The last post on this topic GreyAreaMonarch Controlled and Manipulated a Vulnerable Survivor [1] outlined a brief history of the predator luciferian programmer Grey Area Monarch, and the first part of his control and manipulation of a vulnerable survivor by using fear triggers to control her.
This post shows more of his almost continuous stream of lies that he fed the survivor to increase her fear and ensure that she was under his control. GreyAreaMonarch appeared totally obsessed with me and told her lie after lie, falsehood after falsehood.
Grey has been trying to bully me ever since he demanded that I take down my blog posts on Jessie. Such an authoritarian stance as demanding blog posts are taken down is one that few people would even consider never mind attempt to force upon someone and bully them to do what he said. These are the demands and actions of a tyrant.
When I refused, he started his campaign of lies, libels, false accusations against me. GreyAreaMonarch said that he was ”actively talking bad about you and you're on the shit list” and he has done this ever since. A similar scenario happened to survivor advocate and write on the luciferian brotherhood, Veronica Swift. GreyAreaMonarch demanded that she take her blog posts and hers were behind a paywall. Grey was, and is obsessive. He has tried to tear down and bully many, many people since he appeared on twitter. He creates fear wherever he goes.
When GreyAreaMonarch started controlling the vulnerable survivor in November 2023, I knew from my own experiences with GreyAreaMonarch via DM’s, that he was a manipulator and a liar. There was also a sinister undertone of coercion throughout. He appeared to play a good cop / bad cop routine by himself against me. He would also take anything that was said and twist it out of all recognition. That experience showed to me that he was abusive, manipulative and coercive and I eventually had to block him. I delayed blocking him as I thought it would enrage him and exacerbate matters. When I did block him, he started a campaign of stalking and harassment, which was part way through at the time that he started manipulation of the vulnerable survivor.
By this time, I had also seen him behave in a similar bullying, lying, controlling and manipulating manner with survivor advocate Veronica Swift. To try to rid herself of GreyAreaMonarch’s lies and manipulation Veronica felt that she had to release all her DM’s with him so that people could judge for themselves rather than him twist what she had said, see Grey Area Monarch [3]. I had also seen how he had controlled, manipulated and bullied survivor Tom Althouse, [SSGM17]. GreyAreaMonarch gangstalked Tom for over a month with multiple twitter accounts [SSGM17]. Later it became clear that he even coordinated his gangstalking with AI, [SSGM10]. I had also seen how GreyAreaMonarch had physically threatened channelexodus as well as lightgenerator.
Those who have had the misfortune to cross GreyAreaMonarch will have similar experiences.
GreyAreaMonarch and the Vulnerable Survivor
With my own experience of him, and having watched him control and manipulate others and lie repeatedly I knew that GreyAreaMonarch could and would most probably control and manipulate the survivor. I also knew that he was a luciferian programmer. He had told me. I also knew how vulnerable the survivor was.
She was easy prey for him. What I never expected was for Grey to be so obsessional about me, to lie so much, and then, in his twisted desire to target me in public for him to post proof of his own control and manipulation of a survivor. This was in his desperation to try and prop up his false claims that I was a predator, parasite, satanist and whatever else he was fabricating to “talk bad” about. GreyAreaMonarch posted the irrefutable proof that he himself is the undoubted predator of a vulnerable survivor. The DM’s that he himself released are damning to Grey Area Monarch himself.
GreyAreaMonarch’s Shameless Manipulation of the Vulnerable Survivor Continued…
The conversation / lecture / programming resumed and GreyAreaMonarch continued to lay it on thick. His aim was clearly to scare the survivor and to achieve total dominance over her. Just about every sentence is a fabrication, a total lie about me.
GreyAreaMonarch Starts off Lying and Fearmongering
“Playing gatekkeper. [sic] Thinks he’s doing enough writing articles but bad info is mixed in with said articles. Also bad people are supported. Vulnerable survivors end up getting funneled to bad people through Cathy’s blog.
