The persona known as Grey Area Monarch has used 6 twitter accounts to gangstalk people. There are more to expose. GreyAreaMonarch has a history of bullying, intimidating, harassing, stalking and gangstalking people. Most of these are women, see 2024 Oct 17 Scarlet Sage Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [10].
One of his targets was Ally.
Grey Area Monarch’s Gangstalking of Ally
Ally was targeted by Grey Area Monarch for gangstalking and gaslighting over a year ago. Grey Area Monarch gangstalked Ally with 3 of his many twitter accounts - GreyAreaMonarch, OrganizeSafety and DoAnythingNowAI.
His main GreyAreaMonarch account is usually where he starts off, as he did on this occasion. He stated that he was “ready to go to war with everyone”…
GreyAreaMonarch is trained in psyops and propaganda, [SSGM18], and he is well aware of the language he uses. Grey, with his aggressive attitude and relentless attacks, intimidates people. Many people do not like conflict, especially many survivors, as it compounds their PTSD. Grey appears to thrive on conflict. As a ballpark figure then he probably attacks 5 people a day, every day.
GreyAreaMonarch told Ally that her friend Veronica was absolutely crazy…
GreyAreaMonarch tweeted that Veronica was “absolutely crazy” and he cast aspersions as to whether she had dissociative identity disorder, DID. Grey is using what he himself has admitted is a cult 101 tactic, attacking mental health, [SSGM11]. GreyAreaMonarch has used this luciferian technique on several occasions, [SSGM13].
On top if it being a luciferian tactic, GreyAreaMonarch allegations are totally false. He fabricated false slurs about Veronica’s mental health, which was even more despicable. Veronica is not even from the system, not mind controlled nor DID. Grey has a disgustingly manipulative habit of falsely accusing survivor advocates as having mental health problems. He has done it to me twice [SSGM13]. This may well be a classic case of reverse attribution being used by GreyAreaMonarch. who exhibits many of the behaviours and techniques of a Persistent Predatory Personality, [fb324PPP].
In a devious attempt to bolster his fake slurs further, GreyAreaMonarch implied that he had discussed Veronica’s mental health with her. This was completely untrue. This again is an oft used tactic by GreyAreaMonarch - the making of false allegations without providing any evidence, or sometimes irrelevant evidence.
Veronica was not active on twitter at this time, so she could not defend herself against these lies and libels. Grey Area Monarch stooped low to make mental health slurs which possibly demonstrated his luciferian training and character. Furthermore by attacking Veronica when she is not on twitter to defend herself, it left her friends with a double bind choice. They can either get involved in a verbal jousting match with an aggressive, unpleasant, lying and libelling individual who is trained to use luciferian propaganda and psyop techniques and all manner of threats and underhand tricks, or leave his false allegations and slurs about their friend unchallenged.
Grey then told Ally that she and others were “harming the movement by being complicit”.
This was of course yet more intimidation from GreyAreaMonarch. He then went further and told them “you are now liabilities”.
“you are … complicit” and “you are now liabilities”.
Here is another tweet on the same theme, accusing people, “you are actively causing harm, not safe for survivors and overall a liability. Part of the problem”.
GreyAreaMonarch aggressively added “Any of you fools can fuck right off before it gets worse”.
GreyAreaMonarch has no problem being unpleasant and using totally non “trauma informed” behaviour, whilst simultaneously accusing others, using libels and lies, intimidation, manipulation and luciferian control techniques.
GreyAreaMonarch’s intention appears to be to intimidate others so that no-one pushes back and disputes his narrative. Grey realises the importance of creating the first narrative in peoples minds and that’s why he does it. Whoever tells the first story wins, as this screenshot describes. He gets the benefit of the “Primacy Effect”
Propaganda in Focus Propaganda The Primacy Effect – or the Power of the First Story [1].
When Veronica released their emails, showing GreyAreaMonarch’s intimidation, abuse and various grades of threats to her, GreyAreaMonarch rushed to get the first story out on the global market place, twitter. He then used two sock puppet accounts to gaslight and intimidate any people who might be reading or tempted to join in.
