various women to infiltrate a survivor advocate, Veronica, who writes against the Luciferian brotherhood.
GreyAreaMonarch admitted that he used various female sock puppet pseudonyms, when he was trying to add weight to his own opinion that Veronica was dangerous to survivors, after she had released his abusive and intimidatory emails to her, [SSGM5]. He has never backed up his opinion with any of the evidence that he claims to have. [The context of this tweet showing that GreyAreaMonarch means Veronica is shown in Appendix 1].
Grey explains about his use of female personas online…
“After contacting as different personas over the past year posing as uncertain women, ie with fathers in questionable positions and misc cover ip/storys it became clear”
GreyAreaMonarch pretends to be vulnerable female survivors wanting help.
Quite why GreyAreaMonarch should be targeting small scale bloggers for infiltration and spying on is not clear. GreyAreaMonarch repeatedly claims that he is going for the head of the snake, but again he targeted those writing about the ”snake”, the luciferian brotherhood.
GreyAreaMonarch is clearly not going for the head of the snake, he is not even going for the snake. In fact Grey he is actively protecting the snake, by attacking a blogger writing against the snake. All the while GreyAreaMonarch is propagandising that he is going for the head of the snake.
Grey Area Monarch as Predator
Since GreyAreaMonarch admitted to posing as various vulnerable female personas to target a survivor advocate a year or so ago, Grey appears to have forgotten that. He has been involved in drama arguing with someone for days, perhaps weeks about this subject.
“Imagine questioning if using a female pseudonym to talk to female survivors is even a mistake”
Does Grey think that his own use of multiple female personas targeting a female in the survivor community was a mistake?
Grey goes on… “the female pseudonym… in the survivor scene, especially, it’s already super touchy”
“Why defend the use of a female pseudonym…?”
“I also really hope he never chatted with female survivors who were under the impression he was a female… that would be disgusting.“
“He’s acting in bad faith. That’s all there is to it.”
GreyAreaMonarch has admitted targeting a survivor advocate using not one but multiple female pseudonyms. From what he says, it appears that GreyAreaMonarch has feelings of disgust towards himself.
“… the predatory tactic of using a female pseudonym to talk to female survivors“
GreyAreaMonarch by his own assessment admits to using predatory tactics talking to women using a female pseudonym…
“After contacting as different personas over the past year posing as uncertain women, ie with fathers in questionable positions…”
[The context of this tweet showing that GreyAreaMonarch means Veronica is shown in Appendix 1].
Deviously GreyAreaMonarch pretends that he can perform an unbiased analysis, when he is raging that Veronica has released his abusive emails just days before. He had written a bunch of nasty biased tweets from one of his covert sock puppet accounts, Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5].
Grey had selected his victim, and targeted her with multiple female personas for malicious purposes. That shows premeditation, calculation and intent and goes much further than chatting with them, with his multiple female personas. Grey by his own judgement is predatory.
Grey’s Vacillating Attitude to Women
GreyAreaMonarch appears to have a strange attitude to women generally. He constantly flips between condescension, over the top virtue signalling defence of women and then attacking and threatening women. It is as though he does not know how to behave with women. Grey transgresses boundaries regularly but then overcompensates by claiming to be ultra protective of women.
In this example Grey cannot seem to make his mind up whether he can’t argue with this person because arguing with a woman “upsets” him or because in his view she is “unhinged”. However obviously her being a woman does not spare her from being insulted with Grey’s ad hominem comments. Odd.
“this unhinged person”
“It really upsets me to argue with a woman”…
In this example GreyAreaMonarch is insulting a man who he says is supposedly “dumber than the women I work with”…
That is meant to be an insult from Grey to the man, but also reveals his thoughts about the women he works with. I wonder who they are.
Here Grey Area Monarch, hiding behind one of his sock puppets pbandjandbread tells a woman that she should stand up for Emma as she is a female, as though Cristy is incapable of making her own mind up on the issue, irrespective of sex.
This is not only condescending to women but, GreyAreaMonarch is also using a covert sock puppet and he failed to declare his conflict of interest in that Emma is his girlfriend / wife / whatever, which of course means he is biased.
In this example the Grey Area Monarch persona is attacking someone for supposedly “online fighting with random women and shit”. He is trying to virtue signal.
The hypocrisy from Grey is astounding.
Many people have noticed that GreyAreaMonarch attacks women. Here Grey is being called out for his changing attitude, one minute accusing someone of harassing women and survivors, just after doing the very same thing himself.
Then of course there is Grey’s worrying stalking, harassment, gangstalking and threats to both women and men. This is a chilling death threat to a woman, when he calls her a snake and in the same tweet sends her a picture of a snake with a knife through its bloodied head.
Grey has sent many threats to women, I have yet to write a post on that…
Grey says that he doesn’t like arguing with women yet not only does he argue with women, but he sends them death threats!
This next post shows potentially what could be very worrying behaviour from Grey Area Monarch. According to this tweet Grey’s ex-girlfriend posted on Facebook about being sexually harassed or assaulted, just after having stopped going out with GreyAreaMonarch.