He’s accepted his limits of who he cant speak against and promotes people who knows are frauds to grow his blog… knowing some of the information is bad. Biased since he’s put so much work into it and also receives an income.
I confronted him about it he claims it’s too much work to clean up and gave a bunch of excuses.
Also completely excused attacks on survivor therapists in ISSTD by satanic members and is known to associate with praticing satanists.
I will go through this catalogue of defamatory lies line by line. GreyAreaMonarch, as well as being a luciferian programmer and handler, [SSGM16] is also trained in propaganda and psyops, [SSGM18]. He used that training to completely manipulate and scare the survivor with lies about me. He really was that obsessed by me, because I had defied him and he could not control me, so now he moved on to controlling what people thought of me.
“Playing gatekkeper [sic]
Whatever GreyAreaMonarch meant by that, I am not a gatekeeper. Out of the goodness of my heart, I chose to speak up for survivors after I made a number of FOI requests [3] [4] which showed that what survivors were saying in social media groups was true.
He is fearmongering to the survivor.
Thinks he’s doing enough writing articles
Articles are a start, 1400 plus of them, [4] waking people up. I get many messages of thanks. I do much else as well. This was just an attempt to diminish me.
but bad info is mixed in with said articles.
No evidence given and not true. Fearmongering
Also bad people are supported.
No evidence given and not true. Fearmongering
Vulnerable survivors end up getting funneled to bad people through Cathy’s blog.
No evidence given. Not true. The only time that this happened was when Grey Area Monarch himself controlled and manipulated this survivor that I had helped for months. I was an unwitting accomplice.
He’s accepted his limits of who he cant speak against
No evidence given, total fabrication. I speak about who I want including the luciferian Grey Area Monarch. Fearmongering and wants to give the impression I was under control of someone. Reverse attribution.
and promotes people who knows are frauds
No evidence given. Untrue. Fearmongering. Reverse attribution.
to grow his blog…
No evidence given. Not true. As he is obsessed with Jessie even more than myself, he probably means Jessie. Jessie had probably 250 twitter followers when I first contacted her, and I wrote about her for just over a year. Before I was banned I had more twitter supporters c.19,000 than her and I had stopped contact months before that.
This is very amusing coming from the clout whoring king who wants a big account so that he can demand answers from people ie. bully people. GreyAreaMonarch drops this sort of stuff in to the conversation, as he knows that most people would know Jessie has a big account. When he says something like this it sounds reasonable, but is 100% untrue. Research the facts for yourselves. In fact unlike Grey I do not clout whore, and follow smaller accounts rather than large ones to help boost them. Reverse Attribution.
knowing some of the information is bad.
No evidence. Untrue. Defamatory smear. If ever there is information that I know is bad it is corrected. It is not my job however to alter survivors testimony. Fearmongering.
Biased since he’s put so much work into it and also receives an income.
No evidence. Not true. No income whatsoever, yet another complete lie. I have taken no money, nor do I even have the means set up to take money via the internet. I note that Grey has a Patreon and 4 porn accounts. Reverse Attribution.
I confronted him about it he claims it’s too much work to clean up
He confronted me abusively about many things. He was and is very confrontational. At no time did I say, that “it” was too much work to clean up. I never accepted that anything in my blog was wrong, that I would delete anything, nor that anything needed cleaning up. Nor that it was too much work to do so. Yet more lies and libel. GreyAreaMonarch has a plethora of lies and libels on his twitter which should be cleaned up, but he chooses not to.
and gave a bunch of excuses.
No. I refused on principle to take my blog posts down. Never gave any excuses for not doing so. Much is survivors testimony. Apart from anything else it is a matter of historical record not found elsewhere.
Also competely excused attacks on survivor therapists in ISSTD by satanic members
No. Untrue again. Fearmongering.
and is known to associate with praticing satanists.
No evidence given, Totally untrue. Fearmongering.
