Grey was exposed on the 14th Dec for having 3 porn accounts. Since then he has not mentioned the word porn, nor admitted it, nor apologised nor denied that the accounts are his.
Grey Area Monarch demands that everyone else has to “take responsibility” when he offers his usually distorted analysis of a situation. Grey Area Monarch is very reticent about taking responsibility for his own actions.
It has been clear for some time that the individual behind the many personas and sockpuppets is a Persistent Predatory Personality. He bears many of the attributes and uses many of the tactics of these damaged individuals. He shows no shame and therefore is a full on PPP who will not improve his behaviour.
Grey’s Response
Grey’s response to the exposure of his 3 porn accounts came a couple of days later. He gave a “non answer”, information free, response which did not answer any of the questions raised in people’s minds from him having porn accounts. Instead it was an attack on the nebulous “evil cowards” who he claimed “spend all their time trying to attack me”.
Counting all these evil cowards who group together and spend all their time trying to attack me and those close is like counting sheep… and I sleep well at night.
I’m sorry for the survivors who have been dealing with it…. and I’m happy to collect as many of these evil cowards and as much of their time as possible.
Better me than the next person. Come get me, you pathetic predators…
Much material in this one tweet.
GreyAreaMonarch Cries “Attack”
“Counting all these evil cowards who group together and spend all their time trying to attack me”
No one attacked Grey Area Monarch, they merely revealed his own hypocritical and harmful behaviour that he had claimed to be fighting against.
Dr. Mitchell says that this type of behaviour is common to dark personalities. She says that when the target finally responds to merciless, relentless, persisting, antagonising and provoking then the dark personality will call it an attack.
That is essentially what happened here. Grey attacks all and sundry by gangstalking with multiple sockpuppet accounts, false accusations, lies, libel, harassment and threats. Then somebody responded with evidence of Grey’s own behaviour and he goes up the wall describing it as an attack. Mythical attackers are dubbed “evil cowards” and “pathetic predators”. It is an embarrassing display, a tantrum from a 39 year old, that most parents would not put up with from their 5 year old. However he does this because it works for him. People are conned by this behaviour.
This post will unravel some more of his tactics so that more people can spot the tactics in the future. Widespread understanding is the key to being safer from these type of people.
GreyAreaMonarch Called People Names
GreyAreaMonarch made 3 gratuitous insults with two outbursts of “evil cowards” and one of pathetic predators”. No details were given to show who he was talking about and no evidence provided on why they deserved these comments. They are just insults and ad hominem comments.
It is not clear why anyone exposing his own poor behaviour in having 3 porn accounts translates into anyone being “pathetic predators”, and the repeated “evil cowards” .
GreyAreaMonarch Takes No Responsibility for his Porn Accounts
GreyAreaMonarch has taken zero responsibility for his own actions. He has not mentioned his porn accounts. Instead GreyAreaMonarch made an attack on the unnamed “evil cowards” who he claimed “spend all their time trying to attack me”. The reason he does not mention porn or his accounts is so as not to inform his supporters of the poor choices he has made.
GreyAreaMonarch Sorry for Survivors Dealing With It
GreyAreaMonarch was “sorry for the survivors who have been dealing with it”.
GreyAreaMonarch does not even dare to mention porn, only “it”. If Grey had taken responsibility for his porn accounts and if he had dealt with “it” himself, then no survivors would have needed to “deal with it”. By de facto refusing to deal with the issue of his porn accounts, Grey hides behind anyone, survivors or otherwise addressing his porn scandal on his behalf. He appears to be the one behaving like an “evil coward”.
The person who addressed the issue was Kaity StellarFox16. Quite why she did is unclear. She did not have to choose to deal with it, nor did she actually deal with it. She just lied and denied that it was GreyAreaMonarch’s user name, when she could have checked with the tiniest bit of research. The question is why does Stellar so obviously lie for GreyAreaMonarch? He may well be lying to her privately, and gets her to lie publicly to save him having to lie more publicly. This is the type of thing that a PPP gets his flying monkeys to do. She could be more controlled.
GreyAreaMonarch Says He Sleeps Well at Night
He said he sleeps well at night, perhaps trying to indicate a clear conscience. However PPP’s do not have a conscience. If GreyAreaMonarch sleeps well at night after his use of sockpuppets, gangstalking, stalking, harassment, threats, false accusations, lies and libel and now his porn account revelations, then that is yet more evidence that he is a dark personality, a Persistent Predatory Personality, PPP.
