Introduction to Bailey’s Psyops
George Bailey has been running his psyop against Jessie, me, Veronica and others since April 2021. I ignored Bailey’s blog posts after reading the first couple in April 2021. They were were obvious nonsense, eg. suggesting that I was Jessie, suggesting that there was a “controlled drama” when he wrongly thought the wordpress company was out to fool him [SSBB4] (for 6 months) and much other BS.
After two and half years of his libels and lies, and when GreyAreaMonarch was threatening me, based partly on the lies he read on Bailey’s blog, then I started to read his blog, and correct Bailey’s lies on this Scarlet Sage blog.
When I started to systematically going through his posts, my initial thoughts were that Bailey was just a dreadful researcher and totally incompetent. However the mistakes kept on coming. Even when he was told about them, Bailey still would not correct them. He just kept on developing his ever wilder theories, based on these initial false premises.
The mistakes were so bad, so obvious to those who look, that it became inconceivable that they were “mistakes”. They were calculated and deliberate. They were pure propaganda for his psyops against Jessie, me, Veronica, Marion and others.
The inevitable conclusion is that Bailey does not care about the truth, he is content to peddle the most outrageous lies, just to achieve the objectives of his psyop. Truth does not enter the arena with George Bailey. This post which concentrates on more lies by Bailey is yet another example of this.
Background to Grey and Female Sock Puppet Accounts
GreyAreaMonarch had spent weeks if not months railing against the use of female pseudonyms and attacking others. Then I revealed that GreyAreaMonarch had admitted doing exactly this himself, using MULTIPLE female sock puppet accounts. He also used them maliciously, to infiltrate a survivor advocate who was exposing the luciferian brotherhood.
This was the post in which Grey Area Monarch’s use of multiple female sock puppets was revealed, Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities [SSGM15]. GreyAreaMonarch did not deny it, he could not. It was him that had admitted it. Grey never likes to take responsibility, despite demanding repeatedly that others to do so, so he just adapted his rantings, without apology. What psyops appear to do in this sort of case, is for the main protaganist to keep quiet and a flying monkey will deny it on his behalf.
Flying monkeys refer to people who are influenced by a dark personality to support them in their goals which they may position as noble but are in fact nefarious. Sometimes the flying monkeys know exactly what they are doing but often they are inadvertently drawn in to a manipulation, GreyAreaMonarch's MO [SSGM20].
Bailey, who runs his own psyops, in this case is acting as flying monkey for Grey Area Monarch.
Bailey Caught Red Handed Fiddling Evidence to Cover for GreyAreaMonarch
Bailey blogged this, chock full of lies on his blog Outright Turds.
Bailey spouted that I was spinning a “yarn that Grey is admitting to the use of female persona in sock accounts.“ Bailey then lies some more “None of this can be seen in Grey’s tweets.”
Yet quite clearly here is GreyAreaMonarch admitting to using female personas in a tweet, [7].
Check for yourself - Grey Area Monarch’s Incriminating tweet [7]
This tweet was quite clearly in the article that Bailey was falsely criticising. Check for yourself on the archive of my post Archive Scarlet Sage Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities [4]. The tweet is there. Bailey is is denying that it exists. Check on twitterX [7].
In that post I also showed the context of the tweet, that GreyAreaMonarch when talking about himself infiltrating Veronica. That was clearly labelled as being in the Appendix.
What Bailey did for this recent disinformation psyop about Grey Area Monarch’s use of multiple female sock puppets, was to create a screenshot chimera, to fool his readers.
Bailey took the writing which I have now highlighted with the green from the correct incriminating tweet, then cut off the incriminating tweet underneath it and he then included a different tweet that was above it, that was making a different point. Then Bailey pretended / propagandised / psyopped that there was no evidence by using the wrong tweet!!
