Grey Area Monarch is a Luciferian Programmer
Grey Area Monarch admitted to me that he was a programmer in the system. I do not know if Grey Area Monarch has said in any of his videos that he was a programmer, nor do I know if it is widely known that Grey Area Monarch was a luciferian programmer. However Grey Area Monarch admitted to me that he was a programmer in the system.
Grey released my DM’s in his attempts to use mental health slurs against me, see Grey Area Monarch Released Private Message in Mental Health Slur [SSGM13], so I am now free to reveal in the public and survivors interest, from his DM’s to me, the fact that Grey Area Monarch was a programmer.
That Grey Area Monarch was a programmer is relevant to ALL his behaviour, his control and manipulation, and his interactions with survivors and others.
It was abundantly clear when Grey Area Monarch was boasting about triggering a survivor and gaslighting about a mental health episode, that he was attempting to control and manipulate that survivor in a handler / programmer manner, Grey Area Monarch Calculatingly Triggered and Manipulated a Survivor [SSGM12].
Grey Area Monarch’s knowledge and experience of being a programmer, added to his ubiquitous aggressive and predatory behaviour around many survivors, survivor advocates and others means that it is not safe for survivors to be within his orbit. Survivors stand a risk of being manipulated, controlled and accessed by Grey Area Monarch.
If survivors choose to be around him, that is up to them. However the knowledge needs to be widely spread amongst survivors that Grey Area Monarch was a programmer in the system, and that he has used his knowledge and abilities in that direction to manipulate at least one survivor that there is public evidence for so far. That is the very essence of programming. Survivors need to know this before coming in contact with Grey Area Monarch, as afterwards may be too late when he takes control. Grey also carries out vindictive revenge on those that refuse to be controlled by him so people need to be careful.
Some people will criticise me for not having revealed something of such importance earlier, and I accept that criticism. My reasoning at the time was that DM’s are private and should not be made public, and still that would be my position if Grey had not broken that unwritten code, and released my DM’s in his attempted slur, [SSGM13]. Grey Area Monarch was not only taking advantage of the fact that his own incriminating DM’s were not being released but then he maliciously released highly misleading selected DM’s publicly from me to deliberately give a wholly biased, defamatory and libellous narrative. Thus these DM’s of high public importance, need to be seen.
Many people should now begin to see and understand the pattern of Grey’s manipulation when he interacts with people, especially in DM’s.
Context to Grey’s Admission of being a Luciferian Programmer
Following are 3 screenshots which show GreyAreaMonarch’s "I was a programmer” admission and the context within which he said it. The screenshots follow consecutively from each other, and hence I have shown a slight overlap.
The tone of Grey’s messages are in my experience typical. GreyAreaMonarch interlaces sinister comments and threats with insults and demands and intimidation, and a bit of the good cop approach as well.
I have highlighted some sections in colours, or sometimes more than one colour as appropriate.
Yellow - Notable Highlights [Grey admits to being a luciferian programmer]
Blue - Re. Jessie. / Grey demanding I take down my posts on Jessie
Green - Ad hominem comments / abuse
Orange - Threats, implied threats, sinister
Many who have had experience of GreyAreaMonarch will recognise some of the following control and manipulation techniques.
In this first screenshot GreyAreaMonarch started off with the “good cop” approach. He was playing the good guy, but saying it was serious and that he did not know if he could stop the other guys from some undescribed [nasty] action.
GreyAreaMonarch has talked before about being involved in a group whose activities seem to consist of illegally “taking out” what he consider the bad people. This is the unspoken / veiled threat that GreyAreaMonarch issues, and he tries to portray himself as the good guy trying to stop them from doing this, by talking and pretending to be reasonable.
GreyAreaMonarch uses the threat / veiled threat that “It is serious and I don’t know I can stop the guys at this point”. “I tried to talk. No one takes it seriously”.
Then after the threat, GreyAreaMonarch tells me to “get off that bullshit”, and if I act otherwise it is clear that his implication is that the consequence of me not getting off “that bullshit” will be that the other guys will do their stuff.
Screenshot 1
GreyAreaMonarch then tells me that “this”, whatever he considers “this” to be, is “about saving people”. Grey tells me that my blog is leading nowhere and doing nothing.
My blogs have now been going over 11 years and something like 1400 posts which have helped many many people, from the 50 plus child abuse reports released through FOI from local authorities and elsewhere, to information on mind control and MK Ultra and survivors stories told there. I try to learn and research, then pass that knowledge on as succinctly as possible, so that others do not have to. It is educational. I consider this essential and many people consider my efforts worthwhile.
