This is the third masonic hand sign from Grey Area Monarch’s. They are from less than 3 years ago, yet he claims to have left the luciferians ten years ago.
I have redacted his face with his own masked face that he uses for interviews to prevent him crying wolf about doxxing as a deflection from these exposures.
In addition to previous hand signals, Grey Area Monarch has been caught doing this masonic chin sign as well.
Gallery of Freemason Hand on Chin Shots

GreyAreaMonarch and fellow luciferians doing their cartel signalling…
Various chin signs and their meanings were covered in this post, Secret Hand Signals 4 - Hand on Chin [fb32509].
It is already way beyond chance that Grey Area Monarch happened to be flashing three different luciferian / masonic hand signs less than 3 years ago, when advertising his bike business. Grey Area Monarch is clearly still under luciferian control.
The other two are here…
Grey Area Monarch's Luciferian Hand Signal - The Masonic M [SSGM21]
Grey Area Monarch's Luciferian Hand Signals #2 - 666 [SSGM28]
Clearly this is just the latest reason why GreyAreaMonarch can not be trusted, adding to the plethora of predatory behaviour that he has already exhibited, detailed in the links below.
This explains Grey Area Monarch’s behaviour of attacking people who were blogging and talking against the luciferian brotherhood and the illuminati. Grey Area Monarch has either never left luciferian control or has been re-accessed and sent to work as a chaos agent to help bring about the New World Order. He is certainly proving effective at that task, as he continually divides survivors and created fear psyops to control survivors on a mass scale on social media.
As well as the masonic chin sign he has three 5 pointed stars in the shape of a triangle in a circle on his hat.
Survivor Safety
Grey Area Monarch has this Organize Safety venture that he is desperately trying to get survivors to input information. It should be avoided at all costs.
There is no transparency as to what kind of entity Organize Safety is, nor who has access to the data. The opaque nature of the organisation is very suspicious and he appears to want to hide who is involved.
It should be remembered that the man behind the persona of Grey Area Monarch, has used the Organize Safety twitter account to gangstalk survivors.
What we also know is that Grey Area Monarch is involved and he has a track record of being predatory to survivors, whether by behaviour manipulation, doxxing, gangstalking, gaslighting, false accusations, mental health slurs, as well as having three porn accounts and flashing luciferian hand signs.
Grey Area Monarch has been called out by his friend of 13 years, David Shurter for running a survivor honeypot operation.
Grey Area Monarch is a programmed chaos unit for the NWO, it is recommended not not give him any data.
Previous Grey Area Monarch Masonic Hand Signs Posts
Grey Area Monarch's Luciferian Hand Signal - The Masonic M [SSGM21]
Grey Area Monarch's Luciferian Hand Signals #2 - 666 [SSGM28]
Analysis of Grey’s Manipulative Techniques
GreyAreaMonarch's MO [SSGM20]
GreyAreaMonarch Controlled and Manipulated a Vulnerable Survivor [SSGM25]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 4, His Views on Porn [SSGM26]
The GrEyPorner 5 - SuperPornMan's Response to His Porn Accounts Exposure [SSGM27]
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Grey Area Monarch and Porn
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 1 [SSGM22]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 2 [SSGM23]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 3 [SSGM24]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 4, His Views on Porn [SSGM26]
The GrEyPorner 5 - SuperPornMan's Response to His Porn Accounts Exposure [SSGM27]
Grey Area Monarch MO and Analysis
GreyAreaMonarch's MO [SSGM20]
GreyAreaMonarch Controlled and Manipulated a Vulnerable Survivor [SSGM25]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 4, His Views on Porn [SSGM26]
The GrEyPorner 5 - SuperPornMan's Response to His Porn Accounts Exposure [SSGM27]
Previous Posts On Grey Area Monarch
Grey Area Monarch - Tilting at Windmills [SSGM2]
Humpty Dumpty Numpty Georgty and the Fake Terrorist Slur [SSBB18]
Grey Area Monarch's Fake Slurs about Mental Health [SSGM11]
Grey Area Monarch Calculatingly Triggered and Manipulated a Survivor [SSGM12]
Grey Area Monarch Released Private Message in Mental Health Slur [SSGM13]
Grey Area Monarch Doxxed a Survivor [SSGM14]
Grey Area Monarch Luciferian Programmer [SSGM16]
Toxic Luciferian Predator - Grey Area Monarch [SSGM18]
Previous Posts on GreyAreaMonarch’s Gangstalking
Satanic Harassment Symbolism - Full of Bull [SSGM1]
Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
The Gangstalker Grey Area Monarch [SSGM6]
Grey the Gangstalker Stalks Some More... [SSGM7]
Is Grey Area Monarch using AI to Gangstalk? [SSGM8]
Gangstalker Grey Stalks Again [SSGM9]
Gangstalker Grey Uses AI to Bully and Gangstalk Survivors [SSGM10]
Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities [SSGM15]
ButterfingerBBZ - Another Grey Area Monarch Gangstalking Sock Puppet Exposed [SSGM17]
GreyAreaMonarch Gangstalking Ally [SSGM19]
GreyAreaMonarch's MO [SSGM20]
Some posts on Grey’s gaslighting…
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
Grey Area Monarch Calculatingly Triggered and Manipulated a Survivor [SSGM12].
Grey Area Monarch Luciferian Programmer [SSGM16]
ButterfingerBBZ - Another Grey Area Monarch Gangstalking Sock Puppet Exposed [SSGM17]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Any corrections, or information on the Moch mob email
[fb32509] 2025 Jan 25 foxblog3 Secret Hand Signals 4 - Hand on Chin #handsignals #masonic #handonchin
[1] Gallery Screenshot 1

Gallery Screenshot 2
Redacted Screenshot of Grey Area Monarch giving his masonic chin sign.
Scarlet Sage Indexes
Scarlet Sage Index [SSI]
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Index of Posts about Sarah Moch [SSSMIn]
MochStalk 16 - Summary and Index of Sarah Moch's ChildStalking [SSMS16]
Any corrections, or information on the Moch mob email
Posts are posted here first Scarlet Sage Telegram Group
Twitterx threads
Thread on all Scarlet Sage Posts [SSThread] by Ally
Thread on Grey Area Monarch [GAMThread]
Thread on Grey Area Monarch’s Porn Exposé [GAMPorn]
Thread on Sarah Moch’s Childstalking [SMChildstalking]
foxblog blogs
foxblog3 substack [fb3]
foxblog5 current wordpress symbolism blog foxblog5
foxblog1 old wordpress, some great posts [fb1]
Short Background
George Bailey and then the Moch mob attacked me, lied and libelled me for for 3 years. I started this blog after Grey Area Monarch, who used their lies, harassed me, stalked me and then threatened me. This Scarlet Sage blog is a response to being threatened by Grey Area Monarch and attacked by these obsessed and fixated individuals, when I have given ten years of my life to helping survivors and revealing information and perpetrators. No wonder these trolls, psyop, propaganda and intel puppets do not like my posts. All the people that are blogged about on Scarlet Sage about have attacked me first, often many times before I correct their lies.