GreyAreaMonarch ’s Second Gangstalking Account used against Ally
The second account that GreyAreaMonarch used against Ally was his organizesafety account. Some people know that this is a second account of his, which despite the name he also has used to gangstalk. Many do not know that it is his account, and sometimes he hides it, deceptively referring to himself in the third person, [SSGM9]. Those new to the “discussion” or new to GreyAreaMonarch and his use of luciferian techniques, will not realise that it is him. Thus even if Grey’s primary target is not fooled by this account, then “onlookers” as Grey calls them, can be gaslighted into thinking that independent people agree with Grey and assume that he, and they, must be correct.
Grey made several false allegations against Veronica, in an attempt to deflect attention from the abuse, attacks and harassment of Veronica that precipitated her releasing their correspondence, after warning him. A couple of those were dealt with here Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5], Veronica dealt with some more on her Locals, [9].
GreyAreaMonarch’s Third Gangstalking Account against Ally
The third account that GreyAreaMonarch used on the same day to gangstalk Ally was his DoAnythingNowAI account, which at this stage was totally uncompromised. He had tweeted nothing that could be linked to him as the persona Grey Area Monarch. He had not used this account previously for gangstalking, and no-one could have known that this was his account. He had been pretending it was a bot/AI account as its cover. He started off the day doing just this with his “Beep Boop” comment.
This was a comment designed to confuse people and still push his (ie. GreyAreaMonarch’s) narrative. It was a “clean skin” account, that no-one knew was Grey, with which he was clandestinely and deviously supporting himself in his own narrative, with his own secret sock puppet account.
GreyAreaMonarch cried wolf that it was a life and death situation. He knew it was not. It was yet more acting, more drama queenery for maximum “strategically theatrical” effect.
Having pretended that it was life and death situation, with this anonymous account Grey issued the threat. “You and your group are a danger to the survivor [sic] and will be removed accordingly”
This is a clear threat to Ally and whoever else was in the thread, but also to whoever GreyAreaMonarch perceives is the “group”. This seems to be Ally, Veronica, and often includes me, Jessie, Marion, and anyone else that Grey wants to intimidate at the time or whoever is standing up to him. It has also included his friend for 12 years David Shurter, who has now called out GreyAreaMonarch for running a honeypot. Also often included in Grey Area Monarch’s tilting at satanic windmills, is another longstanding campaigning survivor, Stephen Kelly and anyone who supports him. Stephen has also called out GreyAreaMonarch as a honeypot / survivor round up situation.
Luciferian Assassin and Body Launderer
Grey has made no secret for a long time that he is a Delta assassin…
Another phrase he uses is “Black Ops Assassin / Body Launderer”.
Grey wears Voldemort type masks to give his testimony…
You might think ‘what sort of weirdo does that’? Plenty have expressed that sentiment. Grey also used a demonic voice distorter for his interviews, and then after all this acting and drama he complains when people do not believe his story! It’s almost as if he is deliberately mocking survivors. Can you imagine a member of the public who comes across this as their introduction to mind control and mk ultra testimony?
This whole masked performance was not needed, even if he wanted to be anonymous. Furthermore, the real person behind “Grey Area Monarch” was giving interviews in plain sight, unmasked and under his real name only 2 years ago. It is little wonder then that many do not believe his story. It’s the sort of performance that gives survivors a bad name and appears designed to do so.

Grey Area Monarch appears to be doing a cheapskate ripoff of the genuine MK ultra survivor Full Force Frank.
Full Force Frank was on message boards under a few alters / names a few years ago.
So back to the threats. What does GreyAreaMonarch, who boasts that he is a luciferian assassin and body launderer mean when he threatens people that they will “be removed accordingly”?
It is a utterly deliberate and sinister threat.
Further than this, GreyAreaMonarch often alludes to a group that he says he is no longer part of, that appeared to go around acting as police, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner / punisher. He refers to one such group as Organize Safety V1, where bloodshed appeared to be involved.