Talking in general, not about this individual, Dr. Mitchell states that PPP’s sleep well at night even after doing the most terrible things.
“It is about being willing to do what others would not and sleeping like a baby”, even after harming others emotionally, mentally, physically and doing illegal and immoral things in order to get what they want.
GreyAreaMonarch is the Predator Playing Victim
GreyAreaMonarch was exposed as a predator on porn sites and on human trafficking victims, yet he has the audacity to play the victim. He plays the victim of “attacks”. This is standard behaviour for GreyAreaMonarch, and also for PPP’s.
GreyAreaMonarch Reverse Attribution
Grey is the predator and his predatory behaviour is being exposed. GreyAreaMonarch flips this and calls others “pathetic predators”. This is reverse attribution, blaming others for what he himself is guilty of. Grey uses reverse attribution often. He even calls others “evil cowards”, when he behaves as the evil coward.
In GreyAreaMonarch’s tweet below, note all the tactics…
and check them against the tactics of dark personalities / PPP’s. Grey Area Monarch uses 6 of the top ten just in his one tweet.
GreyAreaMonarch Always Casts Himself as the Hero
Unwilling to take responsibility for his own actions, GreyAreaMonarch made himself out to be the hero. He boasts that he is “happy to collect as many of these evil cowards and as much of their time as possible” and “Better me than the next person. Come get me, you pathetic predators…”
Bizarre. One minute he claims to be the victim because he is being “attacked” and the next he is calling on them to get him, no doubt so he can continue his cycle of claiming victimhood.
He was rightly called out as a predator with 3 porn accounts but then pretends firstly that he is being attacked and then that all survivors are being attacked, and that he is saving other survivors by letting them attack him.
No. People are not attacking survivors, they were and are exposing Grey Area Monarch’s lies. He is not saving other survivors, he is hiding behind survivors to avoid apologising for his porn accounts, when he tries to give the impression he is against trafficking. He is also continuing his survivor fear psychological operation, as he is deliberately creating fear amongst survivors, saying continuously that they are being attacked when they were not. It was Grey being rightly called out for his porn accounts and lies. Nothing about other survivors.
He gives survivors a bad name, not only with his continual lies but his aggression, attacks, harassment, stalking, sockpuppets, gangstalking and threats.
Yet Grey Area Monarch tries to make himself the hero!
GreyAreaMonarch Response to Flying Monkey
An hour or so later GreyAreaMonarch responds to a flying monkey’s sympathy with him. For context see later.
Thank you! Yeah I’m good.
They push buttons, but the situation maxxed out way worse a few months ago already anyway… “they” kind of all meld together, grouping together closer and closer…
I’ve been planning another slew of videos, but unmasked, and once i get more eyes on and drop what I’m about to drop, the character assassination will peak anyway… so I need to get used to it. I’m much more annoyed about the stuff they say about Emma… they are trying to scare survivors away from networking in a beneficial manner… most of these people are FMSF adjacent or worse. Thats what this really is about — that type of attack
It will be interesting to see how they handle me talking reasonably and sincerely in this upcoming stuff… they won’t be able to paint me the sae way so easily
I am almost curious what they will come up with next
GreyAreaMonarch Characterises Critics as Small Group
In the first tweet GreyAreaMonarch characterised the mythical attackers as “evil cowards who group together”.
In the above tweet he accused them of melding together, grouping closer and closer together - “they” kind of all meld together, grouping together closer and closer…
The intent of this is to cast all his critics as being part of the same group, a small group and if anything getting smaller. In fact they are are diverse group who as far as I know do not group together very much, and the number of his justified critics are getting bigger and more varied.
GreyAreaMonarch Falsely Links Critics to Nefarious Motives
By grouping them all together, he is able, as he does later in the tweet to link all his critics to a nefarious motive and cause.
“they are trying to scare survivors away from networking in a beneficial manner… “
Of course Grey does not provide any evidence for his false accusation. He does not suggest a method or mechanism by which they are doing this.
Grey’s tactic creates fear in survivors that they are being prevented from talking. This is a deep seated fear, as survivors have been stopped from speaking out for so long, by perpetrators, by society’s views and beliefs, by social media companies and by their programming.
I have fought against this silencing of survivors for many years, giving a voice to survivors and survivor’s views, many anonymously and taking flak on their behalf. I have done this publicly and for far longer than relative newcomer GreyAreaMonarch has been public.