“Why did she post this in 2017 right after she and “Grey” broke up?” [My redaction and masking, so that GreyAreaMonarch does not try to distract with doxx claims].
Using a female persona could be a predatory tactic, but there would need to be solid proof of predation actually having taking place. GreyAreaMonarch, is a man who has proactively pretended to be several women, actually hunted out at least one woman specifically as his target, targeted her with multiple female persona sock puppets pretending to be vulnerable, and according to him deliberately infiltrated. This appears to be nefarious, destructive, predatory behaviour. Furthermore the blogger that he infiltrated writes information about and against the luciferian brotherhood. GreyAreaMonarch appears to be lucifers little helper again.
GreyAreaMonarch admitted contacting a survivor advocate with female persona sock puppets and fake stories and yet also wrote “…hope he never chatted with female survivors who were under the impression he was a female… that would be disgusting.“ GreyAreaMonarch seems to have feelings of self loathing and disgust towards himself.
GreyAreaMonarch by his own statements, classifies himself as a predator, hoist on his own petard. This is perhaps why he psychologically projects his guilt onto others, that are not guilty of predation. It has been shown before in previous posts on Scarlet Sage that GreyAreaMonarch pyschologically projected on several issues. He experiences mental conflict about what he himself has done, which is why he is so accusatory and outspoken about others. We know also that controlling people project their own destructive behaviour onto other people. “Narcissists project their own destructive behavior onto their victim. It’s another one of their twisted mind games”, see How Does a Narcissist React When They Can’t Control You? 15 Things to Expect [9].
Grey’s multiple female persona sock puppets is far from the only issue on which he has been predatory. GreyAreaMonarch has preyed on people with many anonymous sock puppet accounts, which he uses to gangstalk people who have stood up to his bullying, Gangstalker Grey Stalks Again [SSGM9]. Grey gaslights them and the public into thinking that he has support and that his target is the one being unreasonable. It’s classic propaganda. Grey also uses artificial intelligence, AI, with his sockpuppets to enhance the predation, Gangstalker Grey Uses AI to Bully and Gangstalk Survivors [SSGM10].
GreyAreaMonarch lashes out at many people, every single day and plays the big “I am”, but he has still not addressed the long list of his own predatory issues and aberrant behaviour. Just this post alone leaves these questions…
How many female sock puppet accounts has GreyAreaMonarch used to target people?
How many people has GreyAreaMonarch targeted and stalked with female sock puppet accounts?
Where is the evidence that GreyAreaMonarch claims that made Veronica “a danger to survivors”?
Where is the evidence from all GreyAreaMonarch’s female sock puppet accounts?
Grey also has a history of spreading false accusations…
Grey has made false accusations against 17thscog
Grey has made false accusations against PMC
Grey has made false accusations against channelexodus
Grey has made false accusations against lightgenerator
Grey has made false accusations against Veronica
Grey has made numerous false accusations against me
Grey gangstalked Tom Althouse 5:1 with covert sock puppets and I strongly suspect that he was making false accusations against Tom in those exchanges
Grey has been accused by several others of making false allegations against them
Controlling people use smear campaigns like false accusations…
Once a narcissist feels you regaining some semblance of power over them, they switch tactics and attack your reputation. They’ll tell outright lies about you to anyone who will listen. They’ll paint you as the crazy person…
How Does a Narcissist React When They Can’t Control You? 15 Things to Expect [9].
Grey’s false accusations against people have gone on long enough. Did Grey really think that people are going to let him continue to trash their good reputations? Did he really think he would be able to blast propaganda over everyone with his sock puppets and AI? I do not believe that Grey has any adverse information from his female persona’s infiltration of Veronica. If he has then he is duty bound to produce it having made the accusations. He has not produced proofs for over a year, so that speaks volumes about the type of man he is, and the type of accusations. If he does not provide solid proofs within 7 days, then his accusations should be regarded as 100% false, like many of his other accusations.
GreyAreaMonarch appears to work on the principle that “If you throw enough shit at the wall, some of it is bound to stick”, and so by innuendo and repetition Grey is able to exert control over people where no evidence exists. He exerts control over his followers by making false accusations over others, with inadequate evidence, and his followers do not adequately checked his accusations and so their views are manipulated.
No one else causes this amount of chaos within survivors, survivor advocates and supporters. GreyAreaMonarch sees luciferians and satanists where they do not exist. His behaviour is causing much harm to survivors. Grey’s constant accusations create and amplify fear, exactly the opposite of what survivors who suffer from PTSD need. This appears to be deliberate.
GreyAreaMonarch constantly tries to say that every issue that he attacks others with is not about him. Thus he tries to prevent questioning of him. He cannot dodge the questions for much longer.
GreyAreaMonarch is a predator that needs calling out.