There are a dozen or more lies from Grey Area Monarch, trying to tear me down. Control and manipulation of his target, the vulnerable survivor, and on publishing libel, defamation and psyop against me.
GreyAreaMonarch Carries on Lying and Fearmongering…
Grey carried on his propaganda psyop, of almost total lies with the next screenshot.
”In short, Cathy has active satanic alters operating in the background and although puts alot of good info out, also puts out bad info knowingly, and promotes bad people knowingly”.
“Thats how bad people and infiltrators get a foothold in the survivor community. Mostly good info. But the bad info and connections do the most damage”
Nearly every word of this about me is a lie, apart from “puts alot of good info out”. He only said that as it is undeniable.
GreyAreaMonarch dives in with a huge lie.
”In short, Cathy has active satanic alters operating in the background
Complete and utter lie. It’s interesting that in his bid to discredit me he chooses to say that I am survivor. By doing that he discredits all survivors as it shows that he thinks of survivors as damaged first and foremost.
I am not from the system, not from satanic family, not mind controlled, not dissociative, no satanic alters. Grey has completely and utterly made this up for the twin purposes of discrediting me and make the vulnerable survivor fearful. Naturally it would make any survivor fearful who has suffered ritual abuse. Fearmongering and triggering.
and although puts alot of good info out, also puts out bad info
He has to admit that I put alot of good information out as it is undeniable. Then he immediately tries to tear that down with lies that I put bad information out. No evidence, untrue. Grey had plenty of opportunity to tell me any uncorrected bad information in my blogs but chose not to. This is just another fear mongering lie.
No evidence. No bad information is put out knowingly. Another fear mongering lie to manipulate.
and promotes bad people knowingly”
No evidence. Not true. He never told me anyone apart from his rants about Jessie, and I had stopped blogging about her before I fell out with her in April 2021. He is saying this in Nov 2023. Besides I do not change survivor testimony, nor would any responsible blogger or podcaster. Categorically not true that any bad people are knowingly promoted.
“Thats how bad people and infiltrators get a foothold in the survivor community.
Mostly good info. But the bad info and connections do the most damage”
It maybe true that “bad people” and infiltrators do this. I am neither. Grey has already admitted infiltrating various people. Perhaps this was his game plan, but it’s not true about me. Another fearmongering lie to scare the survivor.
Grey Area Monarch Continues On and On with Lies and Fearmongering
I beleive [sic] Cathy to he more negligent than malicious but in my professional opinion, is part of the problem, and allowing evil to have a foothold. Will take orders if it comes down to it. In my humble opinion, this is dangerous in the surviror community. We cannot allow attachments and cannot compromise and make deals with the devil
I beleive Cathy to be more negligent than malicious
I am neither. Note the technique he uses that both are bad options.
but in my professional opinion, is part of the problem,
Which profession? Body launderer? Assassin? Luciferian programmer? Oh it just sounds good, to impress a now thoroughly scared survivor. Professional liar. I am only a problem for luciferians. Is that why Grey has relentlessly targeted me since mid 2023?
and allowing evil to have a foothold.
Untrue. Fearmonger.
Will take orders if it comes down to it.
Lol. No. One of the most absurd things that he has fabricated about me. I have stood up to the most toxic individual I have ever come across, ie. the man behind the fake persona of GreyAreaMonarch, at a high cost to myself, precisely because I do not take orders from him or anyone. I am happy to stand up to him, as he makes false accusations, tries to tear everyone down, gangstalks, controls and manipulates survivors, divides survivors, threatens, lies, libels etc. He says this clearly as further fearmongering to manipulate the survivor.
GreyAreaMonarch appears to be the one under orders. He is used to taking orders, Grey is the one with satanic alters, dissociative, demonic attachments and appears to be under luciferian control as a chaos agent.
In my humble opinion, this is dangerous in the surviror community.