Grey yet again tries to characterise legitimate criticism of his own behaviour into silencing all survivors. Fear tactic and falsehoods.
GreyAreaMonarch Links Critics to Nefarious Group
Grey then links the people legitimately exposing his behaviour critics to FMSF.
“most of these people are FMSF adjacent or worse. Thats what this really is about — that type of attack”
FMSF is False Memory Syndrome Foundation.
Grey uses this tactic quite often. It is a trigger for survivors. Survivors have a deep desire to be believed having been disbelieved for so long, due to a variety of factors. For decades since about the early 1990’s, the FMSF were giving evidence or fabricating evidence against survivors as “expert witnesses” in court and to the mainstream media. False Memory Syndrome Foundation invented the idea of False Memory Syndrome which is not and has never been a recognised diagnosis by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders often referred to as DSM.
Grey uses this history to characterise an exposé about his porn accounts by one person into some form of group attack on all survivors on behalf of “FMSF or worse.” By worse he means satanists. Grey often also blurs the boundaries between “false memories”, FMSF, FMS and satanists in his smears. As far as I am aware nearly all the different FMSF groups have been disbanded, but Grey keeps them alive for his smears.
It’s a cheap shot, an underhand tactic, designed to trigger survivors and increase their fear and get survivors on his side against people which he has now smeared as satanists. It’s completely untrue. It’s nonsense as usual, but appears effective as he uses it often. He has used this defamatory smear many many times against me as well as other survivor advocates.
In survivors’ minds Grey has linked criticism of himself and manipulated it to be associated with satanists and therefore survivor fear. As he is responding to one of his flying monkeys, he does not even have to mention satanists, he just has to mention "FMSF adjacent and worse”, and “that type of attack”.
It’s a very similar propaganda technique as when recently the British Government and press were linking attacks to the far right and “Britain First” a group that no longer existed. In this case Grey does the same with largely if not totally disbanded FMSF, as he knows his target and readers will be susceptible to these stimuli.
Grey Area Monarch Tries to Characterise the Expose as a Gotcha
Another 2 days later, on 18th December, Grey appears to obliquely address the issue again.
People who are worried about “gotchas” versus actual issues. thumb down emoji
This was dealt with in this post, The GrEyPorner 3 [SSGM24].
Again carefully worded, without mentioning porn or the issues, so as not to alert his followers. Again frames it as an attack on him, a “gotcha” and his critics as not wanting to talk about the issues. It’s a factual exposé of his own behaviour, and people very much want to discuss the issues. Reverse attribution again.
Flying Monkey Helps GreyAreaMonarch
Persistent Predatory Personalities usually surround themselves with Flying monkeys, who defend the dark personality… Dr. Mitchell explains…
The following is included for context, but Kaity / StellarFox16 will be dealt with in a future post unless she corrects her various lies so far. Stellar also did a bit more Greynosing and flying monkeying but that will also save.
GreyAreaMonarch does not want to discuss the issues that the exposure of his porn accounts bring up. He therefore goes on the attack and accuses his critics that do want to discuss the issues of just wanting a gotcha, and of not wanting to discuss the issues. Yet more reverse attribution.
Grey also falsely characterised the exposure of his porn accounts as an attack on him, and that the real reason behind it is to silence survivors and because his critics are satanic. It’s a tactic GreyAreaMonarch uses time after time. Every time he pushes survivors fear buttons.
Please learn his techniques. It is not just that he passes off the revelations as a “gotcha”, he turns the focus from his poor and damaging choice of behaviour onto anyone that might have legitimate concerns about all the implications of him having 3 porn accounts. He frames them as only interested in “gotchas” and not the issues.
Grey then gets support of a few of the most obedient clapping seals, who like and repost his comments, including of course the flying monkey Stellarfox16. These are the people that have been taken in by this GreyAreaMonarch persona or worse have been programmed by him. These are the people who are enablers of Grey’s predatory behaviour and abuse.
On the issues GreyAreaMonarch’s own wife had previously said this…
Porn = getting off to women being abused and exploited. This would be like getting off to a chick being raped in front of you. That’s what you are watching. Many of those women ARE being raped - you just don’t know it. Have some respect for women and for yourself, bro. Porn is human trafficking. Stand against it. Stand up for and protect women.
Yet still Grey Area Monarch has not addressed these issues.