What Bailey had to do to make his chimera “screenshot”
Delete / ignore the incriminating tweet that GreyAreaMonarch had tweeted talking about him posing as uncertain women
Include in his “screenshot” part of the writing that was referring to the correct incriminating tweet
Use a different tweet, above the correct tweet and writing, that was illustrating a different point, about Grey’s projection
Delete some of the quote of the wrong tweet, and some of the quote of the correct incriminating tweet which showed what the descriptions above were referring to
Put two separate screenshots together, pretending they are one.
The red stripes show what George Bailey deleted and did not use…
Bailey then posted an adulterated, bastardised “screenshot”, minus the correct incriminating tweet, but using some of the description of it.
It is fuzzy due to the small size Bailey made it. Perhaps he deliberately made it fuzzy to hide what he had done to make the bastardised version. He then bizarrely added a screenshot on the side.
Having cut out the correct tweet, and using his manipulated chimera screenshot as the premise for all his attacks on me, Bailey lied that “None of this can be seen in Grey’s tweets”.
These are the depths to which Bailey sinks to, to defend Grey Area Monarch. Lies and more lies and even now falsifying and manipulating evidence to make it look like he did not use female sock puppets.
More Bailey Deception
However there is more deception from Bailey. My article on Grey Area Monarch also STARTED with the same Grey Area Monarch tweet that incriminated his use of female sock puppets, something he had condemned multiple times vociferously. This is a screenshot of the start of the article. So Bailey also had to pretend that this whole section about Grey use of female sock puppets did not exist, or that he did not see it. There were also a few paragraphs of description of it.
Screenshot of Start of Post
Yet More Bailey Deception
But there is more Bailey deception. The original article also had an Appendix referred to in the text, where the context of GreyAreaMonarch’s tweet was shown. It was clearly GreyAreaMonarch tweeting about infiltrating Veronica.
The reason that the context was in the Appendix was because the tweet that Grey was replying to, had referred to some more disinformation which had originated from Bailey’s blog. So as not to complicate things in the body of the article, this was corrected in the Appendix.
Screenshot of Appendix from the article…
Bailey had spread around the psyop smear that Veronica was collecting IP addresses on her wordpress blog!! He had looked at the source code and found standard wordpress cookies but started his paranoid psyop. CatherineVents had picked up Bailey’s psyop propaganda and repeated it, to which Grey added his propaganda against Veronica, However GreyAreaMonarch ended up incriminating himself. Oh dear.
Check the original appendix on this post, Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities [SSGM15]. Check Bailey’s psyop on the wordpress cookies here…George Bailey's Paranoid Tendency [SSBB15]. Check the tweets Grey Area Monarch’s Incriminating tweet [7].
The Appendix, and the original tweet show conclusively that GreyAreaMonarch was referring to infiltrating Veronica with female sock puppets. The full Appendix also is placed after this discussion.
How can anyone be so stupid as to use the wrong tweet as the basis of their attacks?
How can anyone be so stupid as to miss not 1 tweet but 3 tweets which show GreyAreaMonarch admitting using female sock puppet accounts?
How can anyone write an attacking article and not have checked the source?
No one, not even George Bailey can be that stupid.
It’s all a psyop. I am learning that the psyops do not care remotely about the truth. They are purely about creating confusion and chaos and fooling the people who read them. Anyone who chooses to check the truth can check it via my links and find out Bailey is lying, big time.
Bailey took the wrong tweet, he applied part of the description of the correct tweet to the wrong one. Then he missed out part of my preamble to the wrong tweet he had chosen to attack, and created a chimera purporting to be a screenshot. Quite deliberate by Bailey, quite calculating.
Bailey shows utter contempt for his readers. Bailey does not allow anyone to check the truth, he sends his readers on a wild goose chase rather than the path of truth. Bailey provided the wrong tweet, and then bases all his absurd false allegations from that.
Then after he had set the scene with his manipulated evidence, he had the timerity to attack and defame me saying I took “Grey out of context and out of reason” and that I spun a “yarn that Grey is admitting to the use of female persona in sock accounts”.