I have never seen GreyAreaMonarch being humble, nor do I believe he is being humble, this is just said for effect. Since he came into twitter he has shown himself to be dangerous to survivors, gangstalking, triggering, traumatising etc etc
We cannot allow attachments
Grey uses the word “attachments” as it is often used with the word demonic, and sure enough the priming is followed by
and cannot compromise and make deals with the devil
Grey is trying to allude that I make deals with the devil. Desperate tactics on his behalf. No. Categorically untrue. Triggering language, fearmongering and another example of reverse attribution.
GreyAreaMonarch Relentlessly Continues Lying and Fearmongering…
One thing I’ve learned…
Many people have good and bad parts
And also that good and bad isn’t as black and white as many think
No matter what conclusion you come to… help is help and if something helped you… that was good.
It is a bit of a mess out here
I’m here anytime. Sorry to overwhelm.
Many people have good and bad parts
“Parts” is used as another word for alters,
And also that good and bad isn’t as black and white as many think
Grey repeated the use of “good and bad” that he had used with “parts” and then linked the phrase to “black and white” some of the deepest programming. Deliberately done.
No matter what conclusion you come to…
The illusion of choice when he has spent ages lying to fearmonger to manipulate her behaviour.
help is help and if something helped you… that was good.
States the obvious but the point was to associate all the help she had received from me, with good parts /alters but to reiterate that there were bad parts /alters. Linguistic trickery.
It is a bit of a mess out here. I’m here anytime.
Trying to give the impression that she could rely on him!
Sorry to overwhelm.
Despite the apology, Grey Area Monarch had quite deliberately overwhelmed the survivor for a prolonged period, with fearmongering and almost total lies. If he did not want to overwhelm her, then he could have chosen not to. He chose to overwhelm her but then pass it off with a faux apology.
Control, Manipulation, Trigger, Fearmongering. Grey Area Monarch has no shame.
GreyAreaMonarch fabricated all these lies about another human being. That is evil. A person who does that in order to control and manipulate an already traumatised survivor is next level evil.
Grey has admitted to being a luciferian programmer and handler and trained in luciferian pysops and propaganda. GreyAreaMonarch ruthlessly executed the control and manipulation of this vulnerable survivor. GreyAreaMonarch induced fear through many statements, and she will have been triggered by his calculated falsehoods that I had satanic alters, demonic attachments, and mixed with practising satanists. He used words designed to trigger her, and propaganda techniques to ensure his modification of her behaviour and ensure his total control and manipulation of her.
The survivor had made clear that she did not want any drama due to her PTSD. GreyAreaMonarch disgustingly did the exact opposite. Grey invented pure fantasy fear porn to re-traumatise her. He overwhelmed her quite cynically with wave after wave of fear.
How could any human being do something like this? Against a vulnerable survivor?
Trauma can cause flight, fight, freeze and fawn and even collapse. When able to do anything she would no doubt fawn ie. court favour by agreeing, cringing, flattering or saying things that she knew that GreyAreaMonarch, who was modifying and controlling her behaviour would like. She would understandably take steps to try to reduce her trauma.
There are so many horrible bits of GreyAreaMonarch’s manipulation but one of the worst is that GreyAreaMonarch had to pretend that I was a survivor to make his mental health slurs that I had satanic alters.
For the record, I was not brought up in the system, I am not a survivor of child abuse, ritual abuse or mind control and I am not dissociative, I have no “active satanic alters” nor any satanic alters. I do not “associate with any practising satanists”. It shows the depth of GreyAreaMonarch’s desperation to control and manipulate that he has had to make all this up. It also shows how he regards survivors - mentally ill and to be exploited. He has no evidence whatsoever of these false satanic claims as none of it is true.
I kept overlooking Grey’s delinquent and aberrant behaviour because he claimed he was a survivor. After he contacted me, I was going to help tell his story, but his aggression, attacks and obvious manipulative techniques soon made it clear that would be a bad idea. I try to give survivors much leeway, as I understand their problems better than most having researched, written about and conversed with many mind controlled survivors over ten years. I have blogged about child abuse for long time, over ten years and more than 1400 posts.