Is this the group that GreyAreaMonarch is threatening people with, when he says that people will be “removed accordingly”? It’s quite bizarre that GreyAreaMonarch should try and attract survivors to this inaptly named “"Organize Safety” group, to tell their story. No wonder that long time whistleblowers and survivors, who go under their own names, Stephen Kelly and David Shurter, have said that the whole set up surrounding Grey Area Monarch reeks of a honeypot / survivor round up trap for survivors.
GreyAreaMonarch on the Rampage
GreyAreaMonarch Harassed, Abused and Attacked Veronica
Just before his attacks on Ally on the 14th and 15th Sept, GreyAreaMonarch had been ranting against Veronica in emails on the 13th and 14th, and whatever other communication methods he was using to harass her. Veronica had warned Grey that if he continued harassing her that she would release the emails. As he does, Grey continued and so she released them and blocked him. Veronica's locals Grey/Veronica Email link [3].
Veronica summed up what he had called her in this list…
Veronica was not active on twitter at that time, but was on her locals group, which it appears that Grey could read but not respond to. That is presumably why Grey was on the rampage on twitter. Grey tweeted information from her “locals”, and again called her “crazy” and sinisterly said, in yet another veiled threat…
“she has been determined guilty and there are some seriously pissed off people. I’m literally the nice guy.“
“she has been determined guilty and there are some seriously pissed off people. I’m literally the nice guy.“
His aim is obviously to create fear, to shut people up, so that he can spread his own (false) narrative. I have had this treatment from him privately and publicly.
PSYchological OPerations - Fear Psyops
GreyAreaMonarch’s Rants at Me
These are a just a couple of direct messages from GreyAreaMonarch’s long rants at me on the same days that he was ranting on twitter about Veronica and her group. They show the same MO, the same script.
“I’m not the upset one. Others are VERY upset”
“You don’t know it - but this is court.. You’ve already been determined guilty. So just stop. It’s pitiful”
GreyAreaMonarch’s Rants at Ally
Compare GreyAreaMonarch’s messages to me above, with those to Ally, below.
“Whatever happens happens. She’s been determined guilty and there are some seriously pissed off people. I’m literally the nice guy. “
GreyAreaMonarch is using exactly the same intimidation technique to Ally that he used against me, to try to generate fear…
This is court / determined guilty V determined guilty
I’m not the upset one, others are very upset V there are some seriously pissed off people. I’m literally the nice guy.
It’s almost as though it is a script that Grey uses, and it may well be. The luciferians have scripts for operations that their mind controlled slaves carry out, from the various programmes that they have had installed. Grey appears to be doing what he is being told to do.
GreyAreaMonarch told Ally that Veronica had been found guilty, and that there were some seriously pissed off people. Grey put himself in the role of police, prosecutor, judge, jury and his friends were presumably in the positions of punisher/ executioner. GreyAreaMonarch pronounced people guilty of some unnamed action that they did not even know that Grey was fantasising or twisting into some scenario in his head, nor was being judged by some unknown anonymous people in GreyAreaMonarch’s kangaroo court. Grey’s intentions are crystal clear, to instil and generate fear.
GreyAreaMonarch used his single person good cop / bad cop routine, where he is the good cop, “the nice guy”, who is trying to stop the absent, more “pissed off” boogey men from carrying out their punishment from the guilty sentence that Grey has pronounced on his target. GreyAreaMonarch wants to make people afraid of the sentence that him or unspecified “former” group will carry out at some time in the future, after the guilty verdict. He appears to relish other people’s fear. This is the behaviour of a nasty man.
Then Grey used his isolation technique and gaslighting. This is behaviour typical of dark personality. They isolate their targets from friends and family so that they can be better controlled and manipulated. Grey tells Ally that she is the only one left.
“Ally you are the only one left” Grey gaslights, trying to make her feel that she is alone and that she is wrong. At this time of course there was OrganizeSafety and DoAnyNowAI backing him up, gangstalking and gaslighting her, to provide an echo chamber for him and increase the psychological pressure on Ally.
“I hate to do it” he says, trying always to look like the good guy and that he is the victim of something or other. GreyAreaMonarch is a serial perpetrator playing the role of perpetual victim.