GreyAreaMonarch tries to dismiss my blogging as “leading nowhere and doing nothing”, despite the fact I have done more than 99.99% of people to wake people up over the last 11 years, including him. Most bloggers last about 3 or 4 years in my experience. Despite the fact that I have put my heart and soul into my blogging on child abuse, mind control and the illuminati, Grey tells me that I am part of the problem. Devaluing and gaslighting are typical behaviours of manipulators, see Psych Central Tactics Manipulators Use to Win and Confuse You [6a].
Then GreyAreaMonarch leaps into more Jessie bashing and rants… “Any promotion of Jessie whatsoever is damaging to the community… It’s a disgrace and damaging. Live with that. I’d scrub my shit and have before when I was wrong”.
GreyAreaMonarch has much scrubbing to do himself then, as he knows he has made a bunch of disgraceful and damaging false accusations about me and others over many months.
Screenshot 2
I cut the screenshots poorly, so I have replicated the question, which was referring to quite a bit further up the thread, when Grey had said “She knows Jessie is a liar”…
This was my question.
Grey replied “Copy paste Veronica”. That Veronica is “copy paste” is untrue, Veronica has a deep understanding of the system, better than mine, and she obviously has a great filing system, so she can link ideas and thoughts that she wishes to portray far better than the vast majority of people. If GreyAreaMonarch was able to then he would intellectually dismantle her work, with facts, but he cannot. He therefore resorts to cheap asides. It should be noted that GreyAreaMonarch uses artificial intelligence to even write his tweets, see Gangstalker Grey Uses AI to Bully and Gangstalk Survivors [SSGM10]. Yet again GreyAreaMonarch devalues someone not to his liking, as a controlling and gaslighting technique, in revenge for Veronica standing up to him and exposing his abusive messages.
Note that Sept 14 2023, the date of the messages to me, was a day after Veronica had released their DM’s in response to GreyAreaMonarch’s abuse, intimidation and manipulation, and during the time period of GreyAreaMonarch’s ranting about Veronica on twitterX, mainly using a covert sock puppet account, [SSGM5]. Veronica was at that time not active on twitter, so it appeared that Grey had now started ranting to me about her, to vent his rage.
GreyAreaMonarch obviously felt that he had to insult me and Veronica… “Everyone other than dumbasses and you and Veronica lol”. This demonstrates another trait that is typical of controlling people. They cannot understand why anyone sees things differently than they do, and they get angry when you don’t follow their advice. Incidentally they cannot perceive themselves as controlling either, see Five Habits of Controlling People [3a].
This is the screenshot when GreyAreaMonarch reveals that he was a programmer…
“I said all this to her [presumably Veronica] first
I’m not parroting, I knew before anyrhinf [sic]
The MOD bullshit
The fake healing triggers programmed reactiob [sic]
I was a programmer
Not even going to argue about it”
It appears from this that Grey Area Monarch is saying that he knows about “MOD bullshit” [Mother of Darkness] and “fake healing triggers programmed reactiob” [sic] because he was a programmer.
I have never seen GreyAreaMonarch elaborate on what these “fake healing triggers” are supposed to be and I have asked a couple of people but not met with any success as to what he might mean.
Screenshot 3
I advised GreyAreaMonarch that he was on a path of division and destruction and that I would not help him. Of course when a person is resistant to their control and manipulation, then that infuriates a controlling person. Since then of course, GreyAreaMonarch has neatly demonstrated my prediction of a path of division and destruction, but he does not seem to care. Perhaps that is his allotted task.
If the previous “I’d scrub my shit…” was slightly open to ambiguity, then it was clarified by GreyAreaMonarch’s demand “I just said I’m done talking and take the shit down”, referring to my blog posts on Jessie.
GreyAreaMonarch then told me “your [sic] part of the problem”.
One of the best ways to deal with a bully is to stand up to them, so I replied that it was him that was the problem.
Standing up to GreyAreaMonarch, by reflecting back to him his accusation that I was the problem, obviously made him mad so he resorted to ad hominem comments, and calls me “dumbest” and “bitch”. Grey having to resort to ad hominem comments shows he could not argue rationally on the substance.
In tandem with diminishing other people’s achievements, Grey likes to think of his own achievements as far better than anyone else’s, so he replied…
“You dumbest I’ve saved lives you cant count to We were raiding ritual sites a decade ago Having politicians step down Taking out others”
Controlling people have a superiority complex and they think their achievements are always better than what anyone else has done, see A Conscious Rethink How To Deal With The Control Freak In Your Life [5a].