Questions that Grey Area Operator Needs to Answer
For the good of survivors, survivor advocates and the wider public, the man behind the GreyAreaMonarch persona and his other personas needs to answer some questions about his predatory and divisive behaviour… [The term GreyAreaMonarch is used in the following list to mean all his sock puppets and personas]
How many sockpuppets has GreyAreaMonarch used, how many does he have, which accounts are they?
Why does GreyAreaMonarch gangstalk and gaslight? Does he not think his gangstalking and gaslighting is unethical, immoral and cowardly?
Why does GreyAreaMonarch physically threaten and bully people? How does he justify that to himself and others?
Why does GreyAreaMonarch use AI on twitter? What does that mean in practise? Why does he use it to gangstalk survivors?
Why does GreyAreaMonarch keep making accusations against people with no proofs? Why does he make so many false accusations?
Division and fear have increased dramatically since he has fomented it within survivor circles, does GreyAreaMonarch not feel he should leave social media for the sake of survivors?
How many survivors has GreyAreaMonarch deliberately triggered, either openly or clandestinely?
Given the proof of triggering and manipulating at least one survivor, has GreyAreaMonarch been a handler / programmer and does he still carry out these functions?
What sort of monster, with zero evidence, would deliberately trash the reputations of an individual and organisation that were saving children and then not even apologise afterwards when they were shown to be wrong?
How many female sock puppet accounts has GreyAreaMonarch used for infiltration and what are they?
How many people has GreyAreaMonarch infiltrated in this way?
What is the evidence for ALL GreyAreaMonarch’s allegations of people being satanists, luciferians or tied to Satanic Temple or FMSF?
People need to start asking GreyAreaMonarch these questions publicly but also his friends should be asking them to him privately. His friends and defenders also need to question their own role in supporting him as they are supporting widespread predatory behaviour. Unless they distance themselves from all this abusive behaviour it seems reasonable to assume that they condone it.
GreyAreaMonarch appears to have an agenda as a chaos agent and predator. He accuses everyone of of doing what HE is doing.
Previous Posts on Grey Area Monarch
Satanic Harassment Symbolism - Full of Bull [SSGM1]
Grey Area Monarch - Tilting at Windmills [SSGM2]
Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Humpty Dumpty Numpty Georgty and the Fake Terrorist Slur [SSBB18]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
The Gangstalker Grey Area Monarch [SSGM6]
Grey the Gangstalker Stalks Some More... [SSGM7]
Is Grey Area Monarch using AI to Gangstalk? [SSGM8]
Gangstalker Grey Stalks Again [SSGM9]
Gangstalker Grey Uses AI to Bully and Gangstalk Survivors [SSGM10]
Grey Area Monarch's Fake Slurs about Mental Health [SSGM11]
Grey Area Monarch Calculatingly Triggered and Manipulated a Survivor [SSGM12]
Grey Area Monarch Released Private Message in Mental Health Slur [SSGM13]
Grey Area Monarch Doxxed a Survivor [SSGM14]
Appendix 1
Context and Correction of False Claims
In order to show the context of the tweet to demonstrate that Grey meant he was infiltrating and spying on Veronica using various female aliases, then this tweet needs to be included, with the proviso, that CatherineVents repeating false claims needs to be corrected.
CatherineVents repeated a false claim that Veronica collects IP addresses. This false rumour was set about by psyop merchant George Bailey, when he was going through his wordpress paranoia period. George Bailey on his blog Outright Turds falsely alleged that the wordpress anonymising company Knock Knock WHOIS Not There was “used to fool people and mock them on the fly”.
From this head numbingly ridiculous allegation which anyone could check was false in 2 minutes, Bailey went on to develop a bizarre false accusation that Belenoff and Jessie’s site were owned by the same person, also clearly a fabrication. Bailey further developed his wacky conspiracy, that I was also involved as all three of us were on wordpress! Wordpress was then the most popular blogging site. Then Bailey’s paranoia reached new heights when he accused Veronica of collecting IP addresses, after he attempted to sleuth the source code. They were just regular wordpress cookies, [SSBB15]…
George Bailey's Paranoid Tendency [SSBB15]
Truly bizarre, and during the several months that Bailey was spewing this defamatory nonsense, and running this psyop as true, he also authored more posts based on these false assumptions. CatherineVents unfortunately is just parroting Bailey’s apparent paranoia and psyop, without checking the facts, a victim of Bailey’s psyop and disinformation.
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[6a] 2019 May 22 Psych Central Tactics Manipulators Use to Win and Confuse You
[9] How Does a Narcissist React When They Can’t Control You? 15 Things to Expect
They try to control you with manipulation tactics.
They try to control what others think about you with smear campaigns.
8. Playing the victim
projection Narcissists project their own destructive behavior onto their victim. It’s another one of their twisted mind games
Any corrections, or information on the Moch mob email
Tragic really. Chaos. Prayers for truth and justice and freedom for all.
Did it start with Grey trying to discredit Jessie, and then Victoria because she had used Jessie's material? (Or is it just much more complicated than that (or completely different. ))