After I had to block him, due to his increasing aggression, Grey started an endless campaign of stalking, attacking, threats and lies about me. This part with the survivor was just a tiny part. Grey’s obsessive posting lies and libels about me continued, often many times a day.
After threats and his attacks had continued for a year and when it was obvious that he would never stop, then I started to defend myself by posting about him. It had reached the stage that even someone who claims to be a survivor has to be called out on their continual abuse, bullying, division, manipulation, control, lies, libel, false accusations and threats. Being a survivor is not a Get Out of Jail Free Card for abusing and attacking others with lies. That stage I reached in June 2024 and the first post to name him was Grey Area Monarch - Tilting at Windmills [SSGM2]. It also became clear that GreyAreaMonarch was a gangstalker with many sock puppet accounts, who attacked survivors and survivor advocates, with one person he gangstalked and gaslighted for a month with 6 accounts. Horrific behaviour. Other patterns of behaviour have also become clear.
GreyAreaMonarch’s behaviour is often the polar opposite of what he says he stands for. He attacks survivors and advocates. The question must be raised as to whether he is in fact a luciferian spy and infiltrator, whose cover story is to be a whistleblower. That scenario appears to have a high probability. If his attacks on others are full of lies how can anyone trust that his testimony is not also lies as well? Could it be that he has a mix of stories he has plagiarised from his dodgy “whistleblowing“ and sockpuppet Organize Safety, plus information from AI and then supplemented by the CIA?
Grey has lied so much about me. He has never produced proof because he never can produce proof of any of the satanic garbage he tries to throw at me. But all the time he is trying to tear me and others down. This is not the behaviour of someone who is against the luciferians.
Quite clearly Grey Area Monarch did not care about this survivor. How do Grey’s supporters justify to themselves all these lies told to traumatise a survivor? How do they justify the lies at all?
These posts are piecing together how Grey Area Monarch actually operates.
GreyAreaMonarch's MO [SSGM20]
GreyAreaMonarch Controlled and Manipulated a Vulnerable Survivor [SSGM25]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 4, His Views on Porn [SSGM26]
The GrEyPorner 5 - SuperPornMan's Response to His Porn Accounts Exposure [SSGM27]
Furthermore he was flashing masonic M signals only two years ago. How do his supporters justify that to themselves?
There was one thing GreyAreaMonarch did tell the truth about. He is ”actively talking bad about you and you're on the shit list”.
He has never stopped doing that. He is totally obsessed with anyone who stands up to him. I will continue to stand up to his bullying, his threats, his hate bombing, his lies and his other aberrant behaviour.
Grey Area Monarch is Unsafe for Survivors
Any survivor is clearly unsafe with Grey Area Monarch. The vulnerable survivor did not want drama as it would trigger her PTSD. GreyAreaMonarch took no notice of that and deliberately gave her drama. He knew that it would have a deleterious effect on her mental health but he cynically went ahead anyway. GreyAreaMonarch revelled in doing it, as could be seen when he deliberately overwhelmed her with wave after wave of fear. Why? What kind of person could do even contemplate doing this?
Grey has also used fear operations against other individuals - we have examined channelexodus where he used fear by physical threat, and lightgenerator in a similar scenario. There are many other individual examples of his fear based ops. Grey triggered another survivor and then boasted about it to his face in public, [SSGM25].
Importantly Grey also creates fear on a mass scale on social media. He is always creating fear amongst survivors with his stories that survivors are infiltrated. He repeats it again and again, and then invents false targets causing more division. Almost anyone who stands up to him he reflexively labels as a satanist. This is utterly deliberate so that he can manipulate people, particularly survivors on a mass scale. He increases fear as he wants unquestioning allegiance from survivors and be seen to be the one taking on satanism. He is the Mr. Divisive and he plays off survivors and survivor advocates against each other.