It is clear that he does not care about the survivors of human trafficking, both by his actions of watching porn, but also his reaction to being exposed. He cannot be taken seriously by anyone fighting human trafficking and sex trafficking or child trafficking when he beats himself off to human trafficking victims and refuses to discuss it when caught out.
He gives victims and survivors zero respect when he watches porn on THREE accounts, and then he doubles down on that lack of respect in thinking that he can get away with no explanation. He treats them not only with utter contempt, but hides behind survivors by pretending that it is all a plot to silence survivors. Then he makes himself out to be the hero, by pretending that he is taking attacks on their behalf.
A sick man carrying out the luciferian agenda.
Grey Area Monarch tries to give the impression that whatever he does, he is the hero, even when he is the perpetrator. This weeks 2 minute collage meme shows Grey in his SuperPornman suit winning the ironic Scarlet Sage Superhero of the Year 2024.
He achieves this ironic position due to his never ending lies, false accusations, lies, libels, gangstalking and sockpuppet accounts, finishing the year with his porn expose.
Previous Posts on Grey Area Monarch and Porn
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 1 [SSGM22]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 2 [SSGM23]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 3 [SSGM24]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 4, His Views on Porn [SSGM26]
Previous Postson Grey Area Monarch
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Satanic Harassment Symbolism - Full of Bull [SSGM1]
Grey Area Monarch - Tilting at Windmills [SSGM2]
Grey Area Monarch Apoceclipse 2 - Sock Puppet [SSGM3]
Grey's Sock Puppet 2 Dan the AI Part 1 - God's Right Hand 5 Fingers to the Face [SSGM4]
Humpty Dumpty Numpty Georgty and the Fake Terrorist Slur [SSBB18]
Grey's Sock Puppet Attack on Survivor Advocate Veronica [SSGM5]
The Gangstalker Grey Area Monarch [SSGM6]
Grey the Gangstalker Stalks Some More... [SSGM7]
Is Grey Area Monarch using AI to Gangstalk? [SSGM8]
Gangstalker Grey Stalks Again [SSGM9]
Gangstalker Grey Uses AI to Bully and Gangstalk Survivors [SSGM10]
Grey Area Monarch's Fake Slurs about Mental Health [SSGM11]
Grey Area Monarch Calculatingly Triggered and Manipulated a Survivor [SSGM12]
Grey Area Monarch Released Private Message in Mental Health Slur [SSGM13]
Grey Area Monarch Doxxed a Survivor [SSGM14]
Grey Area Monarch Uses Female Sock Puppets to Infiltrate Survivor Communities [SSGM15]
Grey Area Monarch Luciferian Programmer [SSGM16]
ButterfingerBBZ - Another Grey Area Monarch Gangstalking Sock Puppet Exposed [SSGM17]
Toxic Luciferian Predator - Grey Area Monarch [SSGM18]
GreyAreaMonarch Gangstalking Ally [SSGM19]
GreyAreaMonarch's MO [SSGM20]
Grey Area Monarch's Luciferian Hand Signal - The Masonic M [SSGM21]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner [SSGM22]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 2 [SSGM23]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 3 [SSGM24]
GreyAreaMonarch Controlled and Manipulated a Vulnerable Survivor [SSGM25]
Grey Area Monarch - The GrEyPorner 4, His Views on Porn [SSGM26]
Twitterx threads
Thread on Grey Area Monarch [GAMThread]
Thread on Grey Area Monarch’s Porn Exposé [GAMPorn]
Thread on Scarlet Sage Posts [SSThread] by Ally
Thread on Sarah Moch’s Childstalking [SMChildstalking]
Scarlet Sage Indexes
Scarlet Sage Index [SSI] (this post)
Index of Posts on the Predator Grey Area Monarch [SSGMIn]
Index of Posts about Sarah Moch [SSSMIn]
MochStalk 16 - Summary and Index of Sarah Moch's ChildStalking [SSMS16]
Any corrections, or information on the Moch mob email
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Thread on Scarlet Sage Posts [SSThread]
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Short Background
George Bailey and then the Moch mob attacked me, lied and libelled me for for 3 years. I started this blog after Grey Area Monarch, who used their lies, harassed me, stalked me and then threatened me. This Scarlet Sage blog is a response to being threatened by Grey Area Monarch and attacked by these obsessed and fixated individuals, when I have given ten years of my life to helping survivors and revealing information and perpetrators. No wonder these trolls, psyop, propaganda and intel puppets do not like my posts. All the people that are blogged about on Scarlet Sage about have attacked me first, often many times before I correct their lies.