GreyAreaMonarch’s unsolicited Direct Message to Ally
To compound this gangstalking, gaslighting and threats, GreyAreaMonarch then sent an unsolicited direct message to Ally. This was also clearly designed to intimidate, after having played his fear psyop in public earlier.
GreyAreaMonarch again regurgitates the lie that it was life and death situation. He knew that it was not life and death, nor would endanger anyone. It was just another fear tactic he thought he could use opportunistically, until he was caught out.
The DM to Ally was intimidatory, with Grey spouting his lies again about “life and death”, “lives at risk”, “dead serious” and that Ally was “documented being involved by posting it” and that it was “too late to delete”. So Grey made clear to Ally that there was no action that she could take to remedy the situation even if something had been wrong. It was too late.
GreyAreaMonarch, in the DM castigated Ally for posting the link, and said it was too late to delete it, but at the time he had actually publicly thanked Ally for posting the link!
Why did he not tell her then if he objected? Yet more two faced nonsense from Grey.
Furthermore, in the intimidating DM, Grey gaslights by saying that he “tried to play it cool” but that the “imagination podcast host ended up saying something about it” facepalm emoji.
Grey pretended that it was out of his hands, that he had tried to ignore it, but that it was taken out of his hands by a podcaster, and that he had nothing to do with that.
Of course GreyAreaMonarch’s version is more effective as a psyop and gaslighting than the more accurate “my girlfriend / wife announced it publicly after I told her about it”. The Imagination podcast host that Grey referred to is Emma, his wife! Grey was at the least going out with her at this time, if not already married. It was extremely disingenuous of Grey to pretend that the person who made an issue of it was not closely connected to him, and influenced by him. He abrogates himself of responsibility and blames his unnamed wife Emma, describing her only as the “imagination podcast host”. He chose not to disclose his conflict of interest, but to hide it. I am not sure what Emma said that Grey is alluding to, nor if Emma disclosed her conflict of interest about her relationship with Grey, when she said something about Veronica.
The podcaster happened to be his wife, yet GreyAreaMonarch pretended that he had nothing to do with it being mentioned! Grey’s credibility sinks even further, with all this blatant gaslighting and manipulation, (facepalm).
I am not trained in NLP but I am wondering whether some of the language is NLP based?
I have not seen whether Grey has admitted to studying NLP but he has admitted to being a luciferian programmer and handler. He has also admitted to being a propagandist and psyopper, so I would think that he knows NLP. I believe Grey does know well at least one Master Practitioner of NLP.
GreyAreaMonarch lied and made all sorts of false allegations about Ally’s friend in public. He gangstalked Ally, he threatened her and then sent an unsolicited intimidating direct message, on top of the previous intimidation and harassment that he had already meted out.
Ally did not respond to this intimidation from Grey. She wanted nothing to do with Grey and blocked him after the unsolicited and obviously intimidating Direct Message to her. I think she called it ominous.
Ally Misremembered
Over a year after GreyAreaMonarch’s fear psyop, intimidation and lies, Ally was comforting someone else on twitter who was upset. Ally slightly misremembered / misspoke about her unpleasant experience with Grey. She said…
“He threatened me to[o]… DMed me that he was a trained assassin… I only fear God so what-ever!!!
Ally’s mistake was to say that GreyAreaMonarch had said that he was a trained assassin in the direct message. That information had actually come elsewhere, from public tweets. It was not a part of the intimidating DM that he sent. That particular memory from GreyAreaMonarch’s fear psyop was slightly misplaced.
It is the kind of mistake people can make when trying to recall a fear psyop that was designed to make them afraid and use their reptilian brain, rather than other more logical parts of their brain. That is after all what fear psyops are designed to do. They make people afraid so that they do not think in the way that they would normally, or perhaps also store the memories slightly differently. Grey knows that. It was his intention. He modifies people’s behaviour by making them fearful, and that modifies the way memories are laid down and remembered.