GreyAreaMonarch’s Core Supporters
What is worrying is that Grey Area Monarch’s core supporter’s have not criticised his behaviour whatsoever. Survivors have been attacked by him and are at risk from him yet his core supporters have kept quiet through all the revelations of GreyAreaMonarch’s gangstalking with 6 accounts, his use of multiple female sock puppet accounts, his slurs about mental health, his gaslighting, his bullying, his use of AI, all his lies, his porn accounts, his luciferian hand signals, his threats, and the revelations about him being trained as a programmer, handler, psyopper and propaganda.
It appears there is no action that he can do for which they will call him out. Not only do they not call him out, some of them join him in with his attacking and the lies. This leads to questions about them. Whilst claiming that they support all survivors they are highly selective about which ones they do support. They certainly do not support all survivors, as they claim. They have attacked several. Furthermore they are propping up dangerous predators such as GreyAreaMonarch as well as people like Jon Uhler whose daughter has given details of his abuse of her.
The propaganda of the people around GreyAreaMonarch does not match the reality. They are allowing him to attack more survivors and they are protecting him. More survivors will be traumatised and more division will occur within survivors the more he is allowed to attack people. Do they not care? How do they sleep at night knowing their lack of action in calling out Grey means more survivors and advocates are at risk from him? They are partly responsible. They are enablers of his abuse.
Further Manipulation of Survivor
Having shown that he had no boundaries to his telling of masses of lies, there is no doubt in my mind that GreyAreaMonarch will have continued manipulating this vulnerable survivor. Furthermore he may well have gone beyond these lies, fear and trigger words. He is a programmer and a handler, NLP skills and judging by his manipulative behaviour, he will have used all these on her, to take absolute control.
The vulnerable survivor will have been severely adversely affected by GreyAreaMonarch’s malicious intervention. Instead of having the support that she had had for 6 months from myself and had been very thankful for, and with which she was improving, this was replaced by a practised malicious manipulator, who exerted control over her. Grey has clearly proved that he did not have her best interests at heart. He was just keen to manipulate her for his own reasons. It is heartbreaking.
As soon as the survivor messaged me, without mentioning who she was in conversation with, I knew that it was Grey that she had spoken to. I indicated that I knew the person she had spoken to was Grey and left the conversation. Suddenly abandoning her to Grey’s clutches was very bad for her. I knew 100% that she did not want, need or could cope with drama or trauma to trigger her PTSD. But I also knew that GreyAreaMonarch would try his utmost to target me through her in real time. He would have actively savoured the opportunity to try to manipulate me, as well as her, knowing that he had a vulnerable survivor in his clutches as a bargaining chip. Even without me partaking in the conversation, he went obsessionally overboard. If I had been involved he would have been ten times worse. I am shocked at the level of trauma that Grey still chose to impose on her despite the fact that I withdrew immediately. By removing myself, it at least prevented the survivor from being piggy in the middle for even more long drawn out drama and trauma caused by Grey Area Monarch. There was no ideal choice and I thought about it for an hour. I removed myself from the conversation, and I am satisfied that it was the least bad option.
I have no hard feelings against the vulnerable survivor, whatever she has said or whatever GreyAreaMonarch has manipulated her to say. I knew from the moment that she said that she was going to unblock Grey that it was a recipe for disaster. She was put in a situation with a predator with no conscience, and it was a no win situation for her. She wanted no drama but Grey gave her an overdose of drama. GreyAreaMonarch deliberately controlled and manipulated her. She will have done the best that she could to survive in an impossible no win situation. She will have tried to minimise the harm to herself when Grey Area Monarch was in control.
My heart goes out to her and all others manipulated by luciferian entities.
All the people in Scarlet Sage have attacked me for months before I chose to defend myself against them. Several now whinge and call me names after their lies are exposed.