GreyAreaMonarch claimed that he has saved more lives than I can actually count to! That neatly demonstrates the absurd hyperbole that GreyAreaMonarch uses. It is not clear who Grey means when he says he was “taking out others”, or whether he was under luciferian control, indeed he might never have been free from luciferian control. If GreyAreaMonarch was supposed to have killed luciferians, it is surprising that the brotherhood would allow him to live his life relatively normally afterwards, unless of course he came to a deal with them.
My Posts on Jessie Czebotar
It is not clear, from GreyAreaMonarch’s official story, why he considers my posts on Jessie Czebotar from 2020 and early 2021 should pose such a threat to him and / or others or anyone, that he demands that they have to be taken down, especially some years later in Sept 2023. Grey as usual offered no evidence for the concern that he expressed about “fake healing triggers programmed reactiob” [sic]. GreyAreaMonarch has never pointed out any part of my posts on Jessie that was wrong or incorrect. He just demanded that they be taken down. My aim is to reveal truth about the system, if there was proof that any statement I made was wrong, then I would issue an update. GreyAreaMonarch did not, and he presumably can not show anything that is incorrect.
My posts maybe considered a slight threat to the luciferian brotherhood but then why would GreyAreaMonarch be demanding they be taken down if he was supposed to be against the luciferian brotherhood too?
For the record, as I have said before, I was never part of Jessie’s team, her spiritual group, or any of her groups nor I have not contacted Jessie since around Easter 2021 due to personal differences. Since then I have not watched her videos or interviews, and even when I was writing about her experiences, I only watched / read transcripts of in total about a dozen. When GreyAreaMonarch demanded that I take my posts down, I was not interacting with Jessie on twitter, nor liking or RT her tweets. All that was irrelevant to GreyAreaMonarch, even if he had even bothered to find out or ask. Grey just demanded that my posts on Jessie to be taken down. It appears that GreyAreaMonarch has an obsession with Jessie.
Grey Area Monarch - Extreme Authoritarian Censorship
The level of bullying and control to demand that someone takes down 3 year old posts about one person is control beyond even the average control freak. It is extremist authoritarian behaviour, straight from the Nazi playbook of burning books, translated into a 2023 context. GreyAreaMonarch wanted to expunge from existence my posts about Jessie. How extreme is that? They are useful not only for Jessie’s story and knowledge and information about the luciferian system but also as a historical record of what was said when. My posts are used frequently by Jessie detractors. Whatever anyone thinks of Jessie, then she has released far more information about the luciferian system than GreyAreaMonarch ever has or can ever hope to. Perhaps that rankles with GreyAreaMonarch’s superiority complex.
GreyAreaMonarch demands extreme censorship of which he is sole judge, jury and executioner. Grey rips up the US constitution, free speech, wants to override even the strict social media company guidelines, and tries to bully me into taking down posts from Jessie. GreyAreaMonarch has an extremist authoritarian censorship stance and clearly should not be allowed anywhere near any power whatsoever, as he has shown that he will abuse it.
It is telling that GreyAreaMonarch was trying to bully me into censorship, and it is the same technique straight from the luciferian playbook of control during “Covid”. It is also a move from the playbook that the globaalists are trying to implement at this present time in the UK, and social media in various places to stop speech about certain issues. Those of us who actually took a stance against that authoritarian censorship during covid and were banned and then permanently suspended, will see Grey’s bullying and censorship for what it is. Noticeably absent from standing up to censorship was GreyAreaMonarch. It appears that GreyAreaMonarch is fully on board with luciferian censorship and social media control, even ahead of them in some aspects.
GreyAreaMonarch bullying and authoritarianism may well also be attempts at isolation behaviour of Jessie and / or me, How To Spot Controlling People: 13 Behaviors To Look For [2a]. GreyAreaMonarch was also carrying out the same tactics on Veronica at the same time, see Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5].
My posts are only a threat to the luciferian brotherhood, not survivors. My posts have helped and do help survivors, and by demanding their takedown, GreyAreaMonarch would appear to be working on the same side as the luciferian brotherhood.