He claims that “None of this can be seen in Grey’s tweets”. It clearly can, and the incriminating tweet was shown THREE times, which he pretended not to see. So the very evidence that Bailey claimed was not there, he could not fail to see and he had deliberately and deviously clipped out. This is thoroughly dishonest behaviour from Bailey. The sort of behaviour that has earned his blog the name Outright Turds. His blog has diarrhoea.
GreyAreaMonarch’s tweet clearly admitted that he used “different personas over the past year posing as uncertain women, ie with fathers in questionable positions…” to stalk and infiltrate Veronica Swift.
GreyAreaMonarch never actually produced the supposed evidence that this stalking with female persona’s actually found against Veronica. He never does. He never found any. It is just a tactic Grey uses to pretend that there is evidence. It’s just part of his control and manipulation of people. It is his luciferian psyop to fool his targets and the people reading.
Bailey evidently has the same tendencies. They care nothing for truth, just their narrative and agenda. If Bailey cared for truth, he would admit his lies and apologise. Defamation, libel, lies. He is quite shameless. Now Bailey has been caught red handed, will he apologise? I doubt it. That takes integrity and Bailey has no integrity. He plays the faithful flying monkey to GreyAreaMonarch.
Appendix 1 - Context and Correction of False Claims
In order to show the context of the tweet to demonstrate that Grey meant he was infiltrating and spying on Veronica using various female aliases, then this tweet needs to be included, with the proviso, that CatherineVents repeating false claims needs to be corrected.
CatherineVents repeated a false claim that Veronica collects IP addresses. This false rumour was set about by psyop merchant George Bailey, when he was going through his wordpress paranoia period. George Bailey on his blog Outright Turds falsely alleged that the wordpress anonymising company Knock Knock WHOIS Not There was “used to fool people and mock them on the fly”.
From this head numbingly ridiculous allegation which anyone could check was false in 2 minutes, Bailey went on to develop a bizarre false accusation that Belenoff and Jessie’s site were owned by the same person, also clearly a fabrication. Bailey further developed his wacky conspiracy, that I was also involved as all three of us were on wordpress! Wordpress was then the most popular blogging site. Then Bailey’s paranoia reached new heights when he accused Veronica of collecting IP addresses, after he attempted to sleuth the source code. They were just regular wordpress cookies, [SSBB15]…
George Bailey's Paranoid Tendency [SSBB15]
Truly bizarre, and during the several months that Bailey was spewing this defamatory nonsense, and running this psyop as true, he also authored more posts based on these false assumptions. CatherineVents unfortunately is just parroting Bailey’s apparent paranoia and psyop, without checking the facts, a victim of Bailey’s psyop and disinformation.
Everything just circles back to more of Bailey’s lies!
Appendix 2 Bailey’s Full Bullshit
Screenshot of Full Bailey Lies re Grey Area Monarch’s use of female sockpuppet
Previous Links about George Bailey
George Bailey
George B. Bailey Part 1 [SSBB1]
George B Bailey 2 Tags and Tantrums [SSBB2]
George Bailey 3 The Moch Mob DO Attack Survivors and Whistleblowers [SSBB3]
Bailey 4 The Cult of George Bailey [SSBB14]
George Bailey's Paranoid Tendency [SSBB15]
Gangstalker Grey Stalks Again [SSGM9]
Where’s the Receipts George Bailey?