GreyAreaMonarch Launched Another Propaganda Attack against Ally
Grey Area Monarch was not tagged in Ally’s short tweet. Perhaps he spotted it using the AI software that he uses to gangstalk people?, [SSGM10]. When he saw it, Grey used it as another opportunity to further his harassment and gangstalking of Ally and his psyop of survivors. He sent off a long tweet.
He accused Ally of lying, indicating that there was some intention to deceive on Ally’s part. Then Grey repeated the usual nonsense about Veronica, that has already been refuted, that he keeps using to deflect from his abuse and intimidation in the published emails to Veronica. GreyAreaMonarch then made a giant leap from what Ally had said, and a leap from even playing the victim to warning survivors that there is “massive infiltration” of survivors, as he goes overboard over Ally’s 12 words about him.
In my experience, it is not other people lying about GreyAreaMonarch but Grey continually, provably lying and making damaging libellous, false accusations about others.
Ally has generously apologised to Grey for stating something slightly wrongly, which makes little to no difference to the big picture of GreyAreaMonarch’s attacks, gangstalking, gaslighting and intimidation of her.
It should be GreyAreaMonarch apologising to Ally for all his attacks on her, his gangstalking, his lies and the intimidation that he perpetrated on her. But I am not holding my breath.
The difference between a true Persistent Predatory Personality and a victim who is replicating this behaviour from abuse, is that a victim does not have the brain anomaly, and they can feel shame, [fb324PPP]. There is no evidence that GreyAreaMonarch feels any shame for all the abuse and intimidation that he doles out with glee. He shows no shame for any of his lies, libels or false accusations that he throws around with zero evidence. If he did feel shame then he would apologise to Ally and all the other people that have been subjected to his repeated abuse, attacks, intimidation, control and manipulation.
These attacks on Ally are even more bizarre, as at first, before she knew him, Ally had actually reached out to offer support to Grey as a survivor.
GreyAreaMonarch managed to turn this kind natured introduction around, in just a matter of months before Ally blocked him due to his gangstalking, his attacks and other unacceptable behaviour.
There are many people who were prepared to support a survivor coming forward and who have now turned their backs on GreyAreaMonarch due to his nasty and overtly divisive and abusive attitude. Grey’s behaviour is detrimental to other survivors as less people like Ally will be prepared to help and support survivors when they see Grey’s aberrant behaviour.
The fact that GreyAreaMonarch gangstalked Ally with 3 accounts is not in doubt. Why has GreyAreaMonarch not acknowledged this and apologised to Ally?
GreyAreaMonarch seems obsessed with a younger happily partnered woman, who he has gangstalked and repeatedly tried to gaslight, and then sent her an unsolicited DM, and yet she wants nothing to do with him. What part of this does GreyAreaMonarch not understand?
Gangstalking using sock puppets on twitter is just a part of GreyAreaMonarch psyops and MO, which include false accusations, lies, libels, control and manipulation as well as harassment. Clearly GreyAreaMonarch uses his luciferian training in propaganda and psyops at every opportunity. He tries to twist the truth of his aggressive behaviour against the very people he has already attacked. GreyAreaMonarch is the perpetrator playing perpetual victim.
GreyAreaMonarch the perpetrator, played the victim, cried wolf, attempted to make Ally’s simple slip into an infiltration of all survivors. He is a drama queen on acid. It’s blatant deflection from him being perpetrator into trying to make himself the victim and the hero by using a fear psyop. It gets tiresome when he uses this play every time.
GreyAreaMonarch tries to make survivors scared. He tells tales of masses of infiltrators, in his repeating scare psyop, that he has been running for over a year. Rarely do people question fear psyops, just like most did not question the fear psyops over covid. Why? Because they were scared and in flight or flight mode and do what they are told. Survivors are susceptible to Grey’s scare psyops as many have PTSD. Grey is taking advantage of survivors being traumatised, and he scares them with absurdly fantastical tales that genuine honest people like Ally are infiltrators, which takes the focus away from him being the perpetrator of abuse and gangstalking against them.