Grey Area Monarch - Programmer, Authoritarian, Manipulator and Control Freak
GreyAreaMonarch being a programmer is a massive red flag. In addition GreyAreaMonarch’s obvious extremist censorship is another red flag. His controlling and manipulation of many with whom he converses, are yet more red flags. There are other red flags over his use of multiple sock puppet accounts that have been exposed, his still undisclosed sock puppet accounts, his gangstalking using those acounts, his use of AI to gangstalk, his ad hominem attacks, his lies and his never ending false accusations, his bullying, his scapegoating, his sinister messages and threats, his blatant attempts at triggering of a survivor as well as his trashing of reputations of people helping children and helping survivors. GreyAreaMonarch has more red flags than Diddy!
All the time GreyAreaMonarch tries to point the finger at other people to distract from the mass of proven disturbing and aberrant behaviour from him, of which there is more evidence by the day.
Questions that Grey Area Operator Needs to Answer
For the good of survivors, survivor advocates and the wider public, the man behind the GreyAreaMonarch persona and his other personas needs to answer some questions about his predatory and divisive behaviour… [The term GreyAreaMonarch is used in the following list to mean all his sock puppets and personas]
How many sockpuppets has GreyAreaMonarch used, how many does he have, which accounts are they?
Why does GreyAreaMonarch gangstalk and gaslight? Does he not think his gangstalking and gaslighting is unethical, immoral and cowardly?
Why does GreyAreaMonarch physically threaten and bully people? How does he justify that to himself and others?
Why does GreyAreaMonarch use AI on twitter? What does that mean in practise? Why does he use it to gangstalk survivors?
Why does GreyAreaMonarch keep making accusations against people with no proofs? Why does he make so many false accusations?
Division and fear have increased dramatically since he has fomented it within survivor circles, does GreyAreaMonarch not feel he should leave social media for the sake of survivors?
How many survivors has GreyAreaMonarch deliberately triggered, either openly or clandestinely?
Given the proof of triggering and manipulating at least one survivor, has GreyAreaMonarch been a handler / programmer and does he still carry out these functions?
What sort of monster, with zero evidence, would deliberately trash the reputations of an individual and organisation that were saving children and then not even apologise afterwards when they were shown to be wrong?
How many female sock puppet accounts has GreyAreaMonarch used for infiltration and what are they?
How many people has GreyAreaMonarch infiltrated in this way?
What is the evidence for ALL GreyAreaMonarch’s allegations of people being satanists, luciferians or tied to Satanic Temple or FMSF?
People need to start asking GreyAreaMonarch these questions publicly. Just about Grey’s only response so far to all the valid criticisms of his behaviour, apart from ad hominem abuse and more false accusations, is to say that everything is out of context.
It is not out of context, and if he feels that it is, then he can explain why he thinks that. He is just trying deflection tactics yet again. His claims are all the more farcical as there are whole long posts detailing evidence against him, and yet Grey will post a single tweet and he and his followers will consider that case proven.
Grey deliberately posts a myriad of false accusations and out of context information. Inversion again from the GreyAreaMonarch programmer and trickster.
Grey’s Followers
GreyAreaMonarch’ s followers and friends should be asking all these questions privately to him. He does not have adequate answers as all of it is true.
When did Grey’s friends know about his sock puppet accounts, his gangstalking, his use of AI to gangstalk, his threats, his use of multiple female sock puppet accounts, the fact he was a programmer? Did they know from the start and they hid all this, or had Grey lied to them, kept lying to them and kept it hidden as long as he could? Neither is a good scenario for him or them.
The fact that GreyAreaMonarch is a luciferian programmer raises suspicion that he has used his knowledge and skills of control and manipulation on vulnerable survivors. It appears that GreyAreaMonarch has also encouraged others to target me using his disinformation about me. Judging by the fact that some take his word and proofs unquestioningly then it has to be asked whether he has triggered them into a luciferian alter and now acts as their handler. They need to check this out and distance themselves from him for their own safety. Any survivor is potentially at risk around him.
GreyAreaMonarch’s friends and defenders also need to question their own role in supporting him as they are supporting widespread predatory behaviour, which is supposedly what they are meant to Unless they distance themselves from all this abusive behaviour it seems reasonable to assume that they condone it.
To pre-empt any attempt to psyop that Grey’s programming was in the past, all people have to do is check how Grey manipulated and triggered this survivor and boasted about it, [SSGM12] and check the manipulation, control and intimidation in his direct messages with various people. Grey’s current behaviour is the problem.
GreyAreaMonarch appears to have an agenda as a chaos agent and predator. He accuses everyone of doing what HE is doing.
If anything happens to me, then Grey Area Monarch and his “boys” should be investigated.
Countering Malicious Manipulation
Over the past few weeks on foxblog3 I have posted various information that should be useful for survivors to be able to recognise nefarious techniques and actors who might try to lead them astray.