Where's the Receipts? George Bailey 1 - Introduction [SSBBR1]
Where's the Receipts? George Bailey 2 Chateau des Amerois [SSBBR2]
Where's the Receipts? George Bailey 3 - Cisco Wheeler [SSBBR3]
Scarlet Sage Bailey's Great Typo Conspiracy [SSBBR4]
Bailey’s Psyops
Bailey Knock Knock Psyop 7 The Controlled Drama Queen's Deceptive "Correction" [SSBB12]
Bailey's Psyop 2 Photo Propaganda [SSBB10]
Bailey's Photo Psyop Part 2 - The Wrap up Smear [SSBB16]
Bailey Can't Face the Truth about His Psyops [SSBB11]
Bailey Psyop 3 Fantastic Fiction Fiona Barnett Psyop [SSBB13]
Bailie uses "Satanic Panic" hoax site to attack Cisco Wheeler [SSBB17]
Bailey's Knock Knock Conspiracy Hoax Psyop 1 [SSBB4]
Bailey's Knock Knock Psyop 2 He’s Caught Again [SSBB5]
Bailey's Knock Knock Psyop 3 Red Flags [SSBB6]
Bailey's Knock Knock Psyop 4 The Tweet Does Not Lie [SSBB7]
Bailey’s Knock Knock Psyop 5 Away with the Fairies [SSBB8]
Bailey's Knock Knock Psyop 6 Knock Out [SSBB9]
Bailey Knock Knock Psyop 7 The Controlled Drama Queen's Deceptive "Correction" [SSBB12]
George Bailey's Paranoid Tendency [SSBB15]
Bailie uses "Satanic Panic" hoax site to attack Cisco Wheeler [SSBB17]
Humpty Dumpty Numpty Georgty and the Fake Terrorist Slur [SSBB18]
[SSGM15] 2024 Sept 18 Scarlet Sage Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities #GreyAreaMonarch #sockpuppets
[4] Archive Scarlet Sage Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities
[7] GAM Incriminating tweet
Twitterx threads
Thread on Grey Area Monarch [GAMThread]
Thread on Grey Area Monarch’s Porn Exposé [GAMPorn]
Thread on Scarlet Sage Posts [SSThread] by Ally
Thread on Sarah Moch’s Childstalking [SMChildstalking]
Scarlet Sage Indexes
Scarlet Sage Index [SSI] (this post)
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Index of Posts about Sarah Moch [SSSMIn]
MochStalk 16 - Summary and Index of Sarah Moch's ChildStalking [SSMS16]
Any corrections, or information on the Moch mob email
Posts are posted here first Scarlet Sage Telegram Group
Scarlet Sage Index [SSI]
Thread on Scarlet Sage Posts [SSThread]
foxblog blogs
foxblog3 substack [fb3]
foxblog5 current wordpress symbolism blog foxblog5
foxblog1 old wordpress, some great posts [fb1]
Short Background
George Bailey and then the Moch mob attacked me, lied and libelled me for for 3 years. I started this blog after Grey Area Monarch, who used their lies, harassed me, stalked me and then threatened me. This Scarlet Sage blog is a response to being threatened by Grey Area Monarch and attacked by these obsessed and fixated individuals, when I have given ten years of my life to helping survivors and revealing information and perpetrators. No wonder these trolls, psyop, propaganda and intel puppets do not like my posts. All the people that are blogged about on Scarlet Sage about have attacked me first, often many times before I correct their lies.
100% correct. Grey's assertion that he "infiltrated" me is a lie. There's nothing to infiltrate. I'm just someone who by accident ran across information on the Brotherhood and stayed interested in it for a lot longer than I expected. His self-proclaimed "tactics" show that he's not interested in bringing down the occult, he's interested in bringing down people who are exposing it. It's similar to what James Delingpole experienced and wrote about recently. Try to understand and bring to light some of these deceptions, and every single one of us who does gets pounced on by Brotherhood assets desperate to squash the information.
Additionally, nobody in the CatherineVents/GeorgeBailey crowd has EVER asked me a single question about IP addresses and the blog, trackers and my blog, source code, or any question--ever, about anything. They just make up their fantasies and publish them.
My FAQ addresses IP addresses, which are ephemeral, used by all websites, and not collected or stored by me in any way. BSB & friends are trying to spread rumors that I'm untrustworthy, but luckily my subscribers are smarter than that.