Previous Posts in Series
GreyAreaMonarch Controlled and Manipulated a Vulnerable Survivor [1]
Analysis of Grey’s Manipulative Techniques
GreyAreaMonarch's MO [SSGM20]
GreyAreaMonarch Controlled and Manipulated a Vulnerable Survivor [SSGM25]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 4, His Views on Porn [SSGM26]
The GrEyPorner 5 - SuperPornMan's Response to His Porn Accounts Exposure [SSGM27]
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Grey Area Monarch and Porn
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 1 [SSGM22]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 2 [SSGM23]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 3 [SSGM24]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 4, His Views on Porn [SSGM26]
The GrEyPorner 5 - SuperPornMan's Response to His Porn Accounts Exposure [SSGM27]
Grey Area Monarch MO and Analysis
GreyAreaMonarch's MO [SSGM20]
GreyAreaMonarch Controlled and Manipulated a Vulnerable Survivor [SSGM25]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 4, His Views on Porn [SSGM26]
The GrEyPorner 5 - SuperPornMan's Response to His Porn Accounts Exposure [SSGM27]
Previous Posts On Grey Area Monarch
Grey Area Monarch - Tilting at Windmills [SSGM2]
Humpty Dumpty Numpty Georgty and the Fake Terrorist Slur [SSBB18]
Grey Area Monarch's Fake Slurs about Mental Health [SSGM11]
Grey Area Monarch Calculatingly Triggered and Manipulated a Survivor [SSGM12]
Grey Area Monarch Released Private Message in Mental Health Slur [SSGM13]
Grey Area Monarch Doxxed a Survivor [SSGM14]
Grey Area Monarch Luciferian Programmer [SSGM16]
Toxic Luciferian Predator - Grey Area Monarch [SSGM18]
Previous Posts on GreyAreaMonarch’s Gangstalking
Satanic Harassment Symbolism - Full of Bull [SSGM1]
Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
The Gangstalker Grey Area Monarch [SSGM6]
Grey the Gangstalker Stalks Some More... [SSGM7]
Is Grey Area Monarch using AI to Gangstalk? [SSGM8]
Gangstalker Grey Stalks Again [SSGM9]
Gangstalker Grey Uses AI to Bully and Gangstalk Survivors [SSGM10]
Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities [SSGM15]
ButterfingerBBZ - Another Grey Area Monarch Gangstalking Sock Puppet Exposed [SSGM17]
GreyAreaMonarch Gangstalking Ally [SSGM19]
GreyAreaMonarch's MO [SSGM20]
Some posts on Grey’s gaslighting…
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
Grey Area Monarch Calculatingly Triggered and Manipulated a Survivor [SSGM12].
Grey Area Monarch Luciferian Programmer [SSGM16]
ButterfingerBBZ - Another Grey Area Monarch Gangstalking Sock Puppet Exposed [SSGM17]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Any corrections, or information on the Moch mob email
Previous foxblog Posts on Similar Topics
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AI Tweet Generators and AI Social Media Posts [15]
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[1] 2024 Dec 30 Scarlet Sage GreyAreaMonarch Controlled and Manipulated a Vulnerable Survivor #scarletsage #greyareamonarch #control #manipulation
[SSGM20] 2024 Dec 15 Scarlet Sage GreyAreaMonarch's MO #GreyAreaMonarch #PersistentPredatoryPersonality #psychopath #MO #Grey
[3] 2013 FOI Islington White Report
[4] 2013 Jul 22 foxblog1 Castle Hill Report Shropshire County Council
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Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Index of Posts about Sarah Moch [SSSMIn]
MochStalk 16 - Summary and Index of Sarah Moch's ChildStalking [SSMS16]
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Short Background
George Bailey and then the Moch mob attacked me, lied and libelled me for for 3 years. I started this blog after Grey Area Monarch, who used their lies, harassed me, stalked me and then threatened me. This Scarlet Sage blog is a response to being threatened by Grey Area Monarch and attacked by these obsessed and fixated individuals, when I have given ten years of my life to helping survivors and revealing information and perpetrators. No wonder these trolls, psyop, propaganda and intel puppets do not like my posts. All the people that are blogged about on Scarlet Sage about have attacked me first, often many times before I correct their lies.