Watch Out for Romeo Spies [3]
Romeo Spies 2 - Human Intelligence Operatives Techniques [4]
Romeo Spies 3 Sexpionage [7]
Romeo Spies 4 The Spy Who Loved Me Video [8]
AI Tweet Generators and AI Social Media Posts [1]
Romeo Spy 5 [2]
Dark Psychology and Manipulation [9]
BITE Model of Authoritarian Control [10]
It might also be worth checking out this post, which may be helpful 2024 Sept 3 foxblog3 Survivors - Discrepancies, Contradictions, Inconsistencies and Loose Ends Part 1 [5].
This post on healing has many links to useful places, Healing and Therapy Information for Mind Controlled Survivors [14].
If you want to check for yourself about Jessie Czebotar, rather than listen to others rants and disinformation, then this post has most of her links of articles that I wrote on the year or so that I was in touch with her, 2021 Jan 15 foxblog3 Jessie Czebotar - My Whistleblower and Woman of the Year 2020 [11].
If you wish to read about Grey Area Monarch’s disturbing behaviour then the posts are below.
Grey Area Monarch All
Satanic Harassment Symbolism - Full of Bull [SSGM1]
Grey Area Monarch - Tilting at Windmills [SSGM2]
Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Humpty Dumpty Numpty Georgty and the Fake Terrorist Slur [SSBB18]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
The Gangstalker Grey Area Monarch [SSGM6]
Grey the Gangstalker Stalks Some More... [SSGM7]
Is Grey Area Monarch using AI to Gangstalk? [SSGM8]
Gangstalker Grey Stalks Again [SSGM9]
Gangstalker Grey Uses AI to Bully and Gangstalk Survivors [SSGM10]
Grey Area Monarch's Fake Slurs about Mental Health [SSGM11]
Grey Area Monarch Calculatingly Triggered and Manipulated a Survivor [SSGM12]
Grey Area Monarch Released Private Message in Mental Health Slur [SSGM13]
Grey Area Monarch Doxxed a Survivor [SSGM14]
Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities [SSGM15]
[2a] MindBody How To Spot Controlling People: 13 Behaviors To Look For
[3a] 2016 Jan 1 Forbes Five Habits of Controlling People
[5a] 2017 A Conscious Rethink How To Deal With The Control Freak In Your Life superiority Complex
[6a] 2019 May 22 Psych Central Tactics Manipulators Use to Win and Confuse You
[10] 2024 Sept 7 foxblog3 BITE Model of Authoritarian Control #BITE #control #manipulation #controlfreaks #authoritarian
[11] 2021 Jan 15 substack foxblog3 Jessie Czebotar - My Whistleblower and Woman of the Year 2020 #JessieCzebotar #whistlblower #illuminati
[12] 2022 Aug 22 foxblog3 Luciferian Baby Roast Affidavit #babyroast #affidavit #luciferian For the record I posted this later than all my other posts in Aug 2022, to comment as no one else could on the affidavits and clear a few matters up.
[14] 2023 Nov 18 substack foxblog3 Healing and Therapy Information for Mind Controlled Survivors #mkultra #mindcontrol #healing #therapy #links
Scarlet Sage Links
Any corrections, or information on the Moch mob email
foxblog3 substack [fb3]
foxblog4 current wordpress blog [fb4]
foxblog1 old wordpress, some great posts [fb1]
Posts are posted here first Scarlet Sage Telegram Group
[SSI] 2023 Dec 1 Scarlet Sage Index #SarahMoch #SarahTheStalker #PaulaBlades #GeorgeBailey
[SSThread] Thread on Scarlet Sage Posts
[GAMThread] Thread on Grey Area Monarch
Twitterx threads
Thread on Grey Area Monarch [GAMThread]
Thread on Scarlet Sage Posts [SSThread] Ally
Thread on Sarah Moch’s Childstalking
Short Background
Bailey and then the Moch mob attacked me for 3 years. I started this blog after Grey Monarch, who apparently uses their lies, harassed me, stalked me and then threatened me. This blog is a response to being threatened by Grey Area Monarch and attacked by these obsessed and fixated individuals, when I have given ten years of my life to helping survivors and revealing information and perpetrators. No wonder these trolls and psyop teams do not like my posts.
I found out about this substack account recently and I’m in more and more shock as I go through your posts . I love the message responses you gave him , which is pretty much how you respond to a bully but without giving them the emotional reaction they want. Great job.