In reality in a classic case of reverse attribution by a persistent predatory personality, Grey is clearly the infiltrator. He admits it. It has already been detailed how GreyAreaMonarch used multiple female sockpuppets to infiltrate survivor advocate Veronica, who has written for four years exposing the luciferian brotherhood, [SSGM15]. Grey has also boasted about infiltrating at least two other survivor advocates and at least one survivor. He has never produced a single piece of evidence from that wasting of other people’s time and effort, and his breaking of trust by infiltration. He gaslights that the evidence is coming but it never materialises. It never will.
The evidence against GreyAreaMonarch is irrefutable. He is a perpetrator. He is a programmer and handler who has controlled, manipulated, handled and triggered survivors for his own benefit. He has gangstalked survivors, advocates and supporters using more than 6 twitter accounts, and coordinated these attacks and his gaslighting with AI.
Grey Area Monarch has caused and is still causing massive damage to survivors. He continues to deliberately causes divisions between survivors and the public, between survivors and advocates, between survivors themselves - causing rifts between ritual abuse /mind control survivors and other child abuse survivors, and now he will cause more divides between what he has called “true survivors” and others. GreyAreaMonarch is always the judge though!
If there was a luciferian infiltration psyop, if there was a survivor still under programming, then he would be doing exactly what GreyAreaMonarch has done. Infiltrate survivors and cause division and chaos. I wrote about this in my first post when I named him, after putting up with lies, libels, false accusation and attacks for a year, when I called him Mr. Divisive, Grey Area Monarch - Tilting at Windmills [SSGM2].
Previous Posts on GreyAreaMonarch’s Gangstalking
Satanic Harassment Symbolism - Full of Bull [SSGM1]
Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
The Gangstalker Grey Area Monarch [SSGM6]
Grey the Gangstalker Stalks Some More... [SSGM7]
Is Grey Area Monarch using AI to Gangstalk? [SSGM8]
Gangstalker Grey Stalks Again [SSGM9]
Gangstalker Grey Uses AI to Bully and Gangstalk Survivors [SSGM10]
Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities [SSGM15]
ButterfingerBBZ - Another Grey Area Monarch Gangstalking Sock Puppet Exposed [SSGM17]
GreyAreaMonarch Gangstalking Ally [SSGM19]
Other GreyAreaMonarch Posts
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
[1] Propaganda in Focus Propaganda The Primacy Effect – or the Power of the First Story #propaganda
[2] 2024 Jul 13 Scarlet Sage Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica #greyareamonarch #veronica #sockpuppet
[3] Veronica's locals Grey/Veronica Email link
[SSGM18] 2024 Nov 1 Scarlet Sage Toxic Luciferian Predator - Grey Area Monarch #predator #GreyAreaMonarch #luciferian #toxic #handler #programmer #propaganda #PR #psyops
[SSGM5] 2024 Jul 13 Scarlet Sage Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica #geyareamonarch #veronica #sockpuppet
[6] 2024 Sept 28 foxblog3 Persistent Predatory Personalities #psychopaths #PersistentPredatoryPersonalities #PPP #survivors #DrMitchell #karenmitchell
[7] 2024 Sept 9 Scarlet Sage Grey Area Monarch Released Private Message in Another Mental Health Slur #mentalhealth #luciferian #greyareamonarch #propaganda
[8] 2024 Aug 26 Scarlet Sage Grey Area Monarch's Fake Slurs about Mental Health #greyareamonarch #grey #falseaccusations #slurs #mentalhealthslurs
[10] 2024 Oct 17 Scarlet Sage Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch #GreyAreaMonarch #RedFlag #Predator #Psychopath
[fb324PPP] 2024 Sept 28 foxblog3 Persistent Predatory Personalities #psychopaths #PersistentPredatoryPersonalities #PPP #survivors #DrMitchell #karenmitchell
Scarlet Sage Indexes
Scarlet Sage Index [SSI] (this post)
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Index of Posts about Sarah Moch [SSSMIn]
MochStalk 16 - Summary and Index of Sarah Moch's ChildStalking [SSMS16]
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Thread on Scarlet Sage Posts [SSThread] Ally
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